My New Golf Blog -

I think people writing these blogs aim a bit short. If it is possible to go from chopper to scratch within a reasonable time frame, then you are doing yourself down. Why stop? Set higher sights. Reach for the stars and if you fail, you might reach the moon. I am thinking a minimum of two majors. The Masters can't be that hard, it is a glorified invitational after all, and the PGA is an end of season jolly. That would be a blog worth reading.
Not a popular opinion it would seem but I'm one who thinks these type of blogs are nonsense. Want to get to scratch from 18 or whatever? Great, go do it, don't bore the world along the way.
Good luck to the OP, nothing wrong with setting a stretch goal and no reason it can't be achieved regardless of starting age.

As others have alluded, getting to single figures isn't that difficult if you have the motivation, time to practice and a modicum of ability but pushing on through cat 1 to scratch is a real challenge. Often in these blogs I think there's a naivety about a high handicapper who hasn't quite appreciated how exponentially harder it gets to keep coming down as your handicap reduces. That said, I've seen some take those last few shots off quickly in a season so it can be done.
Good luck with the quest, if that trackman picture I saw on the website was you carrying the driver 275+ then you certainly have the potential and given good practice, the coaching you have planned, plenty of comps I would not be surprised to see single figures this year.

Hope it goes well for you, will drop into the blog and check your progress from time to time.
Good luck with the quest, if that trackman picture I saw on the website was you carrying the driver 275+ then you certainly have the potential and given good practice, the coaching you have planned, plenty of comps I would not be surprised to see single figures this year.

Hope it goes well for you, will drop into the blog and check your progress from time to time.

For 18 hc to be over 300+, stop practising that and start practising on approach play and/or short game, cos something doesn't add up?
For 18 hc to be over 300+, stop practising that and start practising on approach play and/or short game, cos something doesn't add up?

Fair point, although hitting it long requires accuracy there's no doubt you have to strike it good and put it in the right place to go low.
But Tam has got pics of himself working hard on short game on the blog. Using the putting template etc.
He's going to achieve a lot if he can take it to the course under pressure.

I played against a chap who was off 21 in the h/c k/o last year who hits it seriously long. I was 4-up with 4 to play and lost on the 19th, he was -3 under for those 5 holes and I was giving him 3 shots, he went on a hot streak and put it in the right places - and that's how you put a good score together.
I was (still am) a bit gutted but pleased for him, it was pretty good and I couldn't keep pace with him and get a half - always next time!
To depress everyone I play golf with this guy and his 12 year old son plays off 4

hats off to him

This was my original point at the start of the thread. Good luck to the guy, absolutely no harm in trying (although personally I'm not interested in reading about it) but getting to scratch is a fantastic achievement and very few people who take up the game a bit later in life actually achieve it. His son has a very good chance though!
The amazing thing about modern media is you decide what you follow and dont follow. If people love doing it - and enjoy the creative side of it - I hope there are millions of blogs. Good on them. If it makes them happy they win regardless of if they get their target.
It's good that you think he has sod all chance. That vindicates his decision to go public with it, with people being convinced he can't.
One assumes he knows what he's taking on - his coach has good credentials and I suspect more thought has gone into this one might be aware of.
Most likely he's only going to use your negativity to boost his determination.

I'm not sure what his "real" starting point is though, he says he's 20 now, but is that his first handicap?
How long has he been playing? What's the background?
Had a quick look at the blog and didn't see anything about that.

I'm hoping he makes massive progress and gets to single figures by the end of the year...
If he got from 20 to scratch inside 3 years I'd personally tip my hat - standing ovation.

To be fair that is a great point. I will put up a background page on the blog to fill people in.
Thanks for the interest everyone good and bad. It isnt a look at me thing. It started as an experiment to get to grips with running a blog, using social media tools and getting to know how to link all these up and seeing how organic growth is achieved. The best way to do that is pic a topic that you love - golf. So after winning a national amateur tournament off 22 last year I decided that I can be better and that will be my topic. wasnt very catchy so twenty2scratch was born in December and away we go. I dont care if 10 people take notice or 10 million. Its more fun if 10 million do and I will also retire a social media millionaire - however thats not the goal. The goal is to get better at golf, get better at writing and get better at social media.
Good luck in Dubai, would absolutely love to go out there and play golf. Mere's a fantastic place to play golf too, had a work social event there last year and loved it. The 18th is a hell of a hole, especially when the pin is right at the back of the green.
New About Me posted for those who cared -

Ha-Ha! Small world... I qualified for the BMW final at St Andrews, but it was on my wedding day!
Made 5 birdies on the back at Grove to qualify! And I was drinking! LOL

You got lucky... I would definitely have won the final ;)
Congratulations fella, hope Dubai goes well for you.
so you are an absolute bandit then judging the wins;)

hope you have forwarded the cards to your clubs Handicap sec for handicap adjustment :rofl::rofl:
? Your club cut you on the scores or the comp is a HC qualifier ?

After the win in St Andrews I went from 22 to 20.1 then that was the last competitive round I played. Then last couple of weeks I was cut from 20.1 to 17.7 based on an annual review of my play apparently. Im happy though thats the plan!
After the win in St Andrews I went from 22 to 20.1 then that was the last competitive round I played. Then last couple of weeks I was cut from 20.1 to 17.7 based on an annual review of my play apparently. Im happy though thats the plan!

So the comp at St Andrews was a qualifier and good work from the Committee by adjusting you at AR - and also well done for the win and good luck in dubai