Golf buddy PT4 GPS


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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Golf buddy premier device, it looks a bit like a mobile phone (and uses Android operating system!), has a nice big screen that is bright and colourful, and is fully waterproof.

The touchscreen is responsive enough for selecting hazards, pin positions and even selecting targeted layup points (just point at anywhere on the hole overview and the distacne to that point is shown along with the distance to the pin from that point too.

The GPS moves around the holes faultlessly and apart from one crash (first round I played) it's works well, picking up the course straight away on power up. In fact I simply press the power button on the practice green and by the time I'm on the first tee the unit is ready and waiting showing the course correctly and set for the first tee.

The unit came with two screen protectors, which like a mobile phone are very easy to install and protects the screen from scratches when in use, but the reversible device caddy that clips to the bag is a great idea and protects the device after use. A small micro usb charger is also includes, but I've been using my phone charger with no issues too.

Of course the big question mark will be accuracy and I can confirm that it matches other units. When I've played with friends they are all showing the same distances (Garmin was a little off, but it shows the same as Skycaddie), will be testing their support as I've just informed them of course changes and will now see if they remap the changes. A quick linkup to PCs has updated the firmware twice and the courses too so far.

Overall I've had no issues from the device, it lasts the standard 36 holes that most devices do. So far so good !