My Swing - and a positive change


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Had a lesson 10 days ago to start work on eradicating the lift I have on the downsiwng and loss of spine angle through impact. I've not had a chance to work on it but took the time today to wrok on the drills. The results are very positive and the ball striking was immense. I really felt as though I weas compressing the ball. Although the lift is still there I feel I'm much more "over it" than other videos I've posted. I'm focussing on keeping the hips more level on the way back and turning them level through impact as opposed to a more lateral slide.

I'm pretty pleased with the takeway and look pretty on plane both halfway back and halfway back through to impact. Definitely a move forward and I just need things to go my way a bit so I can get some time back out on the course.

Any comments on the swing


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
Looks a lot smoother Homer.

Watching the video It looks to me as you should have a tendency to top the ball as you still have the lift on your downswing and followthrough.
Trouble is, I think if you do get the habit of keeping down on your follow through you may see yourself hitting some fat shots.

Hope I'm wrong mate.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Knowing what you have to got to work on is half the battle. I saw a picture of MAJ on here the other day, and he keeps his head still through the shot an incredibly long time. Think you should work on that, although perhaps not the rest of his swing. Just a thought.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Looks a lot smoother Homer.

Watching the video It looks to me as you should have a tendency to top the ball as you still have the lift on your downswing and followthrough.
Trouble is, I think if you do get the habit of keeping down on your follow through you may see yourself hitting some fat shots.

Hope I'm wrong mate.

Funnily enough topping is the least of my problems. I can think of one 3 wood off the tee a few weeks back but can't remember the last time before that. It'll be interesting to hit off grass rather than a range mat and see if I do hit it heavy. However if I can catch it as flush as regularly as today I'll be grinning for weeks.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 15, 2009
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It is so hard to keep your head still when you are leaning so far forward. Find yourself a good coach and get your posture sorted out. Your club doesn't flatten out on the down swing it get's steeper. Does the coach you are using use video analysis? If not find one who does and get these things sorted.

You spend time practicing and money on lessons. In my opinion one of these is not working for you and it ain't the practice.



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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It is so hard to keep your head still when you are leaning so far forward. Find yourself a good coach and get your posture sorted out. Your club doesn't flatten out on the down swing it get's steeper. Does the coach you are using use video analysis? If not find one who does and get these things sorted.

You spend time practicing and money on lessons. In my opinion one of these is not working for you and it ain't the practice.


He is a good coach and we do use video analysis. I didn't think the posture with the exception of softening the knees a tad was too bad. The guy was watching me in the next door bay during a break in his lesson and he didn't have any issue. The only thing I would say was the video was taken after a two hour session and so fatigue was kicking in. The shot itself was really pure and clean.


Money List Winner
Jan 14, 2008
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Night and day from your swing a while back Homer which looked like a wrecking ball on acid, a lot more solid keep it up fella.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 15, 2009
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The only thing I would say was the video was taken after a two hour session and so fatigue was kicking in.

How many balls did you hit in 2 hrs? 2hr in a driving range seems a bit excessive. 2 hrs practicing your whole game (short, long and putting). In my opinion good posture is the key to a good swing. These are things you can't let slip even after 2 hrs. If you bend to much from the waist you will be top heavy and in stead of swinging in balance you swing to be in balance, by that I mean your body is constantly making adjustments so that it does not fall over.

You just look as though your weight is more on your toes and you have to lift your body up on the follow through to get back in balance. I say this as this was my main problem when I started back playing 2 1/2yrs ago. CURE get my posture better and in balance, when you get your balance right, lots of other little problems disappear and you can then start work on your swing full out. Sorting this also helps right through your game chipping putting etc.



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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The only thing I would say was the video was taken after a two hour session and so fatigue was kicking in.

How many balls did you hit in 2 hrs? 2hr in a driving range seems a bit excessive. 2 hrs practicing your whole game (short, long and putting). In my opinion good posture is the key to a good swing. These are things you can't let slip even after 2 hrs. If you bend to much from the waist you will be top heavy and in stead of swinging in balance you swing to be in balance, by that I mean your body is constantly making adjustments so that it does not fall over.

You just look as though your weight is more on your toes and you have to lift your body up on the follow through to get back in balance. I say this as this was my main problem when I started back playing 2 1/2yrs ago. CURE get my posture better and in balance, when you get your balance right, lots of other little problems disappear and you can then start work on your swing full out. Sorting this also helps right through your game chipping putting etc.


I only hit 100 balls over that time and there was a 20 minute break for a cup of tea. Of that 100, 20 or so were warm up half wedges and so only about 80 shots in total. I tended to step of the mat after every shot, rehearse the drills, rehearse the full swing, go through my set up and swing. So more time practicing than hitting.

I understand what you are saying but were you to draw a straight line down from behind the shoulder it actually lands on the ball of my foot and so is pretty solid. I have had some issues with loss of balance and did have a balance rod with me but never felt there was an issue.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Bob (in particular), I've been fretting about the set up position and whether I am leaning too far over. I actually felt quite tall at address and whilst the knees could be more flexed the position on V1 looked good. Any views


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I think at address you could relax a looks a bit tense and false.
But as a positive, look at your shaft below approaching impact
V.Good :)



Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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The shaft position is fine, but that really is cherry picking. What goes before, after, during, not keen. That said, I don't like my swing either.


Head Pro
Mar 17, 2010
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My observation and it sounds as if you have had problems in the past I am not aware of, so this is just on your offering on this thread - at set up your glasses rest on the yellow and black post with your legs straight but nature is wonderful and a) lifts your head to the correct position at impact b) moves your head back over your body at impact and c) bends your knees at impact.

I would suggest the above happens without your thought input or you would have started from this position SO start as you finish ... that is the message from me!

Good luck!


Q-School Graduate
Aug 15, 2009
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at set up your glasses rest on the yellow and black post with your legs straight but nature is wonderful and a) lifts your head to the correct position at impact b) moves your head back over your body at impact and c) bends your knees at impact.

I would suggest the above happens without your thought input or you would have started from this position SO start as you finish ... that is the message from me!
I couldn't have said it better, I stand by what I said swinging to be in balance, not swinging in balance. Your stance in the picture above would be almost perfect. Shoulders, knees and toes all in line.


Nov 18, 2008
Birmingham UK
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Sometimes we get so bogged down with so many technical thoughts and ideas about the swing and how it should be, what we should be doing, what we shouldnt be doing etc etc.

The golf swing itself is very simple concept made complicated by man and mind. Theory is great but doesnt always deliver in reality which can prove very frustrating. So many pro tips out there which contradict one another...enough to destroy a perfectly robust swing.

Having seen the video it seems that the spine angle is not being maintained throughout and I think this is due to the take back and you seem to be almost hitting the ball with your right side rather than swinging through the ball.

Of course...none of this realy matters because if you are comfotable with the swing and it does the job...thats all we are ever looking for.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I can't get my head round the way you work on your swing (bit like putting new windscreen wipers on a car that has no engine or wheels) but then that's down to you and not me, so fair do's.

Once you address the major issues ALL of those little changes you keep making will have to be changed again to fit your NEW swing.... or you stick with what you have and keep applying more tweaks until you've run out. As long as you are enjoying it I guess that's all that counts... and you probably enjoy it more than me right now so who am I to complain :D

I think you need to get into a better posture at address, bum back a bit and flex those knees. Spine angle looks OK.

You actually get the club on a better plane going back, the overswing isn't so severe (if memory serves) and from that I'm thinking you haven't got quite so far into your right side as you used to... maybe

I happen to really like the position you get to at the top...


... but that's where it ends. Your head starts to raise and move backwards at the same time, you fall back off the shot, spine angle is completely lost (same old, same old) you don't turn your hips... etc etc.

So some good bits and some 'expected stuff' too.