early extension shanking


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Pretty sure I have managed to groove an early extension shanking horror show swing. Probably come about from swinging indoors over winter. Due to not wanting to demolish the stairs on back swing or follow through I seem to have stopped turning. Instead I seem to be standing up and catching EVERYTHING clean out of the hozzel. Its uncanny how repeatable it is.

100 balls yesterday at the range. About 80 of them flew right off the hozzel.

Best videos to get rid of this affliction please? I watched a few last night which seemed to describe this really well but I would like to see what the experts think.

this has been in the post. Every week was getting worse and worse till meltdown this weekend. Luckily my mate pointed out the problem and I hit a few foam balls with the face of the club last night.

I will post a horror swing or two tonight :eek:


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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I have no fix for you but extend my deepest sympathy :mmm:.

I had a three month bout of the nasties myself 7 or 8 years ago and it's left me a scarred man. Odd one still pops up although even the Pros aren't immune. Did you see Poulter's last night? Cost him a 3-shot lead in the Honda.

Hope someone in the know can sort this for you.
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Aug 5, 2011
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EE has been my nemesis for as long as I remember. It can and does cause a plethara of other horrendous shots like thins, fats, pulls, high push fades etc

Sometimes I would even cut my wrist on my belt buckle the EE was so bad:eek:

Person who sorted it? the_coach on this very forum:whoo:. I still need to be very aware and it comes back with a bang but I know what to do to prevent it and fix it when it happens.

There are some good online vids to support as well.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I have no fix for you but extend my deepest sympathy :mmm:.

I had a three month bout of the nasties myself 7 or 8 years ago and it's left me a scarred man. Odd one still pops up although even the Pros aren't immune. Did you see Poulter's last night? Cost him a 3-shot lead in the Honda.

Hope one someone in the know can sort this for you.

Yeah I seen Poulter last night. It was par of a plethora of watsapp messages trying to sort this out.

Just hit another 8 balls there at home. Thankfully I am finding the face again. Such a relief.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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EE has been my nemesis for as long as I remember. It can and does cause a plethara of other horrendous shots like thins, fats, pulls, high push fades etc

Sometimes I would even cut my wrist on my belt buckle the EE was so bad:eek:

Person who sorted it? the_coach on this very forum:whoo:. I still need to be very aware and it comes back with a bang but I know what to do to prevent it and fix it when it happens.

There are some good online vids to support as well.

Monty has a good EE video on YouTube. :thup:


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Same problem here. Had a lesson, and now practice swinging in the garden with butt up against a garden fork stuck in the ground.:eek:oo:trying to stay in touch as long as possible on the down swing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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shield your eyes and hard hats on. here it comes :swing:



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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would say if you could shoot your swing from face on the issue will probably be there a ways easier for you to see.

but looking at the dtl you got a little ways lateral sway off the ball. then a more pronounced lateral sway because of this on the throughswing.

if your range has those plastic chairs put a front leg against your right heel make some backswings feeling the weight stay on the inside of your right foot as you turn into your right hip socket. make a bunch of backswings feeling this & not a move back aways from the ball.

then make some slow swings from the top making sure you not going to hit the chair. then make a 70% swing through a ball feeling your weight presses downwards into the lead leg & the left hip turns left - currently because you move laterally off the ball you got a pretty big lateral move going on with the weight, legs & hips taking you too far towards target & your arm swing reacts to this.

if you not got access to a chair put a water bottle with say 1&1/2" of water in touching the outside of your right foot opposite the ankle - it has to stay there when you swing - downswing focus on the same as above.

if they let you take a bag in & you got a stand bag - do a bunch of these drills on this vid - would do it though with a water bottle in place as above.

(would help a good deal if possible you could weaken off that right hand a ways counter-clockwise so the 'V' points to just past the right ear)

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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Cheers coach. We don't have plastic chairs at the range. Nor can we bring in bag. I will work on this at home though.

I must sort out that sway too. I don't think that was in my swing in the past. :(


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Just smashed some foam balls just now in the house. Making contact with the face.

Concentrated on eliminating that sway. :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Fore right :eek:



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Your path looks to in to out and you present the hosel.

What's your shot shape and normal miss?

Usually dont have much trouble hitting both draws and fades. Ive spent most of the winter hitting that new driver. Most likely swaying around trying to hit it as far as I can. seems like its bleed into the iron swing.

Been hitting foam balls at home here concentrating on not swaying and I am finding the middle again. Such a relief.

Might get to the range tomorrow so should see if I am back to normal.


Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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Pretty sure I have managed to groove an early extension shanking horror show swing. Probably come about from swinging indoors over winter. Due to not wanting to demolish the stairs on back swing or follow through I seem to have stopped turning. Instead I seem to be standing up and catching EVERYTHING clean out of the hozzel. Its uncanny how repeatable it is.

100 balls yesterday at the range. About 80 of them flew right off the hozzel.

Best videos to get rid of this affliction please? I watched a few last night which seemed to describe this really well but I would like to see what the experts think.

this has been in the post. Every week was getting worse and worse till meltdown this weekend. Luckily my mate pointed out the problem and I hit a few foam balls with the face of the club last night.

I will post a horror swing or two tonight :eek:
Try this on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ9appiIOQs