Help with chipping


Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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I am struddling with chipping off the green, very inconsistent ,fluff them try to scoop them hit them long can anyone help please ?ball position, hands etc. or is there a good video clip I can watch, I am a 20 handicapper normally use my 8 iron, I bought a chipper but that's in the shed and staying please, when they say the club should end up pointing to the sky do they mean the toe of the club? and at what distance should I swap a chip for a pitch.....


Jun 24, 2009
Ayrshire, Scotland
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Rapper, get yourself a v-easy. It's a great practice aid which will help both your chipping and putting. It did mine.
Contact bobmac from on here to find out how to get one, he invented it.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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I am struddling with chipping off the green, very inconsistent ,fluff them try to scoop them hit them long can anyone help please ?ball position, hands etc. or is there a good video clip I can watch, I am a 20 handicapper normally use my 8 iron, I bought a chipper but that's in the shed and staying please, when they say the club should end up pointing to the sky do they mean the toe of the club? and at what distance should I swap a chip for a pitch.....

There are a few methods for better chipping, the V Easy helps if you like to chip like you putt, I don't !

The most important thing is narrow stance weight more on front leg ( and keep it there ) ball nearer to back foot. Take chosen club and lean hands and shaft towards front leg
Make mini back swing using arms and shoulders ( together ) and feel like you are hitting down on the ball keeping hands forward

This should work but in the downswing keep the lower body moving but keep looking down until ball has gone, resist the urge to take a peek or you will thin it

I also find that taking a stronger left hand grip helps to stop flipping

Hope that helps, pitching is the same but slightly wider stance and think mini full swing but less backswing and accelerate into the ball ( a must )


Tour Winner
May 3, 2008
Scotland via Ireland
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I found keeping my spine angle steady, very little movement side to side or up/down, has made a difference to my ball striking and cut out lots of poor shots.

That and practise.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I am struddling with chipping off the green, very inconsistent ,fluff them try to scoop them hit them long can anyone help please ?ball position, hands etc. or is there a good video clip I can watch, I am a 20 handicapper normally use my 8 iron, I bought a chipper but that's in the shed and staying please, when they say the club should end up pointing to the sky do they mean the toe of the club? and at what distance should I swap a chip for a pitch.....

To quote Snelly from a previous thread:

When I see people with chipping woes, invariably the cause is the backswing being too long leading to varying degrees of deceleration through impact.

As a solution, perhaps try this - take your pitching wedge and have your hands slightly forward (2-3 inches) of the clubface. Play the ball from the middle of your narrow stance. Think of the stroke as a long putt with not too much backswing and plenty of follow through. Make sure you see the club hit the ball. Try this with a 9 iron or sand iron until you get the trajectory and roll that you prefer then stick with it. And remember to focus on the spot you want the ball to land rather than the pin.

I was taught this method as a child by a professional that could chip like God and it has always been a good way of chipping under pressure for me. Not much can go wrong with this method as the wrists are quiet and the mechanics are simple.

Hope this helps.

I can tell you, this works :thup:

I adopted this approach and, with a minor adjustment from my pro, my chipping has never been so good :D

Mr A

Assistant Pro
Mar 25, 2013
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If you're willing to take advice from a fellow 20 handicapper. . .

I try and keep my wrists completely out of my chips, with a shallow swing angle, keeping the club fairly low and hitting down through the ball. Also I will either stand square on, with the ball in the middle of my stance for a chip, and I actually open my stance with the ball on my back foot for a bump and run.


Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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Hi mate tried this today with a much better success rate thanks will work on it now,where do I send the cheque? lol


Club Champion
Apr 23, 2013
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Or, for good practical advice and instant feedback, book a short game lesson with a pro. I am having a few at the moment and my scores are coming down. I recommend it highly.


Tour Rookie
Apr 4, 2013
To quote Snelly from a previous thread:

Cracking advice.
I was pretty much going to say the same thing, treat it like a putt.
There is an amazing video on YouTube from David Leadbetter which covers all elements of the short game. He explains everything to do with chipping, pitching, bunkers and putting.
I would recommend it to everyone.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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This is one part of my game that really lets me down, so I have been practicing it like mad over the last few weeks. The problem is that there are so many ways to play such a simple shot and you will get a lot of conflicting advice and all of it will be good advice. The other thing is that there a lot of different types of chip shot (off the fringe, over a bunker, a few yards off the green etc) and each one seems to work best using a different method. The best thing I have found that no-one seems to talk about is to just relax. I found that I was very tense over the shot with every muscle strained and I would most often blade the shot miles through the green. If I force myself to relax I hit a nice clean shot. I have tried to get to the point where I relax too much and I don't think you can relax enough. The other thing that seems to work well I found in a Dave's Pelz book, which was to stand tall so that the hosel was a little off the ground. This stops any drag of the club. Good luck and if you find the secret to good chipping, please, please let me know!


May 3, 2013
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The best thing I have found that no-one seems to talk about is to just relax. I found that I was very tense over the shot with every muscle strained and I would most often blade the shot miles through the green. If I force myself to relax I hit a nice clean shot. I have tried to get to the point where I relax too much and I don't think you can relax enough.
This is my issue as well!

I also have this habbit of over-thinking the shot which causes all sorts of confusion and uncertainty in my mind and I end up going through this "I can't hit it hard otherwise it will shoot through the green, and I can't hit it too soft as it will bearly move" scenario which usually results in me hitting a 'nothing' type shot.

I've watched the Phil Mickleson 'Secrets of the Short Game' DVD and which he advocates the 'hinge and hold' method. I've been trying to use this and in terms of technique I like it....I just need to heed the advice given above i.e relax, and then commit to playing the shot :)

There are so many different techniques and playing scenarios out there that the short game can be quite overwhelming!