Link/Overlap ???

CC07 of Bunkersaves

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  • Bunkersaves

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I couldn't imagine overlapping. I used the interlocking grip as soon as I picked up a club, the person I first played with was surprised at this come to think of it. It just felt safer.
Always used to use interlocking, but in my first series of lessons I was told to go to overlap to help cure my slice because I wasn't releasing the club on the downswing.

Solved that problem but it didn't feel very secure and went back to interlocking, and now, I power draw / hook most long shots, but it feels great for the short shots.
First lesson in over a year tomorrow at the new golf club. I'll see what they have to say.
I've always interlocked as I've got smallish fingers - I just can't reach far enough to overlap properly.
And anyway if its good enough for Tiger and Jack then its most certainly good enough for me...
I interlocked for years, but changed last year. I was suprised how easy it was considering I have reasonably small hands. I've recently been reviewing my grip and making my right hand more active (i'm a lefty playing right) and following Hogans 5 lessons on the grip. All the changes have made a difference and I really like the overlap because I've got my whole left hand on the club. It also stops me getting sloppy with my grip which was easy with the interlock as it felt more secure.
Interlocked since I was taught the grip as a kid. Got smallish hand so it feels better in my hands. Have tried the overlap from time to time but the club doesn't feel as secure or that there is as much power.
Interlocking grip for me.
Before I got into the game I had a lesson from a pro who suggested I try the grip. At first it felt very strange, but feels as natural as ever now.
Considered the overlap, especially when my shots go askew, but never tried it.

Anybody out there use a baseball grip?
I ovrlap and think it is the best most neutral grip to use.

Then again the 2 best golfers who ever lived link so what do I know!!
Interlock for me

As i have over active hands i have thought of changing a few times. Can't really seem to stick with it. I also get the feeling that the club could come flying out of my hands
interlock for me,

Gonna give the overlap a try when i get my clubs re-gripped with an extra layer of tape, just to see what its like!
interlock (though until I got to nomad's post I didn't have a clue what you were on about)

my pro wants me to change to overlap but with small hands I find it uncomfortable and insecure.