Head Pro
My 11yo grandson was robbed of his bike at knifepoint a couple of weeks ago. Due to the uniqueness of the bike and the power of social media (working for good for a change) the bike was recovered a couple of days ago, even though it had been "moved on" and eventually wound up in a town 40 miles away from home.
We are now looking at making the bike ”more traceable" should it go missing again.
I'm aware that there various GPS devices that can be covertly fitted to a variety of things to enable it's location to be determined....possibly by waking it up remotely by mobile..but not sure how well they work, reliability battery longevity, signal strength ( I'm assuming such devices would need to be buried within the bike frame) , subscription fees are all stuff that immediately spring to mind that might make the idea a non starter.
Does anyone have any experience of such devices? Point me in the direction of reliable models?
We are now looking at making the bike ”more traceable" should it go missing again.
I'm aware that there various GPS devices that can be covertly fitted to a variety of things to enable it's location to be determined....possibly by waking it up remotely by mobile..but not sure how well they work, reliability battery longevity, signal strength ( I'm assuming such devices would need to be buried within the bike frame) , subscription fees are all stuff that immediately spring to mind that might make the idea a non starter.
Does anyone have any experience of such devices? Point me in the direction of reliable models?