Golf mindset

Mind coach

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Jun 29, 2020
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Hi all,

Im a performance mind coach , I look after players in many sports, drivers on fringes of Formula 1, World snooker players
but most of my work is with Tour golf players both men and ladies from the leading European tours..

As well I do work one to one with some amateurs as well and I find them just as much if not more so rewarding to work with...

The gains are much easier to access ive found than in many professionals who can be very guilty of making things
needlessly complex.

In Golf even more so than in other sports I work In its vital to have all the ducks in a row lined up,
Golf gives us all no where to hide... We get exactly what we are...

Each shot is a mirror image of the space you where in when you hit it...

We can convince our selfs that we are ok with the three putt we just had on the last green, but the next tee shot
flying into the woods talks a different story!

Good mind set/ attitude on the golf course is as vital if your a 24 handicapper as it is a Tour pro...

Please no matter what your golfing ability , ping me some questions below and ill answer them to help you get the best out of your self.
And most importantly enjoy the game more.