Free drop from a bunker


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Listening to a couple of guys today in the 19th and they were on about a player on the PGA tour. Apparently his ball landed in the bunker. The player testing the depth of the sand wriggled his way down to the bunker membrane. He then called the ref over and asked from a free drop out of the bunker as his ball was on an unnatural surface. Apparently he got his drop. Is this right that if you can see or feel the membrane on a bunker you get a drop. I honestly don’t know but some of our bunkers have been “ re done “ and the sand in them is shocking re being an inch or so above the membrane.

Thoughts please.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The membrane is an immovable obstruction. Same as any IO If it interferes with your stance or area of intended swing you get free relief unless a club has a LR making it an integral obstruction.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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The membrane is an immovable obstruction. Same as any IO If it interferes with your stance or area of intended swing you get free relief unless a club has a LR making it an integral obstruction.
many thanks Jim. The odd thing about this is that members have been moaning about the bunkers for months and someone has now mentioned this. It may be a get out of jail card for some. Ironically I played a bunker shot a Couple of moths ago the club bounced off the membrane and the ball went 50 yards through the green


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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many thanks Jim. The odd thing about this is that members have been moaning about the bunkers for months and someone has now mentioned this. It may be a get out of jail card for some. Ironically I played a bunker shot a Couple of moths ago the club bounced off the membrane and the ball went 50 yards through the green
Every bunker on my course has these membranes they are a nightmare.
if the sand is kept uniform it’s fine but mostly you are just guessing how much sand there is.
It’s like playing a sand shot off a range mat ,i can see the logic behind them but the sand depth must be maintained or your club just bounces of the mat.
as you say Tash it is not a controlled shot and can go a lot further than you think.
Quite a few cars have been hit on our 18th because of this.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Every bunker on my course has these membranes they are a nightmare.
if the sand is kept uniform it’s fine but mostly you are just guessing how much sand there is.
It’s like playing a sand shot off a range mat ,i can see the logic behind them but the sand depth must be maintained or your club just bounces of the mat.
as you say Tash it is not a controlled shot and can go a lot further than you think.
Quite a few cars have been hit on our 18th because of this.

Quite a few cars have been hit on our 18th because of this. 😳


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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If you think there’s not much sand under the ball ,Play your shot with your PW which dosnt have as much bounce.
it takes a bit of practice though.
This is a skill/ art that a few players at our place have done for a good few years.
Our course was designed by an American 20 odd years ago.His trait was large greenside and fairway bunkers. Trouble is there was no consistency in the bunkers re sand etc. chipping out was mostly the easier option. Then some of the bunkers were reduced in size a few years ago and liners put in. Complete and utter rammel.a couple of members complained and one of the staffs response was “ I will give you a bunker lesson”. It didn’t go down well.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This is a skill/ art that a few players at our place have done for a good few years.
Our course was designed by an American 20 odd years ago.His trait was large greenside and fairway bunkers. Trouble is there was no consistency in the bunkers re sand etc. chipping out was mostly the easier option. Then some of the bunkers were reduced in size a few years ago and liners put in. Complete and utter rammel.a couple of members complained and one of the staffs response was “ I will give you a bunker lesson”. It didn’t go down well.
The bunker rebuild program at my track (steep, and often deep, revetted faces) has meant that with most bunkers no longer is there such a thing as a ‘chip out’ bunker…at least not if you want to play towards the green - we have to play a ‘proper’ bunker shot…by which I mean understanding and utilising ‘bounce’.

As for many members this is not an understanding or skill they possessed the pros run bunker clinics. Up to ten members paying £5 (IIRC) each. They are popular. Does mean of course that, given I ‘know how’, bunkers hold little or no fear for me most places I play.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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They really ought not be parking on the 18th, asking for trouble I'd say 😜🤣
Yes .Its a scary shot the car park is about 20’ behind the green.
Most play short and are caught by the bunkers .
they are a nightmare and often see players aim away from the flag as they don’t want to hit someone’s Bentley.:eek:


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Yes .Its a scary shot the car park is about 20’ behind the green.
Most play short and are caught by the bunkers .
they are a nightmare and often see players aim away from the flag as they don’t want to hit someone’s Bentley.:eek:
I think yanda was thinking the cars were being parked on the green.