Let's Talk Golf: Season End Review


Assistant Pro
Apr 25, 2007
The Moon
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With this season almost over, it is time for us to pause, reflect and evaluate the last six months.

So, in less than than 49 words and without using the phrase "stop advertising on our forum" or the word "cornflakes", post a summary of your golfing experience this season. I will personally award a prize of £0 for the best entry, payable in annual instalments from the winner's 95th birthday onwards.

Terms And Conditions:
1. Kelly Brook's decision is final. I know she has nothing to do with golf or indeed this forum but, hey, she's pretty fit and I'll be supporting her on Strictly Come Dancing

2. Anyone advertising Viagra, Golf stuff or pills to make your **** bigger will be shot.

3. 48 words max, any more and your chances of the £0 prize are null and void.
Terrible weather ruined winter preparations and consequently scores in April/May suffered.

Holiday season June/July very wet. Playing a few holes weekly (and weakly) with eldest son, no competitive golf.

August/September: game finally on the up, 2 rounds a week. Positive end to a disappointing season
Generally awful weather but played Macrihanish, Carnoustie, Turnberry, Royal Dornoch, Nairn and Kingsbarns. New driver, h/cap fluctuating between 8 and 9. Highlights- 77 at Kingsbarns with a lost ball on the last, the same at Turnberry (bizarrely!) and 80 at Nairn with 2 lost balls and 39 putts! A fine year.
Received my official Handicap-never played to it in singles competition-back injury forced me to NR on two occasions.

All in all a pretty poor last six months.
First ever season - though since I started in January and have no intention of stopping why a season?
Broke the ton, 3 birdies.
Next year, handicap, hit fairways, hit greens, oh and don't lose ball!
Try to be tolerant of tediously slow (5 1/2 hrs) society 4-balls wrecking a good round.
One good golfing weekend at the coast in balmy August conditions has made my season. Got my handicap cut to 5. The rest of my golf was rubbish, but that doesn't bother me.
The Open was the best sporting event I've ever seen
Brilliant trip to Scotland (remember the small window of 3 days in May when it was scorchio). Highlight was playing Dundonald and the Carrick.

Had worst round ever with 17 points followed by best round ever of 42 points winning first prize.

Discovered 3092 pro-v 1's (hit once) in rough at London Club lost by corporate golfers with more money than playing ability.
Started with a good 79
Wife and work got in the way a bit but got a 77 in May
More work, SH...ocking weather meant 5 n/r's after getting droochit BUT ...... Am in the doubles final on Sunday and striking the ball better than ever
First full season playing golf. Was a mug and wasted far too much on game 'improving' clubs. Have learned my lesson, put my wallet away and realised that lessons and practice are the keys to improvement (please all feel free to shout 'We Told You So' in unison.
Had a letter published in Golf Monthly so not all bad
My first year playing golf, and i think it has saved my life!
This year I had to retire form rugby due to injury and have since sufferd form depression and a major inbalance within my life.
I started living for my job and drinking far to much, meaning my relationship and carrear went a bit tits up.
Eventually got some help and was advised to take up a hobby (GOLF).
Went out and bought myself a set of Wilson deep red irons and have never looked back, am totally addicted to this wouderful game, it gives me relaxation, focus, goals etc all the things that were missing after my injury.
My life is now back on track and looking forward to a long and happy relationship with golf.
Great to have you htl. Well done for coming back from the dark side.

Although golf is not considered to be 'a real sport' amongst footballers and rugby players I think it is more of a challenge. Heres why;

If you have a stinker at rugby or football you can blame the drink the night before, a bad curry, the wife, the weans, your coach for playing you out of position, the tommy tank who never gave you the ball when you would have been clear to score ..... in other words it was everyones fault but your own.

In golf ??

Its just you !!

No scapegoats ... not even the clubs can REALLY be blamed for playing like Stefan Langer.

The quicker you admit to yourself it was not the driver that put the ball in the cabbage but YOU the better.

Keep it going pal.
Nice story, htl. Wow. Quite inspiring. Glad things are back on track for you.

I know a few serious amateur rugby players who have taken up the game when the rugby took it's toll and they love it. Gives them the goals, the competition and the banter which they missed, We really are a lucky lot!
You can count me amongst the ranks of retired amateur rugby players taking up golf. I too felt empty after quitting at the end of last season due to injury. Golf has given me the competitive element that I felt I needed and the fact that most of the competition is with myself and my game makes it a totally diferrent and entertaining challenge.
An interesting collection of posts despite several posters flouting the 49 word limit.

Tell you what, let's double the £0 prize just to spice things up.
Made redundant so all Summer to play and practice. Had some lessons and got cut 5 shots (got one back now sadly) winning a monthly medal and stableford, and finishing 2nd and 3rd in two others. Got my post on here (Statto or Saddo)published in Golf Monthly this month. Not a bad return for a dreadful summer (sadly a new job means things can only get worse - less playing and practising)

Hey ho - got the Winter league to look forward to

Happy golfing

1st full season playing the great game, started with hcap of 24 soon cut to 19 after a net 60 in our junior club championships, play every day i can and have won 4 comps this year i'm currently playing off 15 which i hope i can get down to 11 by the end of the season(4 comps left!) bring it on
started 5.1, went up to 6.2 hit some form got down to 4.3 then last few weeks up to 4.9. Overall never got going and season passed with no highlights to speak of. One singles cup and one doubles cup to show for my troubles.
Started at 13.8. Came down to 11.4.
Never won any medals, however got money from all of them except two.
Won over £70 in magic two money as well. Order of merit here I come!!!
Started at 10.0 now at 10.7. Not a great year for me.
Lots of stops and starts with the Open and everything. ie. On mats, Off mats, back on, course closed for 3 weeks etc. Kind of unsettled me and couldn't really get into a rhythm until recently.
Going to Menorca next Friday for a fortnight so I'm hoping to get a couple of rounds in the sun for the 1st time this year.(Anyone played there?)
Roll on next season.
Come on, Atticus. Cheer up, man.

You're playing off 10/11 at Carnoustie and you're off to Menorca! Much cause for happiness.

Next thing you'll be telling me that the maintenance cost on the private yacht are too high and that you still can't stop Abi Titmuss from pestering you with the saucy text messages!