Really struggling with this 'simple' drill....


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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An update to this one fellas,

Went for another lesson last night and told my instructor that I was really struggling with the drill.

He took a couple of videos and my swing was very worrying. My left leg was moving during my backswing and all my weight was going to the outside of my right foot. How did I not know this was happening?

We did the 'feet together' drill and for the first time in my life, I could feel what the arms are meant to do and feel like.

I practised this morning and tried to embed this feeling into my full stance and it worked really well. Still a good few shanks here and there with a tendency to slice the ball, but all-in-all better contact with the ball.

I did ask him about the purpose of rotating the wrists but to be honest got a bit of a wishy-washy answer.

Last night was lesson 4 of 5 booked with him. There is a lady quite local to me who is a Titleist instructor and as I like their philosophy of 'creating a swing for your body' I reckon she'll be my next port of call.

Hitting the ball much straighter now (although 5 iron is only going 150 yards and struggling with longer irons) and much happier than when I originally posted.


Assistant Pro
Sep 6, 2009
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Sounds to me like you could have an instructor teaching the "right-sided" method a la Rod Pampling who is their poster boy for video analysis. If so avoid this style of teaching like the plague. Unless you are devoid of coordination you will be reduced to swinging like Graham Norton with a pink feather duster in his hands and hit the ball just as far. Where are you based?