Now that's what I call Darts!


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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I'd just like to congratulate the NASA team for the outstanding achievement of their "Darts" mission.
Briefly reported on in the News, it says a lot about our stupidity as a species.
It should be much more celebrated- an event which has shown we can protect ourselves from annihilation by asteroids , should the need arise.
To hit an object just 500 ft diameter so far away is an immense achievement. Yet it seems not to matter too much to most.
How we have progressed in some respects is amazing. My father was born just after the first flight over the 20 mile wide English Channel. And now this.....not even noticed by many.

Ah, well.... professor Brian Cox was right?
Fantastic achievement. But like Amanda says, we now need to wait to see if it worked.

My only worry is what happens if the weather's not nice when we want to launch one for real? :)