Illegal drivers on ebay


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Absolutely staggered at the number of illegal drivers being sold on ebay (especially Cobra SZ models). These are being sold by golfers who are trying to off load their old non conforming stuff. Even if they only go for a tenner (more in many cases) it is still wrong to sell on to unsuspecting customers.

I know buyers should be aware of the impending rule change, but this is still taking advantage in my view.
MTM I can see where you are coming from BUT these clubs are only illegal in competition, they are not illegal for recreational golf. Anybody who is serious about this sport will be well aware of the rule change but for you average muni golfer this could be a the bargain they are looking for. Every cabbie in the land will be banging drives for miles with these on their local 9 holer.
Nah, Murph. Anyone who plays competiton golf knows the rules are changing. If someone wants a nice cheap non-conforming driver to play in bounce games then fair play. Personally I gave mine away to a mate who doesn't play competeive gof and he was delighted.
I think its a bit wrong if they dont state that the driver is illegal to use in competitions.

But fair play to them for doing it, some people are going to get some decent kit to just have some fun with.
I read in this months mag that some teacher in N Ireland is collecting them in for his school golf PE lesson as they are short on clubs, won letter of the month and got a great putter grrrrrr... good cause like and maybe if people where just dumping them in the shed should think about it, his email address is in Jans GM.
Nothing wrong with selling illegal drivers on the web the phrase Buyer Beware springs to mind--there are also some many fakes for sale on the web every buyer should take care to ensure the clubs bought are Kosher.
I'm with htl on this. The phrase 'Buyer Beware' is taken to extremes at times - how about if Jon sold you a car that was only legal on single carriageway roads and not on motorways - is it still fit for purpose?
I recently saw on eBay a Callaway driver with the plus sign prominently shown in the photo. The starting price was £50.