Hello All.

Mar 17, 2009
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Just discovered this forum a week or two ago and I've enjoyed reading it so I thought I'd say hello from County Durham!

I've been playing for about 5 years but have only managed about 20 rounds (if that) during that time so I still consider myself a beginner. That will all change this year as I am about to join the local golf club in an attempt to finally break 100! I've been close several times but a 10 or 12 always seems to scupper it. The trend at the moment seems to be a fantastic front 9 and then a dreadful back 9. Scored 46 (including a 10!) on the front 9 at my local then a 60. :mad: I wonder if fitness (stamina) is the issue.

As I'm new and rambling (will cease soon), the weak point of my game is putting. Any advice? I can usually reach greens respectably but then 3 (or more, I think the record is 8)putt.

Finally, before I put pen to paper, what do you think the advantages of joining a club are, over just playing where I can?


tell us a little about yourself. Where your from? where you play? what clubs you have?

oh and welcome

say goodbye to everyone you know because this is your life now

tell us a little about yourself. Where your from? where you play? what clubs you have?

oh and welcome

say goodbye to everyone you know because this is your life now


Mono 56743580987532

Read the start of his post and all the info is there ;)

Oh and welcome, i hope you enjoy the mad house
Welcome--you will get all the advice you need from the members here.

The old Gary Player adage applies: The more i practise the luckier i get.
Thanks for the welcome.

I will probably annoy the life out of everyone with my requests for advice!

My gear:

Irons - Taylor Made 200 - Love these!
Putter - Dunlop 65
Driver - Ram something or other. It makes a kind of slapping sound when I hit it. Awful.
3 and 5 Wood - From the starter set I bought 5 years ago. Vantage or something. Looking to replace these this year.
Balls - Whatever I finds, I keeps.

I tend to play my 2 local courses which are Woodham (the one I'm joining. £419 for everything!) and The Oakleaf (a muni but a decent challenge). Have also played a couple of courses in Barnsley too.

Connor, the Mrs is already asking what I've been looking at for 'hours on end'. Well and truly addicted. :)
My advice would be to get down to your new club pro and get a putting lesson. Good way to get to know hi ma nd he'll be able to give you some pointers about the club and competitions etc as well as fixing your dodgy putting. You'll find if you have a good pr and build a decent relationship you'll probably see some benefits (longer lessons at no extra charge, a few quid off purchases etc)
Welcome to the forum A_H, nice to hear from you.
You'll find all kinds of advice on the forum to help you.
The one piece I'll offer at the moment with regards to your putting woes is; Anything from 15ft and over, put an imaginary hula hoop round the hole and try to get your ball to land inside it. You'll cut down on your 3 putts(I won't even mention the 8 putts)and you never know, occasionally the odd one might actually go in the hole.
The green is where it's easier for the higher handicapper to shed shots if they can control their putting.
Or as my manager would say; It's low hanging fruit.
Welcome to the forum.
I agree it's important to practice your putting, but what to practice?
When you join your new club, get a putting lesson from the pro and practice what he tells you.
I do have a putting gadget for sale soon but I dont want to advertise it here. Not yet anyway :(
Sorry folks, couldn't resist it ;)
I'll have a go at the imaginary hula hoop (never thought I'd ever write a sentence like that!)

Bobmac, I bought a PGA putt return gadget with a 6' mat. Used it once and that's it. Found it too easy, just whacked the ball as hard as possible and it seemed to go in everytime. I worry that it will lead to bad habits.

I think a few lessons are in order. I had a few when I first started, just to get a reasonable swing. I have the chance of some lessons at the David Leadbetter academy at Wynyard Golf course. Has anybody had any experience of these? Will it be any better than my local pro? They are seriously expensive at £50 per hour. Think the local pro is £15 for about 40 mins.
Welcome to base camp,

I to have trouble putting the little ball in the hole, but they say practice makes perfect.

Someone mentioned the hula-hoop thing to me and I try to do this eveytime now and 95% of the time it seems to work.
Welcome to the forum, Its a great place to be to quench the thirst for knowledge about the beautiful game.

Lessons are the way to go for sure!!! You could practice till the cows come home, but you may be practicing the wrong thing and the longer you do, the deeper you'll groove it (muscle memory)

You may only have to make small changes like getting your eyes over the ball and striking the ball on the up stroke.

Good luck and keep us posted, we like to hear about the improvements! :D
Again, thanks for the welcome.

I'll certainly keep you posted with the way things are going. Especially the putting.
Once I break 100, you'll all hear about it!
Welcome, pull up a chair and say goodbye to sanity.

I would definately go to your local pro. Be prepared for the long haul there are no short cuts. You get out, what you put in.

I take it that the name derives from Newton Aycliffe.

I spent 8 months up there many years ago and loved the place.