Hitting on down swing with driver


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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I know a video will be ideal but I'm struggling to get a decent clip. So for now what it the usual reason on hitting the ball on the down swing ?
The ball is inline with my left inside foot, 60% weight on rigth foot and shoulders at an angle, hips are slidding and then Turning on down swing ok as with my irons I hit a slight draw and tend to get plenty of power but I'm only hitting 210 yards with my driver and hitting 210 with my fairway wood. Confused.
I will post a video tomorrow but in the mean time any ideas ?


Nov 16, 2011
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That Angle of Attack vid should help - with the 2nd one being the 'Why'. Haven't got sound at mo:angry:, so can't check.

Why are you starting with 60% of weight in right foot though. That would seem likely to encourage a Reverse Pivot, or at least a steepening when you transfer more weight.

I believe that (in the 'weight transfer swing) you should be in balance, then use the coil to move weight 'into the right instep' - so no sway or compensatory RP. Weight transfers unconsciously rather than through a conscious effort.

And the hip slide should only involve the hips (the head should stay pretty still, as it should have on the back-swing - movement back/forward indicating swaying) and shouldn't be so much that your down-swing has to take a short cut (come down steep) to stop slamming down into the ground after impact. Also, if you concentrate on the hip slide too much (and some coaches don't like that term/action at all!) you can forget or mis-time the (more important?) hip rotation/opening that makes room and provides power (in combo with the right leg) when the arms swing through.

So it's all a case of sequencing/timing really!

Apologies - wasn't meant to be that much waffle!