My Swing


Challenge Tour Pro
May 21, 2013
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I posted earlier that i had recorded my swing and id like to know what i can improve as i have a back problem. Im currently playing with a herniated disk so my swing has limitations as you will see so i tend to use my arms a lot but any help would be great.


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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I posted earlier that i had recorded my swing and id like to know what i can improve as i have a back problem. Im currently playing with a herniated disk so my swing has limitations as you will see so i tend to use my arms a lot but any help would be great.

Thought you were Keegan Bradley there for a moment..... 'til I realized you had to click the start button..... :)

Had mine filmed couple of weeks back after being told I was swinging flat...... turns out I was actually over swinging by a mile, not rotating and collapsing my arm and wrist as a result. Had a lesson last week to try and start fixing it (will take a while......), not sure where this has crept in from because I'm sure I never used to do that.... Anyways, now being coached to take it out wider, where you are at the top of the swing, is roughly where I'm being asked to try and get to. I can get there every time in a practice swing, but as soon as the ball is in front of me, even though in my minds eye I'm getting to that point, it appears I'm nowhere close........ the irony is, that with the overswing I can hit a good drive down the middle, but when I get the driver to actually stop where my pro wants it to..... I end up with a slice worst than any I've ever done. Making for some horrible golf at the moment......... understand that it will get worst before it gets better, but....... doesn't make me feel good during a round....


Assistant Pro
Jun 7, 2013
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Hmmm ... beginning to think I need one of these 'herniated disks' you speak of, were you fitted for it?

Sorry :p, am sure an expert will be along shortly with advice


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Very good swing. Short and compact with no great loss of power.
One thing which might help with your back....
If you notice your finishing position.....
If you try and get all the weight on your front foot and up on the toe of your right foot, you will finish in a much more comfortable position putting less strain on the back.
Being you take any divots with your medium/short irons?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I posted earlier that i had recorded my swing and id like to know what i can improve as i have a back problem. Im currently playing with a herniated disk so my swing has limitations as you will see so i tend to use my arms a lot but any help would be great.

difficult to turn with that going on. usually happens towards the coccyx, more the base of spine, this the case with you? or it is the more rare top of spine/neck?

guessing you must have been resting up for some time to take the pressure of the nerve in order to move at all.

golfers I've seen with that going on the best course of action is being referred to sports physio who can give some exercises to both strengthen the abs & the back muscles which then help to support the spinal column a ways better.

tidy swing, tidy posture but am assuming both pretty much as they are here because of the disk issue? guessing you're fairly tall.

so if the posture/back could stand it ..... just a tad less bend in the knees, so from legs locked straight you just 'unlock' the knees rather than bend them.

also if you look at your backs shape you can see that little ways of a 'hollow' in the small of the back there, so the spine more forming a kinda less curved 's' shape.

if your condition allows .... if you get say an alignment rod or your driver place it running up the spine, if you could get the back from the top of the butt all the ways up to the bottom of the shoulder-blades to touch the rod/shaft so that large section of the back including the small of the back is in contact with it so a deal 'straighter' in it's condition, no hollow.

so its just the very top section of your shoulders upwards to the bottom of the neck that don't touch the rod - this top part would be as they are in your address posture here.

this would put a deal less stress on the base of the spine as you turn.
though I get this may not be possible & you may be having to stand to the ball as you are now, as pain is a great re-stricter to what position someone can actually get in to.

anyways anyone can more connect the arms to the turn, although this may not feel it, it for sure gives a golfer an even stronger pass through the strike.

to this, so as long as you could set the shaft angle to 90º with a good upwards set of the left hand (feeling that left thumb setting upwards to point at the sky) when the left arm first horizontal to the ground. that would for sure buy you a little bit of extra clubhead speed.

notice currently here in this swing when the left arm is horizontal going back that angle is a little ways off setting to the full 90º & as you're not able to get to the 'top' as such, it then has no real chance to set further on the final ways back. so getting that left arm to shaft at 90º at left arm horizontal to ground position would definitely help some.

'bobmac' exactly right in what he speaks to about the end of the swing position & what would help to get there which definitely would take pressure off the spine at the end by helping the spine straighten up, if you can get there, plus as he also eludes too would give you a more solid strike, ball first turf after.

one way to think about getting there (realize you may well not be turning fully through though as a protection) is when you at top of your swing feel you put weight back on to the left foot first then start your turn & swing down.
then rather than feeling you have to rotate some more, just focus on a feeling of allowing you right knee to move to get as near to the left knee as you can, this will just pull the right thigh & right hip through a little ways more so the right foot works up onto the toes, so from this back dtl view you'd see the right foot at 90º showing the sole & heel to the camera.

that would allow the back to release & the spine straighten up taking the pressure off the base of the spine, hands could still finish just above shoulder height target side of the body, you don't have to wrap that club around your neck at all, as know that would be what you would be guarding against to protect the back.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 21, 2013
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Very good swing. Short and compact with no great loss of power.
One thing which might help with your back....
If you notice your finishing position.....
If you try and get all the weight on your front foot and up on the toe of your right foot, you will finish in a much more comfortable position putting less strain on the back.
Being you take any divots with your medium/short irons?
Thanks for the reply Bob. I usually get divots from wedges to 7iron but nothing else. Is that a sign of anything? Weight transfer has been one of my real problems for some reason but im working on it.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 21, 2013
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difficult to turn with that going on. usually happens towards the coccyx, more the base of spine, this the case with you? or it is the more rare top of spine/neck?

guessing you must have been resting up for some time to take the pressure of the nerve in order to move at all.

tidy swing, tidy posture but am assuming both pretty much as they are here because of the disk issue? guessing you're fairly tall.
Thanks coach.Im 6'2" and its Its lower back L4/L5. I had an operation just over 3 years ago on the same L4/L5 and L5S1 also. All was well until i played in the KOK at Burnham and Berrow where i noticed the pain in my leg and new straight away it had gone again. Good news is i was due an operation again but through exercise and core strengthening its actually eased off massively. Not enough for me to try full swings but enough to be pretty much pain free the way i play at present.

You have certainly given me something to work and focus on. Big thanks.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks coach.Im 6'2" and its Its lower back L4/L5. I had an operation just over 3 years ago on the same L4/L5 and L5S1 also. All was well until i played in the KOK at Burnham and Berrow where i noticed the pain in my leg and new straight away it had gone again. Good news is i was due an operation again but through exercise and core strengthening its actually eased off massively. Not enough for me to try full swings but enough to be pretty much pain free the way i play at present.

You have certainly given me something to work and focus on. Big thanks.

no problem, good luck with it.

one other thing may help as well as posture, left arm shaft angle plus getting the weight into the left foot as the start to the upper body hands/arms/club starting down.

you may have tried this already, but if turning through impact a ways problematic & getting the weight to the left heel also, just flare the left foot a little ways more to the left, towards the target, allows the left hip to turn out of the way a deal easier, the weight gets to the left heel easier too.
so you can get that right lower side through a ways easier too.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 21, 2013
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no problem, good luck with it.

one other thing may help as well as posture, left arm shaft angle plus getting the weight into the left foot as the start to the upper body hands/arms/club starting down.

you may have tried this already, but if turning through impact a ways problematic & getting the weight to the left heel also, just flare the left foot a little ways more to the left, towards the target, allows the left hip to turn out of the way a deal easier, the weight gets to the left heel easier too.
so you can get that right lower side through a ways easier too.
Will certainly try that. Thanks for your replies its appreciated.