Getting rid of an in to out swing path.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Over the summer my swing plane/path seemed to change and as a result I ended last year with an almost unworkable ball shape of right to left draw sometimes bordering a hook. After a lesson with the pro he diagnosed a very strong left hand grip and a mildly strong right hand grip. This was also not helping with the fact that my swing plane was very flat on the back swing and steep on the down swing resulting in a very in to out swing path.

After working on this through a 5 lesson course & around 10-20 range sessions I thought it was under control but yet again this weekend it crept back. The grip is very much neutral so this is sorted and the pro is happy with this, but the swing path/plane seems to be the biggest issue. It was that bad Saturday morning that I had to have a 15 min emergency lesson just to get through Saturdays knock out comp round.

Starting very flat which gives a closed club face at the top of the back swing, then very much from the inside on the down swing with a high follow through and a slightly closed face at impact.

To help get me through the round we worked a drill -
3 balls in a diagonal line working on me hitting the middle ball - that had me coming from the outside to try and eliminate the hook and at worst turn it into a draw. Any time I did come from the side I would collect the nearest ball to me with the heal of the club so it was easy to guage a feel of how it should feel, It worked through the rounds over the weekend but I need to get this sorted and fixed ASAP as its killing cards again. Both rounds over the weekend were just inside the buffer for my h/c, but this is only due to being very creative around the greens.

Between the 3 ball drill, using the power lines to help me swing from the outside, and a pre shot routine of a couple of practice swings almost vertical , Does anyone have any proven drills that have helped them over come this sort of issue.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I feel the issue here is the down swing at impact.
Your arms must be moving away from your chest as you turn through the ball.
Try getting a feeling of going in to square to in on your down swing by keep rotating your body and keeping your arms closer to your chest. Your neutral grip should take care of the clubface :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Bob, the exact words he used was

Very flat on the back swing leaving me closed at the top then everything comes from the inside on the down swing. I'm going to try and get a few videos from the last two lessons to post online. If I can't get them then I'll see if I can get someone at the range to film my swing to post.

He's trying to get me turning more through the ball and when we do this the drill is literally a vertical back swing and then just turn through the ball. I wished I'd started back with a lesson course when I started Playing full time again after a break from the game, some bad habits just seem impossible to get rid of

Thinking back I've noticed a few times if I push my hands slightly lower (sitting the toe of the club up) results seem to be more consistent, he has mentioned getting lOft and lie checked


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Be careful not to snatch the club away too much on the inside. Go slowly moving the club back on a natural arc not too much on the inside or too steeply, both extremes are bad.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I've no problem with an in to out swing as long as you get the club out in front of you on the downswing (no stuck by your right hip). Try to think about getting the club (and hitting the ball) closer to your left shoulder at impact.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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james this is pretty much bang on what the problem is, apparently on the down swing when the club gets level with my right hip it all goes pear shaped and my body moves quite alot to deal with this awkward position.

Over october and november i had this sorted with a slightly steeper back dwing and flatter down swing and things were good, this is when the game come back together and i started playing reasonable golf. i just need to keep working on this steeper back swing drill.