Masters Coverage - Shame about Linekar


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
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Is it just me or do the un-informed, banal mumblings of Mr Linekar make you wish Sky (or maybe YouTube?!) had the Masters coverage? Yesterday's analysis of Tim Clark's madly brilliant putt on the last was a prime example. He didn't have a clue.

Sorry to sound so "grumpy old man" but why don't they have a proper golfer covering the event?


Agree - what happened to Steve Ryder, not really a golfer either but carried a much better golfing panache tha Lin-acre.
Ken Brown is the star - the enthusiasm is infectious, Alliss is just Alliss, Torrance is good if a bit of a Tiger suck-arse, Wayne Grady is good on the mic but hopeless on the screen. Beeb should get Richard Boxall on the team.
Just seen Tiger's air shot, will probably now use back ache as an axcuse when he loses!


Assistant Pro
Sep 19, 2006
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I agree. Lineker is absolutely hopeless. He acts as if the whole thing is about him, he keeps interrupting the people he's interviewing and generally making badly timed, misplaced comments. Get rid of him BBC.

I think Sergio Garcia would have stood a better chance of making the cut if he hadn't shown up yesterday dressed as an EasyJet air steward.


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Apr 1, 2007
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i'm not a fan of lineker per say, but i don't think he does the worst job in the world, and after all, he plays of 4 himslef so he's no slouch with the sticks! Who could fill his shoes ? Not the men from Sky as they command big money, not Faldo as he is working with the CBS, I think the beeb missed a trick and should have got Woosey to help out when he withdrew from the tournament.


Hazel Irvine is a better anchorperson than Lineker. Lineker is good at match of the day but lacks a certain 'je ne sais quoi' for golf, his winner interview of Tiger after Hoylake was painful.
Re SERGIO I agree, he is a terrible fashion victim, his golf seems to be going the same way as his sense of style. He was one of the first who buttons right to the top on a polo shirt, to me this is worse than farting on someone's backswing! His outfit at Hoylake is the worst yet but yesterday's offering was dire too. After his recent salivary deposit incident I have gone off this over-hyped also-ran very quickly.


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Jan 15, 2007
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Agree with the Hazel Irvine comment. She listens to her interviewees. Lineker seems to be thinking about the next pre-set question his producer has offered into his ear whilst ignoring any comment made to him. He did the same with Peter Alliss and Sam Torrance again yesterday after they had made interesting points which should have been followed through.

But then again... he was a I dare say we shouldn't expect too much wit or intelligence from him.


Nov 6, 2006
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Have to agree with general anti-Linekar chat - he's just a bit disappointing, not disastrous but Masters and BBC deserves something so much better. Commentary team is excellent though - Alliss is the voice of golf, Torrance great if so pleased with himself, Grady what a voice and Ken Brown is the king!


Feb 11, 2007
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Not so much Linekar, but the fragmented coverage due to the Americans needing to put in an advert every 4 minutes. Notice how many times they have to withdraw from showing play, only to give us the scoreboard yet again, and then have inane chatter. Somehing Linekar is good at because they can pad a 90 minute football match to 2 & a half hours. All we need now is Lawrenson, and that awful Alan Hansen.

Listen carefully and you can spot the angst between Peter Allis and Linekar, Allis it is alleged can't stand the guy, just listen to the repartee, it isn't there, hence the interruptions all the time when Peter is saying anything sensible. Also the body language when they are on screen together.

Regards Sky having the coverage, no thanks, we will get American commentators, and along with the golf they tend to rabbit on a about the "Game" last night, and tell us about a sport nobody else in the world plays, let alone cares about. Bad enough having to put up with the American camera crews showing all their pri-madonna's most of the time.

The Beeb does a good job, just watch our own coverage of the sport, and the difference is amazing. Hazel Irvine, the new Sue Barker I think.

Sun is shining, and a course bekons.



Assistant Pro
Nov 1, 2006
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Re: Masters Coverage - Shame about linekar

I think Sergio Garcia would have stood a better chance of making the cut if he hadn't shown up yesterday dressed as an EasyJet air steward.

Very good- what a horrific outfit.

I think every one (apart from the Beeb bosses) is in agreement about Lineker, he should stick to what he knows.


Assistant Pro
Nov 1, 2006
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Re: Masters Coverage - Shame about linekar

He's an lying, cheating, oily man. But then aren't most footballers. The BBC are only paying him because he's under contract and there's not enough football for him to cover. I hope he'll get the push and let a golfer do the honours.


Re: Masters Coverage - Shame about linekar

re the comment abour Alan Hansen, he is actually better at golf than Lineker, plays off 1 or 2 now and by all accounts could have been professional but opted for football instead.
Trying to imagine how his critical analysis would sound for golf. "SHOCKING PUTTING... CASEY HAS GONE TO SLEEP....DIABOLICAL DRIVE" etc etc.
His 1990 world cup gaff when he suggetsed some defender 'should have been shot' for fluffing a clearance only a few days after a Colombian defender actually was shot about 12 times for scoring an own goal was slightly misplaced!