Elbow joing clicking and aching slightly


Tour Rookie
Jan 25, 2008
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I have no swelling, discomfort or lack of movement in my elbow however all of a sudden it clicks when i bend it. It is my left elbow and doesn't appear to have affected my golf swing but just wondered if anyone else has this and i wanted to check it wasn't the start of something more serious.
How old are you? Probably nothing wrong if it continues go see your GP, you have nothing to lose.

Loads of people believe that Joints clicking will give you arthritis, this is garbage, cracking you knuckles etc is fine its just air being released into the joint.
i'm only 24. Thanks for the advice. much appreciated.

Hope you're right about the arthritis. If i eat a melon seed will a melon tree grow in my tummy?
Definitely minty18, on a slight tangent did anybody see that bloke on TV who was half human half tree? I only caught the last 5 mins, is it worth staying up and watching the repeat?
Sounds like your elbow has morphed into one of Ledworse's swing-setters, click as you go back and click as you swing through...only if you time it right though!! :rolleyes:

Seriously though I'd watch for golf elbow (tendonitis), maybe rest it for a few days.
i used to get golf elbow, but after wearing a magnetic bracelet for a few weeks it has gone,could be just a placebo effect but it works for me, for less han £20 worth a go