Mini Blow-ups

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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I need some thoughts on this as I'm running out of ideas.

Over the past few months I've lost count of the rounds where I've got off to a good started had a mini blow up on a couple of holes, then my game returns to normal after that. Buy by then the damage is done.

By example. Sunday. 5 under my handicap standing on the 14th Tee (par 3), 5 over walking off the 15th green (par 4). Both relatively easy holes.

There doesn't seem to be any pattern. It's not one particular shot or situation. Sometimes it's a dodgy drive that starts it, sometimes it's a duffed chip or hooked\sliced iron etc.

I don't feel I'm getting angry or stressing when it happens. I stick to my normal pre-shot routine. I take my medicine and get the ball back in play rather than try a miracle shot. All the things I'm supposed to do.

But it seems once I make one mistake, there's more to follow.

Any suggestions ?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I've been making a habit of chucking a couple of double or treble bogies (or worse) per round amongst an otherwise consistent round. Always just enough to bust the buffer zone and ensure 0.1 back. If you find a solution let me know


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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My only thought from what you say is don't be so aware of your score relative to handicap. I wouldn't know I was 5 under at the 14th - sure I'd know I was playing and scoring well but would really try and stay in the moment and focus on each shot on its merit rather than what it may or may not mean to my overall score.