Garden Centre opening on Wednesday !


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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seems that local totally outdoor garden centre re-opening will have the following restrictions, A one way walking system being applied no criss crossing from walkway to walkway, only couples being allowed access and at ten min intervals, at no time should you expect to be nearer than 20 odd yards from those ahead, not allowed to sit on any bench others may have used or touch any of the fixtures,
café not open so expected to leave as soon as plants loaded into car. that sounds so super safe can`t wait get there NEXT week.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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If anything opens I am giving it two weeks. Chances are it’s going to be packed whatever measures come in to reduce overcrowding.

Same goes for the recycling centres opening soon near us.

I’ve waited this long, I can do a few more weeks.


Club Champion
Feb 26, 2016
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If anything opens I am giving it two weeks. Chances are it’s going to be packed whatever measures come in to reduce overcrowding.

Same goes for the recycling centres opening soon near us.

I’ve waited this long, I can do a few more weeks.

Absolutely my thoughts. I was queuing for my local supermarket the other day - next door is a b&q. There were people at the back of the queue when I started who were still in the queue when I left the supermarket. Is your diy really that important?!


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Absolutely my thoughts. I was queuing for my local supermarket the other day - next door is a b&q. There were people at the back of the queue when I started who were still in the queue when I left the supermarket. Is your diy really that important?!

For some (me included) diy has been a welcome diversion to the hum drum of stay at home life.
I had a number of projects lined up for the summer, I was able to order in most of the stuff I needed, before lockdown, but still needed a couple of bits which I was able to click and collect from screwfix and B&Q last week.

If I was stuck in a flat with no access to a garden with nothing to do, I’d have gone slowly mad, as it is, I have done my major jobs which frees up more time for golf when it returns.

We got a skip delivered last week and the guy said they have never been busier


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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According to a "senior source in the UK government":
"Garden centres typically open large open-air spaces where the risk of transmission of coronavirus is lower.
With strict social distancing measures in place we believe they can open safely from next week"
Ahem. Can the government think of anywhere else like that?

I'm now convinced that keeping golf closed is some kind of sop to placate the uninformed masses who believe that golf is the preserve of the privileged.
It's politically motivated rather than anything to do with science.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2019
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I suspect it is more around the fact that shopping for plants is likely to be done within your household, whereas your regular four ball is not, and also the distances of travel that might be involved (with a side order of pressure from some other sports to be treated the same). Oh, and a side order of actually, we're being made hyper cautious by pressure from the Press, I suspect...


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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There's a fishing lake next to the railway near Wigan that's been full to the rafters since April... not entirely sure how it's managed it, maybe it also sells baked beans or paint...


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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For some (me included) diy has been a welcome diversion to the hum drum of stay at home life.
I had a number of projects lined up for the summer, I was able to order in most of the stuff I needed, before lockdown, but still needed a couple of bits which I was able to click and collect from screwfix and B&Q last week.

If I was stuck in a flat with no access to a garden with nothing to do, I’d have gone slowly mad, as it is, I have done my major jobs which frees up more time for golf when it returns.

We got a skip delivered last week and the guy said they have never been busier

Here in lies the problem for me.
When lockdown first happened "essential" was quite clearly what the government deemed essential to survive, its now basically what people deem essential for themselves. Don't get me wrong, i think a bit of diy, the odd window chat to grandparents/isolated family that have been mentioned on here are fine, but it very quickly escalates. Yes mental health is massively important, but for every person struggling who does something like those mentioned, many more people will see it and think they should just being doing it too. It weakens the resolve imo. Lot's of little baby steps, each one not much worse than the previous but from initial lockdown to now the gap is vast.

It's the same for businesses, Mike Ashley was battered on here for wanting to keep stores open, yet people queue for fast food and line the pockets of those companies! How on earth that's essential is beyond me!
Now lot's of small business see these companies being allowed to open and will follow suit, whilst not really having the funds or access to space that really allows them to do so safely.
Jan 9, 2018
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In my opinion, it's been daft not to had have garden centres open from day one. For one thing the businesses have had to throw away thousands of pounds worth of plants. Secondly, the supermarkets have "had it away" selling garden products. I saw one lady coming out of Morrisons with a large trolley full of just garden products. Surely she and others, were making the supermarkets busier than they ought to have been? And thirdly, the garden centres have had to close and furlough staff, at a huge cost to the government, when they would have been better off SAFELY serving the public.........and making a few quid, which as yet isn't against the law.
I'll now await the barrage of abuse with regard to my irresponsible post!


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2019
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I actually agree with that.

But on the bigger issue, lockdown is certainly fraying at the edges. My next door neighbours on either side have "guests" in the garden at present. I'm trying to be calm and reasonable (I know on one side its her recently divorced sister) but it does grate that people think it doesn't apply to them...


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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But on the bigger issue, lockdown is certainly fraying at the edges. My next door neighbours on either side have "guests" in the garden at present. I'm trying to be calm and reasonable (I know on one side its her recently divorced sister) but it does grate that people think it doesn't apply to them...

I live at the coast and the place is full this weekend with a lot a camper vans in the area.

The lifeboat had to be launched the other day to rescue a group cut off by the tide. They had travelled down from Slough for the day!
Jan 9, 2018
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Thank you Grizzly, for actually agreeing with me. I don't get many agreeing with me on this forum........not that I care that much.
On the matter of of the Lockdown fraying at the edges. I stated early April, that we could stand about six weeks of this....which takes you to about May 15th.
I think the public at large are voting with their feet, and many are doing what they like. I went shopping today at about the time I used to return from golf.
I queued at all the traffic hotspots. There were hundreds out on the road. Does anyone realistically think that the police can do anything about it? Not a chance, and they know it.
Anyway, we're meant to be out in the open in order to top up our Vitamin D levels.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Is it, like, really really mean if I say they might have been better left to drown? ;)
Possibly a tad harsh but I definitely think some of these people, and I think it applies to ambulances, that if you call then out for a mickey mouse reason, and I'd class travelling from Slough and unacceptable, that they should be charged for the cost of the call out or ambulance treatment


Active member
Dec 12, 2019
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Absolutely my thoughts. I was queuing for my local supermarket the other day - next door is a b&q. There were people at the back of the queue when I started who were still in the queue when I left the supermarket. Is your diy really that important?!

I suppose it gives somebody something to do.


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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I actually agree with that.

But on the bigger issue, lockdown is certainly fraying at the edges. My next door neighbours on either side have "guests" in the garden at present. I'm trying to be calm and reasonable (I know on one side its her recently divorced sister) but it does grate that people think it doesn't apply to them...

Same here. I haven’t seen my daughter for 6 weeks now, not even on her 18th birthday. Yet the idiots next door have had both sets of grandkids around twice a week. It wound me up no end to start, but now I’m of the opinion that if they want to risk their own lives and those of their grandchildren, crack on. Our hospital seems to be coping well at the moment so there’s room for those imbeciles.

In terms of the main topic, I think one thing most of us forget is that although we can see why golf should be allowed, golf is played by few and therefore benefits a tiny percentage of the population. There are bigger things for the government to spend their time thinking about opening back up and sorting than us lot.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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Same here. I haven’t seen my daughter for 6 weeks now, not even on her 18th birthday. Yet the idiots next door have had both sets of grandkids around twice a week. It wound me up no end to start, but now I’m of the opinion that if they want to risk their own lives and those of their grandchildren, crack on. Our hospital seems to be coping well at the moment so there’s room for those imbeciles.

In terms of the main topic, I think one thing most of us forget is that although we can see why golf should be allowed, golf is played by few and therefore benefits a tiny percentage of the population. There are bigger things for the government to spend their time thinking about opening back up and sorting than us lot.

Do you think there are more people visiting Garden Centres than those playing golf or those Angling, both types who go every week with some retired ones going 3- 4 days each week, my original point was why just garden centres and not equally (safer) other activities - tiny % of pop applying to all mentioned. think its 5million fish & 3m golf.