Help nuturing talented juniors


Jul 22, 2011
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Hi all

First time poster here - I've recently become guardian to two very promising young golfers. They're aged 13 and 7. The older plays off 8.5 - the younger doesn't have a handicap yet, by all accounts he's pretty talented and has just won a couple of competitions within his age category.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no talent for ball sports and therefore am pretty clueless when it comes to nuturing the lads' interest and talent.

They both play regularly and I'm happy to invest time and money in fees, taking them, watching etc. However, the older boy is particularly committed and wants to make the grade - whilst I'm not in the least bit pushy, I obviosuly want to support him in this.

I would very much appreciate some guidance on what I should be doing to help their development, from coaching, competitions entries etc etc.

Many thanks in advance



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I pressume he is a member of a club?
Find out what there is in the way of junior coaching. Lots of clubs don't charge for this. That way, he will find other like-minded 13 year olds who he can play with and compete against.
The 7 year old should be encouraged but not pushed.
They're kids and will do what they want


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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The main thing is encouragement and not pressure.

Make sure they enjoy themselves, find a suitable place for the technical coaching they need and that's pretty much all you can do (other than the obvious taxi duty and kit etc).

Not got first hand experience of golf but a lot in football and seen too many "pushy" parents that end up forcing their kids to jack it in. Makes me sick if I'm honest and why I stopped coaching, they're kids and should be enjoying life.


Jul 22, 2011
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Thanks both - appreciate it.

Rest assured, there will be absolutely no pressure put on the lads. Simply (as an incompetent sportsman myself), I want to provide encouragement and help them develop if they remain as interested as they are right now. With the school hols stretching out before them, now seems the right time to explore.

The older one's a member of a good course. The younger isn't just yet.

As for technical coaching, where do I start? The club Pro Shop?

thanks again



Club Champion
Jun 28, 2011
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The older one's a member of a good course. The younger isn't just yet.

As for technical coaching, where do I start? The club Pro Shop?

I would ask the course about their junior track record in local comps? Also ask how many county junior players they have. It will be worth finding out which pro is your junior county coach.

Also get them playing in the comps for their clubs, if they are talented the better clubs in your area will head hunt them.

That's how it works down here.

Also you showing interest will make a huge difference, they need external interest if not they'll get bored. Maybe take them to a pro event if possible, see their hero's in action. That's always good inspiration.



Thanks both - appreciate it.

Rest assured, there will be absolutely no pressure put on the lads. Simply (as an incompetent sportsman myself), I want to provide encouragement and help them develop if they remain as interested as they are right now. With the school hols stretching out before them, now seems the right time to explore.

The older one's a member of a good course. The younger isn't just yet.

As for technical coaching, where do I start? The club Pro Shop?

thanks again


good for you :)

if the oldest is at a "good club" they will hopefully have an active junior development programme and an individual responsible, seek him out for both youngsters plus I would contact the R&A for any guidance within your area


Jul 22, 2011
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The older one's a member of a good course. The younger isn't just yet.

As for technical coaching, where do I start? The club Pro Shop?

I would ask the course about their junior track record in local comps? Also ask how many county junior players they have. It will be worth finding out which pro is your junior county coach.

Also get them playing in the comps for their clubs, if they are talented the better clubs in your area will head hunt them.

That's how it works down here.

Also you showing interest will make a huge difference, they need external interest if not they'll get bored. Maybe take them to a pro event if possible, see their hero's in action. That's always good inspiration.


Sounds like good advice Dan on all fronts. I'm starting to wonder if the 'good club' is good in terms of kudos but not so great at youth development. In any event, wont jump to conclusions but will make a few enquires in respect of the regional junior county coach. Many thanks for the tip.


Jul 22, 2011
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Thanks both - appreciate it.

Rest assured, there will be absolutely no pressure put on the lads. Simply (as an incompetent sportsman myself), I want to provide encouragement and help them develop if they remain as interested as they are right now. With the school hols stretching out before them, now seems the right time to explore.

The older one's a member of a good course. The younger isn't just yet.

As for technical coaching, where do I start? The club Pro Shop?

thanks again


good for you :)

if the oldest is at a "good club" they will hopefully have an active junior development programme and an individual responsible, seek him out for both youngsters plus I would contact the R&A for any guidance within your area

thanks for this - excuse my ignorance, but what's R&A? (told you I wasn't much of a golfer!)


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2011
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I have 3 children that all play golf, my son was off 5 handicap at the age of 13 and the county was involved. Each county will have a golfing website and a junior section with a contact. Just contact the junior manager for your county and he will be able to supply you everything you need and i'm sure he would also be very interested in getting your child involved in county training.