Driver Set Up


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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This may be clutching at straws but wanted some feedback on the following.

Last season I struggled with a power draw/hook. Grip and set up all looked fine but still the issue. Booked a set of lessons and immediately the pro identified a strong right hand (right handed golfer) which was the route cause. I had been focusing on seeing 2 knuckles etc and not noticed that my other hand had slipped round.

Anyway, hitting balls on the range and getting used to this more neutral grip which feels odd at the moment but has certainly resulted in straighter shots. However with my driver it's gone completely the other way, pushes and slices etc.

I know that my swing path is generally from the inside so it shouldn't be an issue of coming over the top. Anyway, I digress. On the course today there was nobody playing so I decided to have a few holes. I hit a number of drives and everything was going right by varying degrees.

Couldn't get it working properly at all until I realised that I had the driver grip quite high in the air. I lowered the grip so hands hung straight down rather than reaching and immediately my flight straightened up. The slice disappeared and drives were straight or a slight draw.

My question is, could this small change in set up be the answer or was this just a fluke run of straight shots and it's likely the issue will reoccur.

I hope this makes sense?!


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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This may be clutching at straws but wanted some feedback on the following.

Last season I struggled with a power draw/hook. Grip and set up all looked fine but still the issue. Booked a set of lessons and immediately the pro identified a strong right hand (right handed golfer) which was the route cause. I had been focusing on seeing 2 knuckles etc and not noticed that my other hand had slipped round.

Anyway, hitting balls on the range and getting used to this more neutral grip which feels odd at the moment but has certainly resulted in straighter shots. However with my driver it's gone completely the other way, pushes and slices etc.

I know that my swing path is generally from the inside so it shouldn't be an issue of coming over the top. Anyway, I digress. On the course today there was nobody playing so I decided to have a few holes. I hit a number of drives and everything was going right by varying degrees.

Couldn't get it working properly at all until I realised that I had the driver grip quite high in the air. I lowered the grip so hands hung straight down rather than reaching and immediately my flight straightened up. The slice disappeared and drives were straight or a slight draw.

My question is, could this small change in set up be the answer or was this just a fluke run of straight shots and it's likely the issue will reoccur.

I hope this makes sense?!

Can't help but noticed you're a fellow Evnroller :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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This may be clutching at straws but wanted some feedback on the following.

Last season I struggled with a power draw/hook. Grip and set up all looked fine but still the issue. Booked a set of lessons and immediately the pro identified a strong right hand (right handed golfer) which was the route cause. I had been focusing on seeing 2 knuckles etc and not noticed that my other hand had slipped round.

Anyway, hitting balls on the range and getting used to this more neutral grip which feels odd at the moment but has certainly resulted in straighter shots. However with my driver it's gone completely the other way, pushes and slices etc.

I know that my swing path is generally from the inside so it shouldn't be an issue of coming over the top. Anyway, I digress. On the course today there was nobody playing so I decided to have a few holes. I hit a number of drives and everything was going right by varying degrees.

Couldn't get it working properly at all until I realised that I had the driver grip quite high in the air. I lowered the grip so hands hung straight down rather than reaching and immediately my flight straightened up. The slice disappeared and drives were straight or a slight draw.

My question is, could this small change in set up be the answer or was this just a fluke run of straight shots and it's likely the issue will reoccur.

I hope this makes sense?!

if am reading the above correctly

if the norm had been a pretty strong trail hand hold "under" (so would have seen all the nails & first part of fingers at set-up)
then subconsciously would have had to develop a set-up (watch the shoulder line isn't open at set-up as this often times goes along with all of the trail hand under etc) and motion to stop the face from closing down and hitting everything leftfield)

bunch of ways folks tend to do this but common is both high hands and with the arms a tad to stretched out aways too far from the body so quite a distance between hands/handle and the torso plus in the swing motion also delivering the handle both as a tad of a drag to target plus higher so shaft a good bunch steeper on a vertical axis - as this stops the face angle from closing

so putting the trail hand in a better position - more on top of the handle - so the "V" crease between thumb/index finger points more just past the ear to mid trail shoulder - would mean if the 'norm' set-up hands high arm out aways from the body along with the higher hands/handle delivery with the in to out path would mean the face looking rightfield as everything was still working to stop the face from closing down - so now it was being delivered either square to path - so push or open to path - so push fade/slice

so monitoring the trail hand so it does not slip back to under - need to work on making sure the shoulder line ain't open to target line plus monitoring where the hands are at set-up so tad lower so toe of driver will be a tad up at address having the upper arms still lightly connected with the chest wall and the hands looking from dtl would be approx under a vertical line drawn down from the nose/chin

then in the motion it would feel the hands/handle traveled leftfield some through impact with a tad of a feeling that (with the driver or 3metal off of a tee) that the face angle was getting to the ball just before the hands - thats a feeling not really what is happening - but providing all the other stuff has been done with set-up lower hands, hands going more leftfield through strike etc - it will help the face and cg of the club line up squarer to target so a bunch more controllable starting directon to target with lot less unwanted flight curvature


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Coach, that's great, thanks for the feedback.

You have read quite correctly, right hand (trail) slipping too much under the grip whilst left hand was in a neutral position.

Due to lessons on trackman I know my swing path is usually a degree or so inside which is why I mentioned it not being a case of coming over the top. However what you have said makes sense as the new grip but with an inside swing is definitely resulting in visits to the right hand side of the fairway and beyond!

I think it all boils down to getting the grip right and also set up, hands hanging down rather than reaching which you pointed out. Off to the range tonight to carry on the process!



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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am assuming with the above though that along with the trail hand stuff the Pro has got the ball position in a good spot _ which is being adhered to along with some secondary spine tilt (trail shoulder tad lower than the lead) and the head, sternum remains approx 6" or so behind the ball - meaning the ball position off of around the lead heel but then the head and chest has not been moved back up right next to the ball - head sternum stays back off of the ball position

hope it goes good


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2016
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I must say Coach, your responses are always so comprehensive and detailed. You're a credit to your profession!