Practice tee swing look vs on course swing look


Medal Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Hey mates
First hello

Second have a question.

Why is it that our swings look different on the lesson tee versus on the course?I will have a nice conventional look during my lessons and swing practice.During normal play I tend to lose some of that and have a hit early look.Its bizarre since during my lessons and extensive swing work the hit hard and early isn't apparent.Been working on the same swing Theories - coach for easily 3 years now on a daily basis.When I practice I aim for targets and make it as close to real golf as possible.After 3 solid years of work one would think that it would show in the course swing. Why does this happen?Is it one of those predicaments that our natural swing will always be with us?As a side note I've been a long multiple decade ott hit early golfer before I started this change 3 years ago

Honest suggestions ?


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Dec 28, 2018
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I am also playing with the driver shaft lean / backwards lean at address at the minute. I am the same as you where my head tells me to line up the shaft and ball. Not delofted but in line. I am working at trying to get comfortable with it leaning back. I have watched videos on this and they say it helps with launch. Its an interesting topic. pros are the best in the world at repeating an address set up. we as amateurs can look very different on each tee depending on how we want to hit the ball, or search to try and find a swing as we go. I can't imagine many pros have the shaft leaning back or anywhere near where they have it at address. the majority hit down 1.5 degrees. Having the shaft back would massively affect spin loft. the ideal is a slight deloft while also hitting up. tricky to do. To get back to see the original point. I am trying not to worry a whole lot and to how I perceive the face at address. it will be moved way off the ball in the backswing and will be subject to a few different twists from arm rotation and wrist angles during the swing.

Certainly something to work on and could give some nice improvements. interested to see some face on videos of your driver swings to see this in action.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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It does not really matter what happens to the ball on a range so there is no real tension.

However when you get on the course............