Covid Isolation Binge Watch Suggestions


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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At home for several more days vegetating in front of the box.

I have Netflix, Amazon Prime & IPlayer on tap and looking for recommendations

Already done Witcher, Afterlife, The Tourist,
Don’t look up.

What else is out there, most of it looks like a load of rubbish

Just started binge watching the good doctor, on Netflix. Intriguing, and I can’t make my mind up about watching many of them.

Designated Surviour is another one I enjoyed but, occasionally, drags.
Triple frontier is really good if you’ve not seen it (film Netflix)

Dead to me is a good series (Netflix)

Narcos is up there with the best series for me (Netflix)
Wire in the Blood

All Amazon

Border Town

All Netflix

Bound to think of more shortly but the above will see you okay.
There is a whole thread on waht you watching on TV!! Damn moderators thinking they can just come in here starting new threads....

Breaking Bad
Prison Break

You're welcome!

I used to love the early series of Dexter and Prison Break however they both suffered in the later series. I've watched the first 3 episodes of Dexter: New Blood and that's actually really good so far.
Gomorrah (best thing on telly now)

Sopranos (best thing on telly ever)

Deadwood and the Wire (joint 2nd best things on telly ever)

True detective series one and three (Ignore s2 it’s poop)


Also. Did I say Gomorrah? Watch it. You will not be disappointed. ?
Did you watch the 4 programmes called JFK:Betrayed, by Oilver Stone?

4 x 1 hour programmes that go over the assassination again but more in depth than the film from 1991. It also goes into the political and military backgrounds of what had and was going on at the time with regards to Vietnam, Cuba, Russia, Indonesia and other things liked Kennedy's pro-Africa stance and constant war with the CIA and military "hawks" on various matters, and also the sacking of Dulles at the CIA.

It's unbelievable how much was covered up, changed, doctored and the overall way it was handled.

We then ended up watching the 1991 Costner film again, afterwards.
Use your imagination man, plenty to watch on the Internet ?

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