hip turn/lag


Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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been watching the pros recently, and noticed they turn their hips and I have been sliding mine, with the turning, would it help with the lag, on my swing vid, noticed my hands are pretty much behind or over the ball at impact.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
My understanding is that if you have a swing where the shoulders & arms are on roughly the same plane at the top, with the club well behind you, the downward movement should be an aggressive turning of the hips à la McIlroy. If on the other hand, you swing with the hands on a steeper plane than the shoulders, the downswing should incorporate a slide of the hips to prevent the club getting onto the outside on the downswing. Got this from Jim Hardy's "Plane Truth" book. He says, for a one plane swing, the hips should rotate approximately half as much as the shoulders.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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if you looked close at the all the Pro's action you'd notice that the first move of transition is always some weight pressure into their lead foot this makes the hips 'bump' laterally a little towards the target so fractionally after this, the right shoulder turns downwards with the hands/arms moving almost 'falling' downwards so the right elbow lines up in front of the right hip, at this point the shoulders are still a little ways 'closed' to the target line - the angles set in the wrists in the backswing, at this point in the downswing are still intact.

from this 'the delivery position' then the hips clear left the upper body rotates left this delivers the hands & handle past the ball first, so up to your left leg (not opposite the right leg behind the ball) so there's a forwards leaning shaft leading a downwards strike through impact, so you get ball then ground.

if you have had an action where the hips are sliding way forwards this takes you hips out of alignment & you can't really trun 7 clear them properly - but in every good swing there's a small lateral move of the hip to target before they turn - it's crucial they do.

if from the top you just turn your hips left your upper body will spin out throwing both your right shoulder, arms, & club out & over the top - leading to all kinda miss-hits, pulls, slices, tops, fats etc.

if you have been sliding hips too far too target so you couldn't turn & clear them. look first to how you take the club back. sliding hips too much in the downswing towards target are often times caused by wrongly sliding the hips away from target in the backswing, a sway back off the ball.
the upper body should turn away from the ball it doesn't move laterally away from the ball to the right. this connected turn of the upper body withe the arms/club - then turns the hips.
this allows the body/shoulder turn to complete to the top. just slide the hips away in the backswing & it's a ways impossible for the body to turn properly to the top. instead the upper body tilts in a false turn & the left shoulder never gets behind the ball as it should do.

to get the correct moves & sequence in the downswing you first need to turn the hips into the right hip socket & right leg, while you keep your posture angles, keeping your weight along & into the inside of your right foot with some flex kept in that right leg to the top, don't let the right knee lockout so the right leg goes ramrod straight.

have a look at this vid it should help some.
warning though: only do the drill with the alignment stick you see here, very very carefully & very very slowly at first, best to do it a good bunch of times with no ball at all. as it's a good ways easy to do some damage by smacking your hands into the stick.
but note his weight goes into the left foot, left leg first at transition, & the hips move laterally parallel to the target line just a little ways before they turn & clear fully at speed & the body rotates which transports the hands ahead of the ball & squares the face up through impact.



Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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if you looked close at the all the Pro's action you'd notice that the first move of transition is always some weight pressure into their lead foot this makes the hips 'bump' laterally a little towards the target so fractionally after this, the right shoulder turns downwards with the hands/arms moving almost 'falling' downwards so the right elbow lines up in front of the right hip, at this point the shoulders are still a little ways 'closed' to the target line - the angles set in the wrists in the backswing, at this point in the downswing are still intact.

from this 'the delivery position' then the hips clear left the upper body rotates left this delivers the hands & handle past the ball first, so up to your left leg (not opposite the right leg behind the ball) so there's a forwards leaning shaft leading a downwards strike through impact, so you get ball then ground.

if you have had an action where the hips are sliding way forwards this takes you hips out of alignment & you can't really trun 7 clear them properly - but in every good swing there's a small lateral move of the hip to target before they turn - it's crucial they do.

if from the top you just turn your hips left your upper body will spin out throwing both your right shoulder, arms, & club out & over the top - leading to all kinda miss-hits, pulls, slices, tops, fats etc.

if you have been sliding hips too far too target so you couldn't turn & clear them. look first to how you take the club back. sliding hips too much in the downswing towards target are often times caused by wrongly sliding the hips away from target in the backswing, a sway back off the ball.
the upper body should turn away from the ball it doesn't move laterally away from the ball to the right. this connected turn of the upper body withe the arms/club - then turns the hips.
this allows the body/shoulder turn to complete to the top. just slide the hips away in the backswing & it's a ways impossible for the body to turn properly to the top. instead the upper body tilts in a false turn & the left shoulder never gets behind the ball as it should do.

to get the correct moves & sequence in the downswing you first need to turn the hips into the right hip socket & right leg, while you keep your posture angles, keeping your weight along & into the inside of your right foot with some flex kept in that right leg to the top, don't let the right knee lockout so the right leg goes ramrod straight.

have a look at this vid it should help some.
warning though: only do the drill with the alignment stick you see here, very very carefully & very very slowly at first, best to do it a good bunch of times with no ball at all. as it's a good ways easy to do some damage by smacking your hands into the stick.
but note his weight goes into the left foot, left leg first at transition, & the hips move laterally parallel to the target line just a little ways before they turn & clear fully at speed & the body rotates which transports the hands ahead of the ball & squares the face up through impact.


nice one thanks