Hooking my drives


Assistant Pro
Jun 11, 2013
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2 weeks ago I was driving like a dream the best I had ever hit my driver, I had a soft draw and lower than normal ball flight - I was ecstatic with what I was seeing. Fast forward 2 weeks and my soft draw and has turn into a huge hook.

I don't have time to get in with my pro at the moment as work is busy so I only have time for evening range sessions and weekend rounds. In my internet educated view I think I may be releasing the club too early leading to hitting with a closed face.

Are there any drills I can try to work this out of my game? The driver is the only club I hook, any advice?

Deleted Member 1156

Can you provide a bit more detail?

Is the ball starting out to the right and hooking back to the left or is it starting left and going even further left?

2 completely different faults, just need to clarify exactly what is happening.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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If I start hooking :)o) it is usually due to getting lazy on shifting my left hip and then getting stuck so flipping my hands last minute. To feel what my left hip should do I stand open and take some practice swings with my hip already out of the way. This usually gets me back on track but if not then I'll just hit some standing open until it does!

I can't take the credit though as JustOne helped me with this way back when I was hooking it VERY badly!

Deleted member 18121

If I start hooking :)o) it is usually due to getting lazy on shifting my left hip and then getting stuck so flipping my hands last minute. To feel what my left hip should do I stand open and take some practice swings with my hip already out of the way. This usually gets me back on track but if not then I'll just hit some standing open until it does!

I can't take the credit though as JustOne helped me with this way back when I was hooking it VERY badly!

Sorry to sound like a numpty, but, can you expand on the bits in bold?

I ask as out of nowhere I've started to hook the driver these last couple of weeks.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Sorry to sound like a numpty, but, can you expand on the bits in bold?

I ask as out of nowhere I've started to hook the driver these last couple of weeks.

Standing open rather than square means your left leg is set back a little - usually helps promote a fade/cut. From there my left side has already kind of cleared out of the way and stops the club getting stuck behind resulting in a last second flip of the hands and hook.

Does that help? I think its effectiveness depends on the degree of hook...ie does it start right of target/on target and spin significantly left rather than starting left and spinning further left. Mine are usually the former.

I'm no expert though!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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If you're flipping it with the hands try to focus not on delivering the clubhead with the hands but delivering the grip part of the shaft with the forearms to the ball. This should reduce the hand action (albeit the hand action is probably there due to lack of rotation if you're anything like me) so some work on clearing your hips and make a full rotation will also help

Deleted member 18121

My driving was pretty good today.... really concentrated on swinging out with the follow through and trying to find a good finish position . It turned my drives into having a really nice gentle draw and very very good length.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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2 weeks ago I was driving like a dream the best I had ever hit my driver, I had a soft draw and lower than normal ball flight - I was ecstatic with what I was seeing. Fast forward 2 weeks and my soft draw and has turn into a huge hook.

I don't have time to get in with my pro at the moment as work is busy so I only have time for evening range sessions and weekend rounds. In my internet educated view I think I may be releasing the club too early leading to hitting with a closed face.

Are there any drills I can try to work this out of my game? The driver is the only club I hook, any advice?

Assuming your grip is a good neutral one, & not overly strong.

This quite often starts as a golfer tries to make a more rounded flatter swing with the driver which can lead to a ways too pronounced in to out swing path.

If this has happened & the hooks/pull hooks have started then the golfer without really realizing starts to aim body & club even further right which unfortunately just causes even bigger hooks.

Check the grip is neutral 2 knuckles left hand both 'v's point to middle right shoulder, handle in the fingers both hands not too high in the palms &/or the right hand ways too under the handle.

Check your aim isn't out to the right, you'll probably need to feel you're actually aimed a little left, neutralize the swing path so it's not so in to out, and importantly clear your left hip and keep rotating your body turn left through impact.

Counterintuitively once you've started hitting hooks & pull hooks, you aim too far right and also you stop clearing left properly with your body turn because the golfer fears the left side. But when you stop turning your body left (because you fear going left) the arms and club are forced to carry on & the arms can only turn over because the body chest/torso has stopped & is in the way & then hands snap and you've got the closed faced and then can hook all day long.
Fix the grip if need be, definitely fix the alignment right, and make sure you clear and turn left with you body through impact and you won't hook it.