Golfing in Tenerife


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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So just back last night from two weeks in a apartment in Tenerife.

Stayed in El Duque, the northern end of the Adeje, Las Americas resort area.

I had planned to play 4 courses but other things meant I could only play 3 and an attatched 9 holer.

Getting Around

So lets begin with travel, how to get around.

Taxis are obvious, if you are going to have 4 people and clubs there are the odd larger taxis around but there are not always at the taxi ranks so you may have to call them to your hotel.

To get to Adeje or Las Americas golf clubs from within the resort it may cost up to 15 Euros per taxi. To get to Golf Del Sur and Amarilla the costs are around 18-23 Euros. Los Palos, the 9 local 9 holer, is not advertised but would not cost an more.

So how about an alternative? The buses are decent and fairly frequent but do require some planning.

Firstly get a Bono card! 1.15 Euros up and down the resort and much reduced fairs elsewhere. All the Titsa buses have space for you to sling the golf clubs under the bus in a compartment but some drivers allow them to take them with you. If you are in a group I suggest sticking them in the baggage compartment.

From most of the resort the 416 can be caught pretty much to right outside the driving range of Adeje golf club. Catching it back means a walk up or down the hill on the left side. To enter the club go into the driving range which is open most of the day, for early morning arrivals I would not recommend the bus as the gate would be closed! I got a taxi there and a bus back.

To get to Las Americas is a little harder as the entrance is not easily accessible, I again recommend a taxi there but also back. (I got a free lift with an Italian man).

To get to Golf Del Sur a 483 bus can be taken from the "Estacion Adeje" bus station right to the road outside, just walk up the hill and you are there. The bus is caught back from the same stop. The bus is usually on time but only comes once every hour at best so plan ahead or you may have to get a taxi.

Amarilla and Los Palos golf clubs can be reached by a 467 bus, Los Palos is on the route and Amarilla can be reached from Las Galettas via a taxi to the golf course, I did not get to conform either of theses but those where was the journeys I planned to do.

Other courses are best reached by taxi.

The Courses

As a single golfer I usually just got paired with 3 ball, all were pleasant, most spoke English well but golf is a universal language. Be prepared to play with anyone!

I also recommend taking your own clubs if you are playing 3 times or more OR want to go to the driving range (which at adeje needs just a euro coin (2 Euro coin at Del Sur) and can be accessed by car or bus without entering the club)

Golf Del Sur

Call in advance to book!

Very friendly and helpful golf club, welcoming to boot (they all are really)! Good range and practice facilities.

Located in windy but pleasant surroundings this 27 hole club has fast greens and an almost fantasy golf layout. It was an experience to play but even with my best game I would REQUIRE a course guide to avoid the multitude of hidden hazards. Plotting my way around by sight was almost impossible as from the tee you can barely see where to land the ball, let alone where it might finish up. I ended up just pitching up the fairway at some points as no one in my group knew what lay over a certain hill (turns out it was a lake so glad I laid up!)

The greens were crazy fast and not receptive at all, this made for a very high scoring round, I scraped in just over 100!

Las Americas - ~90 Euros in the winter

Call on the day after 7am to play as a single, book in advance for groups.

Beautiful clubhouse, receptive greens and a less windy area as its surrounded by trees. Another decent range and practice facility too.

This course is a little more like REAL golf compared to Golf Del Sur. Playing with a German 4 HDCP the rest of the group was duty bound to play of the back tees (machoism). You can plot your way around this place and despite my best efforts with an opening birdie I did not do this beautiful course justice on the opening 9, going out in 51, I just could not get any chips close, any lag puts near or leave an easy tap in. Taking a 6 on a par 3 after putting my tee shot just 7 yards from the pin didnt help either! (Two of the duffiest of dufffed chips and a lip out didnt help)

The back 9 is just as enjoyable but lacks the challenge of the front and the sparkle that even the "Fantasy Island" golf at Golf del Sur. Even I stood on the 18th tee having taken just 36 shots! A weak finish meant home in 44 and a 92 total. Not the course this time, all me!

Costa Adeje - ~90 Euros in the winter

Book in advance for groups and singles.

STUNNING clubhouse, decent hillside range (buy your own tees). Good all round practice facilities. Course was amazing, greens superb and very playable. More of an interesting challenge than Las Americas (whites or yellows), even off the Yellows!

Cracking course, best of the 3 I played. Views were stunning all the way around and each hole felt fresh and new. I stumbled up the hill of the first, unsure of where to put my ball. Thankfully this was only one of two occasions where I felt very unsure as we had course guide displays in the buggies.

I sent my party wild when on 3, a downhill, downwind par 5. My drive rolled to within 200m of the green from the tee, a drive I was told measuring just over 300m (330 yards). Sadly a pushed second shot left me in a greenside bit of wasteland and I had to take a penatly drop due to a nasty looking cactus over my ball! (not risking any spiking there!)

If that had not got my German playing partners in a golfing frenzy then hitting a 3 iron, 6 iron combo down a hole 400m long (440y), again this was downhill and downwind so I wasn't that surprised. Add in the effect of the heat those conditions helped me look like a big hitter all holiday long.

Before they had even calmed down we took on an uphill short par 3 with a carry of 100m over rocky ground that required a dropzone drop just 50m from the green if you stray into it. The woman next to the tee selling golf balls also suggested this was a tough hole and claimed many victims each day! Cooly I slotted a 7 iron into the wind and to the back of the green.

What happened next sent the already riled up 4 ball into an all out Ryder Cup Style run around the green High Fiving. I faced a downhill, down tier putt from the very back of the green to the very front. I had taken a 7 rather than an 8 for safety, typical of me, and I faced a very possible lightening fast putt off the green and down into the hazard! My ball set off at a gently pace, ACTUALLY paused at the top of the tier, as if to close its eyes before it stated rolling down, curving towards the hole. To the applause of a group on the adjacent hole, the cheers of my group and my sheer disbelief it went in for a 2.

Nothing mattered from then on, I had a tame but consistently average remainder of the round and cooly finished off with a bogey for a round of 89. The challenge and toughness of the course and greens at times stopped me going into the mid 80s and the usual fats, duffs and missed tiddlers stopped it being low 80s.

In summary Adeje is a wonderful place to play golf, I had more fun there than any of the other courses combined. I also sneaked round the 9 holer there and that is a fun little course with a few interesting holes, worth a visit for a warmup before any major golfing matchups if you are on a group holiday.

Where Else/ Other Tips

Groups book all your golf in advance, either at the start of your trip or before you fly, singles or pairs can book while there and for some courses you can book on the day.

Los Palos, a 9 holer between the resort I stayed at and the airport had good reviews from all I asked about it. There are also other courses to the north but with 4 very distinct courses in the south plus the 9 hole offerings I would only visit if convinced by others.

As I said before, bring your own clubs as hire sets vary, Adeje offer more up to date clubs but others offer cheap SGI sets that have seen better days from what I have seen.

Walking courses is the best way to see them and all the courses I played are fine with that, no forced buggy use!

The weather is good at this time of year, a cloudy day is always a good golf day and is warm. Wind is always a blessing from the heat but has its effects on the ball. Suncream is necessary, the pace of golf does vary as the courses seem to let on all abilities and have never asked me to prove my handicap. I found no need to wear extra clothing apart from the most exposed courses near the airport and that was only for a few holes.

Lastly if you wish to try and score then I recommend any decent hitters consider long irons or hybrids from the yellow tees, even on longer par 4s as the ball goes a lot futher than in the UK and missing the fairway is not advised! Also a course guide is strongly recommended at Golf Del Sur!
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Sep 11, 2011
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Nice write up SB!

And has come at the right time. Went online yesterday to see what's available somewhere in the sun...


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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nice write up SB, Adeje definitely a nice track, dont remember Golf del Sur being as hard as you found it (maybe because I broke 70 round there many yrs back :eek: ). Is the Irish bar still there on the Golf del Sur estate?


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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nice write up SB, Adeje definitely a nice track, dont remember Golf del Sur being as hard as you found it (maybe because I broke 70 round there many yrs back :eek: ). Is the Irish bar still there on the Golf del Sur estate?

I made Del Sur hard with my timid and safe play, not willing to bash the ball into the unknown, I lacked the confidence and as it was my first round of the holiday I did not want to lose all my balls in a day! Ended up only losing 4 and all bar one were at Del Sur! It was a VERY windy day too and the greens were so fast they were almost unplayable!

No idea about the Irish bar, only went to the course.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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nice write up SB, Adeje definitely a nice track, don't remember Golf del Sur being as hard as you found it (maybe because I broke 70 round there many yrs back :eek: ). Is the Irish bar still there on the Golf del Sur estate?
Yes its still there its called the Wild Geese
They have a golf society and used to play every Monday morning at greatly reduced rates. if you go into the pub a night or two beforehand and ask for the owner Steph Robin a keen golfer , you'll be made welcome ,


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Yes its still there its called the Wild Geese
They have a golf society and used to play every Monday morning at greatly reduced rates. if you go into the pub a night or two beforehand and ask for the owner Steph Robin a keen golfer , you'll be made welcome ,

Sounds pretty much as it was quite a few years ago :) Always good to know


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Sounds pretty much as it was quite a few years ago :) Always good to know

I chose the perfect time to get away too! During the snow!

My course is open tomorrow so I had two weeks golfing in the sun between two spells of decent weather here in the UK... Snow... What snow?

I did miss a snow golf event at my golf club however, 10 hole short course between the drifts!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Yep you def picked a good time to be away lol, plenty of built up frustration on the forum!!!! If lucky ours may be open tomorrow but likely to be later in the week due to being too wet :( that and more rain fcast too