How long till I start playing well?


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Guys i've been playing casually for a few years but struggle to get around 100. I went on Saturday and tried a different putter that didn't work for me (so i won't be using it again) and got 60 front 9 and 52 back 9.

I joined a club 2 weeks ago and have been/intend to keep playing at least 27 holes a week. 1 18hole round and at least 9 holes. How long do you think it'll take me to consistently hit under 100 so I can get a handicap?

n.b. our club requires at least 1 card under 100 to give a handicap.


How much will you practice, what are the weak points of your game, how many balls are you losing?

Do you have a video of your swing we can see?

This is a kind of "how long is a piece of string" thing...


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Practice wise will be time on the course and maybe 1 visit to the range per week. I can hit a ball really well and I can make it go where I want it to.....50% of the time, the rest are drops, tops and overshots.

When I went round Saturday I lost 1 ball and that was an overambitious shot shot at a green instead of laying up. It's just consistancy that's my problem really. It's this that i wonder how long it will take to come.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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You have to manage the course with the shots you are capable of playing reasonably consistently. As you progress, you will have more shots in your armoury that are consistent and your scores will come down.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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You have to manage the course with the shots you are capable of playing reasonably consistently. As you progress, you will have more shots in your armoury that are consistent and your scores will come down.

I'll be honest and say the failed shot at the weekend was more cause it was into the ferocious wind than because I couldn't make it. I was about a yard from actually carrying the water as intended.

One shot I can't play is a chip and run, I literally don't know how to do it so always play a lofted club i.e. lob wedge.


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Go and have lessons with your local pro and it will happen much quicker. You need to get all the fundamentals in place to start with and that will probably take you under 100 on its own. Then add all your bump and run and short game type shots on top of that after and you will be flying.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Birchy I do have some lessons booked actually. I bought a groupon so will be getting them in soon. How many do you go around in?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 15, 2012
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I know how you feel La Lucha, one of the biggest problems I had when I frist started late last year was nerves, but I have been playing about six months now think it took me about three or four rounds to start losing the nerves, then after that I broke 100 after about six or so rounds and then broke 90 after about ten. Stick with it you will get there lessons are great to help but I just found I needed to lost the nerves then I got so much better.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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the really annoying thing on saturday was the putting, but this was down to the crap putter. I think it cost me about 6/7 shots, but that still puts me at around 105. I'm guessing that I will only get better with practice and hopefully the amount of golf that I will be playing this year will be a big help. I just wondered how long you guys think it will take. If I can improve as quickly as you have done Shaun I'll be really happy.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 15, 2012
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To be fair you make a good point about putting, really good idea to get a putter you feel confident with as you can easily knock alot of shots off with good putting. I had a lesson on putting and really changed my putting and I ended up finding it much easier, just need to take my time more with putts and stop missing silly short ones.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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It's not really pressure that bothers me as I know I can hit a good ball. It's consistency. I topped a couple ate the weekend, one of which went straight down and ended up about 6 inches under ground. If I could play every shot as I know I can I reckon I could easily be sub 90. Hence why I ask how long it will take to get that consistancy?


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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To be fair you make a good point about putting, really good idea to get a putter you feel confident with as you can easily knock alot of shots off with good putting. I had a lesson on putting and really changed my putting and I ended up finding it much easier, just need to take my time more with putts and stop missing silly short ones.
am confident with my putter as I used to play Crown green bowls, so I can read greens pretty well. But my putter is a ten yearold Donnay (ala that must've cost about £5 and it's starting to show its age. The one that I tried at the weekend was a second hand Golden Bear, but it just seemed to strip the stroke and any weight leaving the ball only half wap to the cup. I gave it straight back to my buddy that was hoping to flog it to me.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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To be fair, it may not be a great putter but I suspect your putting stroke is more the problem. I would say that a reasonable golfer would get the feel of your putter after 5 or 6 goes and would 2 putt more than 3 after a few goes. I agree that a Donnay is not an acceptable putter to most players but I would suggest that you get someone to look at your putting stroke - which is a good idea if your going to buy a new one as you need a putter that suits your style


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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One shot I can't play is a chip and run, I literally don't know how to do it so always play a lofted club i.e. lob wedge.

A chip and run is normally played with a straighter faced club, so a 7,8, 9 iron that sort of range.

the really annoying thing on saturday was the putting, but this was down to the crap putter. I think it cost me about 6/7 shots,

There is no such thing as a crap putter.................if you can putt. If you can't putt, it's V-Easy to blame the putter :whistle:

Get a lesson on chipping and putting and practice until it becomes easy.
That will get you below 100 by the middle of the summer


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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To be fair, it may not be a great putter but I suspect your putting stroke is more the problem. I would say that a reasonable golfer would get the feel of your putter after 5 or 6 goes and would 2 putt more than 3 after a few goes. I agree that a Donnay is not an acceptable putter to most players but I would suggest that you get someone to look at your putting stroke - which is a good idea if your going to buy a new one as you need a putter that suits your style

It's not my putting stroke, I really am rather good with me donnay. This is the Golden Bear I had a go with, but it was like the insert is loose. It made a rather disturbing ting instead of sounding solid and when i changed so the bottom edge of the club was striking the ball, it was a lot more solid and the ball came away as to be expected. I genuinely am quite good on the greens and rarely more than two putt. I honestly think that there was a problem with this specific club. It may not have been looked after by it's previous owner for all we know. Anyway that's not my problem as I will be returning to the Donnay quality this evening.
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Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Birchy I do have some lessons booked actually. I bought a groupon so will be getting them in soon. How many do you go around in?

That will sort you out and knock plenty shots off. Before my lessons i was just breaking 100 about 50% of the time and that was like 98, 99 etc. After my lessons the pro had got my basic setup sorted so i was striking the ball a lot more consistent and ive shot less than 100 every round since. Played my first medal Saturday just gone and got 93 (i was very nervous at early on) and i have shot low 80s in friendly games.

Once i got the knowledge of what to do off the pro i just practiced what he told me. Once you have been shown how to have a basic solid swing and shots like bump and run you will be away.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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The one thing that makes a huge difference i think is good iron contact

Most of us can tee off with a wood and put it near or on the fairway 200 to 280 yds approx

The real challenge is hitting your next few shots with a degree of accuracy, confidence and knowing how far it will fly for the given club.

This will then allow you to gain confidence and sharpen later your short game chipping and putting

Warning: do not spend hours at the range beating balls as it just doesnt help much unless you have a teacher with you to help.