Cupped Wrist


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I always use to play with a cupped left wrist at address. My pro has been trying to get me to address the ball with the shaft ahead of the ball and therefore with a straight wrist. I was playing about on the practice ground tonight and went back to a slightly cupped address position and began to strike it better. How much of an issue is this. Are there any top players that have had a cupped wrist at address?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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you meaning an angle to the back of the lead hand to lead front forearm at set-up?

I would wonder what reason he gave you for this 'completely flat' lead wrist forearm at set-up
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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The cupping is a product of the grip. You can have the shaft leaning forwards with a cup or no cupping of the wrist.

The question would be what is the pro looking to achieve? are you still fighting a hook. Maybe he is trying to weaken your grip.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Thanks for the replies. I'm seeing him tomorrow so I'll double check why we're starting with the wrist in a straight line. I seem to think it's to replicate the impact position (and therefore return the club into that position) although I am capable of a hook and a slice so can't really say if it's to eradicate the left side of the course. It hasn't really been seen as an issue with other teaching pros (or at least to the same degree). I just played around in practice yesterday and set up with the hands just ahead of the ball and swung and it seemed better. Going to hit a few tonight and see what issues it shows or whehter I can hit it well enough and then go back to the pro tomorrow

To be honest the hands in front to get the wrist straight at impact doesn't feel natural at all and I'm sure it's putting the shoulders out of line (can feel the left shoulder raising). I would imagine I am cupped at the top, and have always swung too long and across the line a tad - something along with slower tempo I'm trying to break after 30+ years - proving very hard.

As others have said it comes down to impact and I felt I had control (as far as my wonky swing allows) and ball flight was pretty neutral. Those that went left were big pulls. starting miles left of target and going further left. Those missing right were more controlled in that it started right and then moved a further 5-10 yard in the air which would suggest mis-alignment or open face as opposed to hitting it with a big banana left to right slice.

All help gratefully received and I'll report back how my endeavours with the old set up carries on tonight and what the pro is trying to achieve when I see him tomorrow