How do you want to play golf...


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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A few years ago, playing off 14, I played with a wee guy off 8. Without exaggeration, I hit the ball 40 - 50 yards past him. He hit 3 woods into medium length par 4s and couldn't reach a couple of our par 3s.

He beat me by 7 or 8 shots in the end and that was when I realised that my approach too the game was wrong. I was too worried about hitting the ball well and not worried enough about getting it in the hole in as few shots as possible.

If you want to play the game as close to the pros as possible, then focus on getting the ball in the hole, because that's what they do. Their number one priority is the score. Everything else is secondary.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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If you want to play the game as close to the pros as possible, then focus on getting the ball in the hole, because that's what they do. Their number one priority is the score. Everything else is secondary.

So a pro would be happy topping a drive off the tee, fatting two 5 irons up the fairway and chipping in for par????
I don't think so


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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So a pro would be happy topping a drive off the tee, fatting two 5 irons up the fairway and chipping in for par????
I don't think so

didn't g-mac duff one off the tee at a par 3 recently and make the up and down from 70 yards for par. happy man I'd say!


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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So a pro would be happy topping a drive off the tee, fatting two 5 irons up the fairway and chipping in for par????
I don't think so

No, I don't suppose he would. But then I didn't say they don't care about how they hit it ,I said that their priority is the score. He'd be happier hacking it up the hole and chipping in for 4 than he would be hitting the green in regulation and 3 putting.
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Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I want to play from the short stuff!

I am happy just to avoid the big mistakes or big hook/slices. Just a decent enough shot to get it up there is fine for me.

When it comes to pitching, chipping and putting only perfection will do! I love a great up and down from anywhere inside 80 yards.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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When it comes to pitching, chipping and putting only perfection will do! I love a great up and down from anywhere inside 80 yards.

I view short game stuff as two opportunities. first chance is a good chip or pitch to a couple of feet for a tap in. if I fail that I have the chance of draining the putt.

if either come off its the exact same result. both keep momentum going and I wont argue as long as its one or the other.


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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I just take it as it comes, especially this time of year when I'm only playing once a week. Some days I come off the course wondering how I scored so well and other times ruing missed opportunities. But that's golf, it happens to all of us, even the pros.

What I do know is that fats, thins and stabs don't always come off and good looking swings don't always belong to good golfers.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 15, 2012
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I have to really agree with the OP I have seen guys off six the the best swing ever and guys off six with shocking swings.

The one thing I have learnt playing golf a similar time to you is to play to your strengths, there is no need to smash your best drive every time make par or birdie. I play with two guys who regularly hit it past me and are taking 9 irons where I take a seven or eight. Most weeks my score is better than theirs and I give them three shots.

I look at it now that I do not play to my best shot each time but play to my average / normal shot, some days I strike it better than others. I take how I am striking the ball on that day and try to play within myself within resin.

Someone said to me once, the best players play the most boring golf to watch, to some extent this is true from what I have seen. Learning how to strike the ball is one thing learning how to score is another.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Agree with most on here and I think you have to take it when a misshit shot goes where you want it too... as someone said you get bad luck when you don't deserve it so definitely take it when its offered.


What I am trying to say is I have seen people knock the ball around with decent scores and seemingly never feeling that sweet shot out the middle which just flys effortlessly... I used to play with a bloke at my old club who never got the ball above head height... but they rolled up onto the green 8 times out of 10...

I would just hate to hit the ball like that! I know I need to play within myself more and would probably benefit from it just as Hawkeye's signature suggests but I play this game to hit the best shots I can...

Im not just talking about those once every couple of round shots where you leave it a foot from the pin but those which fly through the air with a nice trajectory and have came off the club really nicely...

I might be on my own its just how I enjoy the game... as I mentioned before I have walked off happy with a score 7 or 8 shots higher than the round before because I struck it well!


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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If we played in the conditions that the pros do I'm sure we would play better golf. They tend to follow the sun, have immaculate fairways and greens and of course they have hugely better ability than us.

On Saturday in wettish conditions I had my best ever scoring round of maybe one over to possibly one under off 12 h/c (Matchplay) today in much wetter conditions and in absolutely freezing conditions I probably shot nearer 90! Of course I'd rather play the better quality golf but when you can't feel your hands or toes you have to accept the drop in performance - I doubt many pros would have played at my place today!


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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If we played in the conditions that the pros do I'm sure we would play better golf. They tend to follow the sun, have immaculate fairways and greens and of course they have hugely better ability than us.

And of course, unlike us they don't drive 2 or 3 hours to get to the course that morning, getting wound up with other total idiots on the road.
Then stroll into the clubhouse and scoff down a full english breakfast or a bacon roll, maybe have a couple of fags, get their tee time wrong and rush onto the tee with their shoe laces undone and tees/balls/pencils falling out all over the place, take 2 or 3 practice swings on the first tee and then proceed to slice one out of bounds or into the crap.
No wonder I never par the first

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I haven't read all the posts so apologies if someone has raised this already. A little while ago someone started a poll along the lines of your question. Unsurprisingly it got quite feisty. Personally, I am with the original poster in that I would rather hit the ball sweetly and take 5 shots more than having a round of thins and mis hits and scoring well. I get enjoyment from how I hit the ball and getting a shot technically correct, more than hacking a 3 on a par 4. I know many are all about the score, it's a personal preference.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Not sure if anyone else does this :confused: but I often play back the round in my head shot by shot whilst in bed getting to sleep.

I try to work out the bad shots and where it cost me in the round, where I need to improve. By the way I end up saying if only I didnt do that and if I only did the time I fall asleep I would have shot a 67. :D

Anyway, the point is that I count a lucky miss-hit as a bad shot even though it might have ended up alright. Certainly cannot claim to have played well shooting handicap but me knowing that I hacked it around all day to get there. OK if its once in a while you would take a good scramble, but if its every round and that was my style like the OP is talking about then I wouldnt be happy with that.

The most satisfying rounds are where I struck the ball very well tee to green and hit the ball more or less where I wanted it to go. That doesn't necessarily mean scoring well (although that normally follows striking the ball well) , but if I have a bad day with the putter so be it, I'll still be chuffed with good ball striking.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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For the amount of time and golf I play I'd be happy to knock it around 90/95ish consistantly. At the moment I'm high 90's, occassional 100+ but to nail a drive, sink a nice putt or get it close from 150 yards is good with me.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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the pros do not have the ball on a string like its a computer game. they strike it better than anyone and even they get it wrong.

You are searching for a holy grail that doesn't exist. Sometimes it does in Rory's world but for most its try and gauge distance, try and gauge shape, then get up and down when you mess up.