Medicus power meter


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I had the latest in a series of lessons on tuesday night. I've hit pretty much nothing but 8 irons since before Christmas, and for some reason, Tuesday was supposed to be the night I ramped up through the bag. My 8 iron has been going really well, nicely on plane, not chucking it from the top, etc. I figured we would work up to a 6, then 4, etc.



Jeez, that didn't work. It's so unweildy, I have no idea what's going on. My coach thinks I'm hitting it really badly because I'm not swinging hard enough. Probably true, as with a 45 inch shaft, as opposed to an 8 iron, I'm clueless. So he goes and gets his medicus power meter.

This is a device which clips onto the shaft below the grip, and registers club head speed. You have to enter the length of the club, and your height, and then it works out an impact speed. I have no idea how accurate it is, but it gives a useful comparison.

I know that three years ago, I had a driver swing speed of 96. I'm struggling to get any where near that using this device, and my ball flight is all over the shop. Eye balls out, I get one at 97 mph. Not pretty. I figure the gadget doesn't work, so my coach has a bash. 117 straight off, in leather soled shoes. We are the same height, and now have similar swings. I'm just swinging it like a pathetic twit.

Regardless of how accurate it is, it does put a stick in the ground, so that you know where you are. Swing faster, and it'll give a better read out. Swing like a .... And you'll know. Quit on it, and the numbers don't lie.

So I bought one. £51 delivered.

What I have now found, is that I'm swinging my 3w consistently at 98 mph, with the odd one at 100, and my driver at 94. The difference is silly, but I can really feel that I'm hitting my 3w, and not hitting my driver. The numbers back this up.

Yes, a 3 bays or swing guide will give you these numbers, but at a cost, and yes, you can buy a radar device for nearer £90, but at £50, this does what I want, at a throw away price.

Rumour has it it will eat batteries (2032s), so the best bet is to remove them if you're not using it for a few days. Or nick batteries from work, so they're free.

I now need to work on getting my driver swing speed up, as currently there is no point in putting it in the bag.

I shall dial in my 6 iron tomorrow, and see what number that gives, as I figure I'm lashing that really well. If that's pathetic, I may have to give up golf!

The device does effect the swing weight, but after a few swings you just ignore it really. The buttons on it are a bit naff, and take a few pushes to get to work (why they used a silicone mat and not tac switches I have no idea), but it's easy to fix to the shaft. The display is also a bit dim, which in poor light is a bit pants, and some of the text is a bit small for those of us who are getting on a bit. The numbers are fine though.

Overall, for £50 it does what I want. A stick in the ground, a point of reference, a measure of ineptitude.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Will read the rest of the thread now.......................... :p

Not as odd as it sounds. He likened it To swinging a conker on a string. If you don't swing it fast enough, it's never going to get the string taut. Well, that's me. Just nasty flat hooks, with no real power. I'm just not committing to the shot, and cant bring myself to just hit the flipping thing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Not as odd as it sounds. He likened it To swinging a conker on a string. If you don't swing it fast enough, it's never going to get the string taut. Well, that's me. Just nasty flat hooks, with no real power. I'm just not committing to the shot, and cant bring myself to just hit the flipping thing.

Aye,.. you have to swing from the middle not from the outside. Swing the grip thru the ball, not the clubhead.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I thought for a minute Murph had morphed into Timgolfy and power and distance is key to single figures

Clearly it isn't, as I'm there already, but more club head speed is good. It just is. Who wouldn't want to hit it further? If the whole swing change bit is to get a more repeatable, efficient swing, then more distance, more club head speed should be a given. It's part of being more efficient.

But not yet with a driver!


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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My pro said to me last year I should be hitting it harder, apart from a brief range session I have ignored him because I am hitting it well. More yards would be nice, but I'm not about to go looking for them when I'm playing the best golf of my life.

I have to say Chris, what you're going through sounds more like torture than a swing rebuild. I hope it is worth it in the end.