Do what is fair . . .


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Having recently seen a large group of spectators moving a rock that was deemed a removeable object (try getting away with that one), I am becoming more and more disenchanted with the pro's interpretation of 'do what is fair'.

Do we really play to the same set of rules?

(This was prompted by billyg's post)
I still believe that 99% of pros will call a penalty on themselves for infringements and the integrity of the game is intact at professional level. The stigma of being 'dishonest' in golf is extreme and potentially career-ruining.
The rule book is written and if a large rock is a loose impediment then if the powers that be say it can be legally moved then so be it.
In golf it is in your best interests to know the rules well, it can work to your advantage in terms of relief gained. The amount of people I play with who don't know the penalty drop options is ridiculous.
Agreed birdieman.
The pros use the rules to their advantage which we should all do.Not break them just work out the best solution or if your not sure get a ruling.
Ive lost count of the times iv'e heard someone say "well if id have known this or that rule i could have done this or that".

I don't think the pros would cheat on purpose they have to much to lose. As once you are branded a cheat it will stick for good which it should do.
I think the problem lies with all the players who do NOT know the rules, someone could genuinely have a drop in an advantageous position but the other players may say no thats not allowed simply because they did not read the rules. When this happens it can leave a slightly off atmosphere even though it is them who are wrong, not the player in question.
I think that some Pro's chance there luck at times and using there immense golfing clout to pressure the referee into ruling in their favour, case in point being Tiger knocking his ball into the air conditioning unit of the clubhouse a couple of years ago. After 25 miinutes and NEVER finding the ball he was allowed to play another without penalty. That lost him the respect of millions even if it was a grey area because HE DIDN'T DO WHAT WAS FAIR. He should have taken the penalty instead of manipulating the referee. That was when I got sick of Tiger
Pro's do have slightly different rules, not by much but they are stricter, even in pro ams or your national tour. But as most of you say these guys know the rules and how to use them to there benefit. Theres no reason why you all cant do this just get a rules book (there free on r&a website) read up on common senarios and keep the book in your bag. It aint cheating and may help you win some day.
Agreed, Madandra.

Just a thought, but do you think if Tiger had been in Darren Clarke's situation in the Irish Open (play suspended, ball in better position in the morning) he would have taken the Clarke option to hit it our sideways when he could have gone for the green?

Hmmmmm, not after the air conditioning incident. He's becoming more and more borderline.

Here's what I'm talking about, for those who didn't see it.

Clarke deservedly got "shot of the month" for that one. Good on 'im.
Tiger's ball wasn't OB and he even said in an interview after that event that he couldn't believe it wasn't.

After 25 miinutes and NEVER finding the ball he was allowed to play another without penalty.
It wasn't as if he was allowed to look for the ball for 25 mins. Within the usual 5-minute limit it was determined that the ball had been picked up by a spectator and the rest of the time was spent deciding what to do about it, according to this article, anyway. I think Tiger just got lucky that his ball wasn't actually OB and accepted the favourable ruling that the officials decided upon - who wouldn't?
I think that some Pro's chance there luck at times and using there immense golfing clout to pressure the referee into ruling in their favour, case in point being Tiger knocking his ball into the air conditioning unit of the clubhouse a couple of years ago. After 25 miinutes and NEVER finding the ball he was allowed to play another without penalty. That lost him the respect of millions even if it was a grey area because HE DIDN'T DO WHAT WAS FAIR. He should have taken the penalty instead of manipulating the referee. That was when I got sick of Tiger

Well said andy, well said indeed. And people wonder why I dislike Tiger Woods. This is an example of why on top of his lack of personality and charm, I have no time for him whatsoever. Unfortunately there will always be those who you would think are superglued by their lips to his backside they worship him so much. Fools.
Darren comes across as a great fella,
watch this video clip of him and westwood at the 2007 masters, you need to watch all of it though, this is the practice round before you wonder why they hit a few balls.
Brendy, I can't believe you just made me waste 4 minutes of my life watching that....I thought something was going to happen?? Jeeezz!
Unfortunately there will always be those who you would think are superglued by their lips to his backside they worship him so much. Fools.
Do you include rules officials in that category?? It's a pretty strong allegation to say that they'll ignore the rules just to help Tiger. :eek:
Unfortunately there will always be those who you would think are superglued by their lips to his backside they worship him so much. Fools.
Do you include rules officials in that category?? It's a pretty strong allegation to say that they'll ignore the rules just to help Tiger. :eek:

I wouldn't include rules officials, but what i would say is that some officials appear to be intimidated by Tiger. You can't deny that he has had a number of dodgy rulings going his way over the past few years which you have not seen anyone else get.
Tiger's too good, that's why people are irked by him nowadays...nobody was saying things like that back in 1997 when he slaughtered them all at the Masters. Tiger is a victim of his own success, whatever he does it's going to wind up someone....fortunately you don't have to be popular to be great. I agree with Jezz Ellwoods piece in the mag about the PGA tour dominating the European Tour again simply on the back of Tiger Woods success. Until he fades and more Europeans come to the top end of the world rankings then it'll stay that way.
To be fair to Tiger. I remember watching that incident when he put his ball over the clubhouse, and I can't remenber exerting ANY influence over any referee. If my memory serves me right he stood and waited for a ruling and I get the impression that if the referee had told him that the ball was OB, he would have taken it with the grace and professionaism he has shown so far throughout his career.
At the end of the day, I think he just got a lucky ruling. But if it was the rules then it was the rules.
Not referring to the officials although they do seem intimidated by him.

I am referring to the idiotic golf "fans" who believe that Mr Woods IS GOLF. These are the same idiots who yell "get in the hole" on the tee at a 550yard par 5. These are the people to whom I am referring to. These are probably the same people who keep spouting off about Michell Wie
I think the Tiger over the clubhouse incident went on over 25 mins - I think closer to around 45 mins. No, Tiger did not exert any pressure on officials but was he fair? no!

The ball wasn't found within 5 mins - he should have went back to where he hit the last shot from and played under penalty. I still wonder if the ball was "found" however thats just me and conspiracy theories.

Would any other tournament pro be considered the same courtesy? no! Would any random club golfer be allowed to have a ruling queried for such a length of time? not a chance!

With regards DC. He was a gent for what he done. Given he'd spoken out quite harshly against Monty in a previous event he probably had no other ethical option though, but fair play to him. I dare say many others would have just gone for the green and taken the break.