Mats (tees and fairway mats) for Q scores

Does your Club try to maintain a Q course during the winter (not necessarily 100%)

  • YES with Compulsory use of fairway mats

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • YES without Compulsory use of fairway mats

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • NO - the return of acceptable scores is suspended

    Votes: 17 56.7%

  • Total voters
Our Match & H/cap team has come up with a novel way of getting into Q Golf when the course is not quite there yet, as we've preferred lies as well as pick clean & replace. Many Members would be reluctant to engage in Q-Comps as they are thinking in the past & consider the course to be unready for 'proper' golf.
Comp T's & C's include..... you can sign up for a Comp which is None-Q but can also submit a General Play at the same time. Should you decide to just do the Comp so that new Members can get their 5 Comps in, in order to play in the Club KO's then if you have a Net Par round it will be added to H/cap.
A neat compromise under the current situation.
If I understand correctly... What you describe is contrary to the rules of handicapping and should not be happening. The course is either fit for submission of scores for handicapping or it isn't.

If fit, per the rules of handicapping, all competition rounds (in an acceptable format and played by the rules of golf) are automatically considered pre-registered for handicapping and scores must be submitted. In other words, competitions cannot be declared 'non-qualifying'.

If not fit, then scores can not be submitted. If this means new members cannot get enough scores in to enter knockouts - too bad. Don't like it - change the terms of competition.

The committee also does not have the authority to cherry-pick what scores get submitted - this practice undermines the system.
Our Match & H/cap team has come up with a novel way of getting into Q Golf when the course is not quite there yet, as we've preferred lies as well as pick clean & replace. Many Members would be reluctant to engage in Q-Comps as they are thinking in the past & consider the course to be unready for 'proper' golf.
Comp T's & C's include..... you can sign up for a Comp which is None-Q but can also submit a General Play at the same time. Should you decide to just do the Comp so that new Members can get their 5 Comps in, in order to play in the Club KO's then if you have a Net Par round it will be added to H/cap.
A neat compromise under the current situation.
So they are returning a general play score without pre-declaration?
if you have a Net Par round it will be added to H/cap. A neat compromise under the current situation.

LOL, I really don't believe this, all winter we have had discussion about WHS and how people are manipulating handicaps and this is happening in club comps.
Our Match & H/cap team has come up with a novel way of getting into Q Golf when the course is not quite there yet, as we've preferred lies as well as pick clean & replace. Many Members would be reluctant to engage in Q-Comps as they are thinking in the past & consider the course to be unready for 'proper' golf.
Comp T's & C's include..... you can sign up for a Comp which is None-Q but can also submit a General Play at the same time. Should you decide to just do the Comp so that new Members can get their 5 Comps in, in order to play in the Club KO's then if you have a Net Par round it will be added to H/cap.
A neat compromise under the current situation.

How can the competition be a Non Q competition yet the course be playable for handicap cards ?

That’s not a compromise that manipulation of the system

And how on earth can someone get a “net par” added to their HC
Sadly it is not the system that is wrong it is the application by Handicap Committees.
Given the effort that has recently been made to upskill and refresh committees knowledge of WHS that has been put in by counties, this basic misunderstanding is very sad to see. Is this the tip of the iceberg? I really don't know. My county held 4 seminars in person and via zoom at differing times and locations to give maximum opportunity for Clubs to attend the recent WHS HC workshops but nevertheless we only spoke to 25 out of 40 clubs, reaching out to the others is proving difficult but we will continue trying - perhaps they are perfect and don't need it, perhaps not.
Yeah.... I can only agree that this is a bit of a head-shaker as I had no idea that it was going to be so, as my term as Club Captain concluded some 2 weeks ago. Thanks for your contributions.
Sadly it is not the system that is wrong it is the application by Handicap Committees.
Given the effort that has recently been made to upskill and refresh committees knowledge of WHS that has been put in by counties, this basic misunderstanding is very sad to see. Is this the tip of the iceberg? I really don't know. My county held 4 seminars in person and via zoom at differing times and locations to give maximum opportunity for Clubs to attend the recent WHS HC workshops but nevertheless we only spoke to 25 out of 40 clubs, reaching out to the others is proving difficult but we will continue trying - perhaps they are perfect and don't need it, perhaps not.
It’s the tip of the iceberg. Hear horror stories from a mate of mine at his club. The handicap secretary there is worrying about the women changing a par 4 to a par 5 because he thinks it gives them an extra shot in mixed comps.
It’s the tip of the iceberg. Hear horror stories from a mate of mine at his club. The handicap secretary there is worrying about the women changing a par 4 to a par 5 because he thinks it gives them an extra shot in mixed comps.
He shouldn't be worrying about things like that, just needs to follow the guidance from the appropriate authority!
The members at our club are told to use mats but the visitors/societies leave the fairways in a state. I mean if you take a large divot why not put it back?
What makes you think it's only visitors that don't replace divots? The requirement should be part of the intro or registration process too! And I've seen plenty of birds, magpies particularly, flip even old replaced divots searching for worms etc!
Fair question. Firstly I play in all comps through the winter and with lots of different members each week. Through winter we use mats everywhere except deep rough so it would be obvious to see if someone was not using a mat.

Secondly play after a large society and you’ll find divot stricken fairways. Some had been told if they don’t have a mat to move into the 1st cut and play from there but clearly they don’t or maybe I and other members are making it up.

On a more positive note it’s spring and so no more mats so this discussion is over 😂🤣😂 till next winter.
I wouldn’t play in a qualifying comp where mats are a requirement but I’m fortunate we have two course and no mats (other than some temp tees).