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Q-School Graduate
Apr 2, 2008
The land of the long green vegetable
There will always be people like this around and our social system will always screw it up, whether you like it or not. I don't understand how the punishment will ever fit the crime, though. I would vote for dropping them in shark/piranha infested waters, miles from anywhere with a self-inflicted wound. Sorry, over the top, but with two small children myself I get very angry and the last thing I would want is these people still alive to do something like this again.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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Sammebee(?)...Sorry mate you are deluding yourself!
The system is geared toward scum like this and others 'Human Rights'
Point 1..They are not human!
Point 2..Let real parents deal with them(one of the guys mentioned a locked room&no cctv)
Point £..I would volunteer!Anyone else?
Point 4..They don't deserve to live,Or do they?Will they be (unjustly) segregrated....for their own safety??? :mad:


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Im with you on this toyboy54

The criminal justice system is an absolute farce, we have scum like this getting away with a life of luxury in prison, I know a few coppers through golf and they are in despair at the way the judiciary do their part.

I know of geezers who have been properly fitted up by the police but what chance do they have.

Im all in favour of things being dealt with by alternative means and I know that the slags responsible for the death of Baby P will get theirs soon enough.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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It is a mistake that many make.

We do not have a criminal JUSTICE system. We have a LEGAL system. The two are not the same.

A justice system would see the guilty convicted, given real sentences that fit the crime, and see them serve those sentences.

The legal system is a game; a contest between overpaid actors who are concerned more with scoring points off each other than they are with establishing guilt or innocence.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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It is a mistake that many make.

We do not have a criminal JUSTICE system. We have a LEGAL system. The two are not the same.

A justice system would see the guilty convicted, given real sentences that fit the crime, and see them serve those sentences.

The legal system is a game; a contest between overpaid actors who are concerned more with scoring points off each other than they are with establishing guilt or innocence.

I agree with Viscount and I believe the way forward is to campaign to the government to change the law in order that people who commit crimes of this nature never see the light of day, this includes those who aid and abet such crimes.

I dont agree with outpouring of the nations collective repulsion to this crime on any particular web site, especially one that publishes adults and childrens pictures without consent, for other 'invited' people to view, as I believe such energy is wasted and should be focussed on the law makers and bring about change.

I dont mind the spleen venting bit but to encourage it in a unifying manner is not for me, its what leads to mob culture in some cases.Which is why the woman concerned will serve little time then enjoy a new identity and the protection of the state at our expense, because of public attitude that focussed wrongly.


Head Pro
Dec 12, 2006
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It is a mistake that many make.

We do not have a criminal JUSTICE system. We have a LEGAL system. The two are not the same.

A justice system would see the guilty convicted, given real sentences that fit the crime, and see them serve those sentences.

The legal system is a game; a contest between overpaid actors who are concerned more with scoring points off each other than they are with establishing guilt or innocence.

I agree with Viscount and I believe the way forward is to campaign to the government to change the law in order that people who commit crimes of this nature never see the light of day, this includes those who aid and abet such crimes.

I dont agree with outpouring of the nations collective repulsion to this crime on any particular web site, especially one that publishes adults and childrens pictures without consent, for other 'invited' people to view, as I believe such energy is wasted and should be focussed on the law makers and bring about change.

I dont mind the spleen venting bit but to encourage it in a unifying manner is not for me, its what leads to mob culture in some cases.Which is why the woman concerned will serve little time then enjoy a new identity and the protection of the state at our expense, because of public attitude that focussed wrongly.

It is very easy , almost human nature, to react like many on here and want an eye for an eye justice . But that just leads to a society that none of us would like to live in .
The previous posts quoted are spot on .
You should be in government :rolleyes:


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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Andycap...What's wrong with an eye for an eye?

What would you do/like if this was your family!!!???

Not sorry,but I know what I'd like to do to the scumbags!!!
I've seen a guy getting mown down in street car accident where the driver carried on and my ex-missuss tried to help the guy run over....he didn't make it!
He got away with undue care and attention......12 points and jailed for the grand total of 6 months!!

Where's the justice for that family?? :D


Head Pro
Dec 12, 2006
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I too have seen some very bad things for which i consider justice has not been served on those responsible , and if god forbid anything happened to me or mine i would rather have my retribution than rely on justice. I would be prepared to serve my time for that. Rightly we treat life as precious, . But that is easy for me to say as i would probably only do time . Perhaps i might think and act differently if i thought i too would have a lynch mob after me :D