My swing


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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If you go back to have a good look at the 'hinge & set vid' (post ≠14) as well as the 'two guys vid' should help some with how the 'set' works in relation to the arms & body turn going back to the top.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Ok so this has to be better? It's a shorter swing with good tempo. I think it's on a better plane, hopefully all I need to do is sort that left arm flex and I should be somewhere close? Parallel point three seems good although the wrist cock at parallel point 1 is a little short of 90 degrees. I'll keep working on it though. [video=youtube_share;YabHeBCdcOE][/video]
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Ok so this has to be better? It's a shorter swing with good tempo. I think it's on a better plane, hopefully all I need to do is sort that left arm flex and I should be somewhere close?

To be really honest, & you may not really get why I say this first off, but, Forget about the left arm flex, it's not happening over much, but the reason that it's there at all is down to some other movements you are making. The left arm flex is the symptom not the cause. (This swing though better in a lot of ways, swing path on the way back is in much better shape)

So what I'm meaning if you can concentrate on the connection of the arms & the body as they move in the backswing, so you can get that '90º set' around the time your left arm is first parallel to the ground & ball target line. The flex in the left arm will sort itself out.

But if you just concentrate on trying to keep the left arm 'straight' alone, because of the little ways disconnection between arm & body turn currently, that won't just allow you to 'straighten' it, left arm's current shape is a result of a bunch of other stuff. (In any swing motion it doesn't in any case need to be ramrod straight if that's not a natural to a player, just relaxed & reasonably straight to the radius it provides in the swing is a ways constant, so it just doesn't need to break down at the left elbow at the top in a swing motion - yours doesn't really do this anyways)

So the best way to go about stuff going forwards from here would really be to focus on that 'connection-arms/body turn + '90º set at first parallel with left arm (back to those videos to use as visual reference checkpoints so you can check your progress)

Always remembering though these are just 'checkpoints' in a complete "swing motion" that has to be crucially above all else 'in balance' from start to end position.

A good thing to feel this connection & what should happen is to concentrate throughout the swing motion that your left upper-arm is in contact with your 'left pec' (chest) all the way back to the top & then all the ways back through to impact, do this as you let the right arm fold going back, weight kept to inside of the right foot, flex in right knee maintained (right elbow should be pointing to 'ground' at top of backswing)

If you get to pause the 12th June swing at 0.13, you'll see from this dtl a little ways too much hip turn, that's helping currently to facilitate the over rotation in the body & see also how the right elbow 'flies' away from body to point behind you, better for elbow to point downwards then you'll have a better arm/body connection & shorter swing but importantly you will have by doing this 'stored' a good ways more 'power' this will then allow you to importantly keep this power - angle set between both wrists/arms & club a good ways better through to impact.

Currently if you look at frames 0.07-0.08 you'll see your already beginning to lose some of the angles-(set/lag) coming into towards impact, which then puts the hands/clubhead in too straight an alignment, even clubhead a little ways in front of the hands through impact.

Hands & handle to ball first, gives you that forwards leaning shaft through impact which gives you a good solid powerful accurate strike. (Look back to the 'perfect swing 2 guys vid - put a club down with the grip in that position & do some slow motions swings to see the difference in where your hands+handle are going back to where they then are in relation to the grip on the ground coming back into impact, that will help you keep those angles better into & through impact)

What would really help is working on that set & connection (both in Ted's & the 2 british guys vids)

While you're doing this, 'feel' that your hips only turn going back because the arms & upper body connected turn 'makes' the hips turn, that way they won't have a tendency to overturn which is currently allowing the upper body to overturn a ways going back - If you look at 0.07 you'll see how the overturn makes you lean towards target a ways (this is what I mentioned I thought may be happening in post ≠19 having viewed the dtl view, this new face on view confirms that), so the head has moved to front of the ball instead of staying behind it & also the spine angle tilts the wrong ways towards the target.

The spine should be titling away from target at top of the swing - check with the '2 guys perfect swing' and the position he is in at top & you'll see what I mean. A thing good to feel is to concentrate the your weight in the backswing having to stay on the inside of your right foot don't let it go over to the outside of the right foot, & also to help stop the over-swing in the motion is for you to keep your right knee flexed at the top.

All this may seem a whole lot, but if you work through it slowly, you'll get there, the pace of the swing is a ways better as in the back swing path.

Work on points above - the set. connection, solid legs hips at start that then only react to the arms/upper body turn. Work on how the hands/wrists move within the backswing (Ted's vid) to get those angles at left arm parallel then it's a ways easier both to get to the top without the overturns & spine leaning the wrong ways.

It's also then a good ways easier to get back through to impact being able to keep the angles you stored a deal better. All this will help the tempo rhythm & balance as you'll feel with the angles in better shape you'll get a better & stronger strike without trying to swing over hard.

So when you work through this do a lot of slow-mo drills (with that club on the ground, grip in the right position as shown) to help 'feel' the positions & shape of the swing.

When your working through the complete swing with balls it's a ways easier to do so at 70% effort, easier then to 'feel' the changes so start to build in the things you need to.

On those full swings feel the end position in balance & hold it, count to 5 if you can't stay in balance go back & repeat till you can.

In doing these full swings, feel your hands at the finished position (with you in complete balance) end up over the tip of your left shoulder rather than high over your neck with the shaft level & behind the top of your head as it currently is. (0.14) So to you this will make the swing feel move to the left, more 'around' after impact rather than 'up'.

To this point, remember too that a swings motion after impact swings a ways 'left' through the swing motion not just straighter 'up'.

The swing is an inclined circular motion. (so when after impact the right arm is around parallel to the ground & fully extended the hands should be level with the heel line not around the toe line, your chest has turned right ways through - This is why if you stand directly behind, or view a vid of a tour player/good am, that soon after impact the hands/arms & club disappear, pause a vid of a good player here from directly behind you can't see the club - if you can pause your vid at 0.19 you'll be able to see the difference)

So don't worry at all about the left arm, get the other stuff in a little better shape & the left arm will be as it should be.

May seem a whole bunch of things but once one thing falls into shape the rest will soon follow, just takes a tad of working through the s


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Just a quick one as it's on my mobile.
I played 18 today and came in 28 over (handicap) is 21.
I left 15 4 foot putts out there and the three guys that I played with were very complimentary about my swing, tempo, ball striking and direction.
I put two balls in ponds that were blind from where I was playing so I thought I was going to be clear of them. So you can take off 19 shots had I been able to putt and been a bit more aware of the hazards. This is completely down to the advice that I have received on this thread. So thanks to those who have helped this far. I'll probably come back to it in a month or so for a checkup but it's going great at the moment. Hoping for a good score next week after some putting practice. Cheers guys.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Good luck with it, if you keep the practice up particularly with looking at the points outlined, keep checking those against the instruction vids posted, it will help a bunch for sure & you'll get the game in good shape. Play well.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Just a little update on this so far.

Last weekend I played a BB Stableford full handicap and we came in with 50 points. Then on the Sunday I played a BB Stableford with Crow 3/4 handicap and we came in with 35 points. I took a while to get going but had a cracking back 9 and played to my handicap over the 18.

On Thursday evening we have a 9 hole comp which I was 1 shot over after 9 but we completed the 18 and I came in 2 under.

Sunday just gone I played a stableford pro shop comp off the yellows and scored 40 points, 89 shots and my first time under 90 around our course. I missed 3ft birdie putts on 16 and 17 by less than an inch. 16 lipped out and 17 just rolled by the edge.

The swing is really coming together and the results are showing through, I'm playing the best golf of my life consistently.

On 17 on Thursday the pin was middle of the green 278 and I was about 10 foot away from the tee (made birdie) with my 3 wood. On Sunday the pin was on the front and I came up a foot short of the green with the Driver still only about 15ft from the pin but missed the Birdie putt. I've been able to hit my clubs a reasonable e but never stlength for quite a whilraight. That's been fixed thanks to this thread so thanks to all.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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A further update, after a 9 on our par 5 18th in our monthly medal last week I came in 4th on Countback just 1 shot off the leaders and lost third place on countback.

This Sunday I went out in a club Major board comp and still shot a 9 on the 18th. However this left me 4 under and I won the comp. It's my first round under 90 off the whites and it should've been well under really. Really chuffed that it's all come together and it is completely due to the tips that I've received on this thread.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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A further update, after a 9 on our par 5 18th in our monthly medal last week I came in 4th on Countback just 1 shot off the leaders and lost third place on countback.

This Sunday I went out in a club Major board comp and still shot a 9 on the 18th. However this left me 4 under and I won the comp. It's my first round under 90 off the whites and it should've been well under really. Really chuffed that it's all come together and it is completely due to the tips that I've received on this thread.

Congrats, good going there, keep at it & play well :)