Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Last week was the first time i had sat at a table with someone who had recently had covid. Don't get me wrong, he had done his full isolation, had a clear PCR test and did a LF test before coming out but it just felt odd. Made me feel quote nervous and on edge.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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The whole mask thing is completely jumbled ( I'm not against masks and wear one when I feel appropriate) however there's enough doubt in my mind as to their effectiveness.
I'd love to see the data th government are using to justify their decisions.

Where will you have to wear a mask?

Train ✅
Bus ✅
Shop ✅
Supermarket ✅
Bank ✅
Post Office ✅

Theatre ❌
Cinema ❌
Pub ❌
Restaurant ❌
Nightclub ❌
Concert ❌
Office ❌

(From Tuesday. Based on current understanding of the Gov rule change - not yet published)

Deleted member 21258

Sorry, is there a scientific point there?

The point I was making is that scientific evidence occurs on different dimensions, which can be pieced together to form a policy decision. I don't know the details of this "study" which you refer to, but any sensible interpretation would need more than one small graphic. It would also need to be interpreted in the context of other studies which aggregate, sometime in meta analyses, to inform a more reliable opinion.

The other, pragmatic, approach is to estimate what the benefit risk is. The only risk of masks is bruising of your libertarian expectation to do whatever the F you want whether it hurts anybody else or not. Any reasonable person would conclude that there may, at least, be a benefit to wearing a mask as part of a package of measures, so what's the harm.

Why not go and look at the study, you are a man of science.

Groundhog day rant at the end.

Finished your rant ?


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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I think that's fair, everyone must use the first group of places. The second group isn't needed in day to day life. If you are terrified of the virus you wouldn't go mask or not.

The whole mask thing is completely jumbled ( I'm not against masks and wear one when I feel appropriate) however there's enough doubt in my mind as to their effectiveness.
I'd love to see the data th government are using to justify their decisions.

Where will you have to wear a mask?

Train ✅
Bus ✅
Shop ✅
Supermarket ✅
Bank ✅
Post Office ✅

Theatre ❌
Cinema ❌
Pub ❌
Restaurant ❌
Nightclub ❌
Concert ❌
Office ❌

(From Tuesday. Based on current understanding of the Gov rule change - not yet published)

Deleted member 21258

Michael Mina on Twitter: "Monitoring wastewater for viral load estimates outbreak size In just a few weeks, in Pretoria S. Africa (north of Johannesburg) viral load detected in wastewater has reached similar levels as the peak of Delta This at least indicates that transmission may be remarkably swift" / Twitter

Lets hope this doesn't continue and doesn't reflect in hospitalisations espeically as SA has a high level of protection of infection/less so with vaccines.

Worrying times again :(

Going to be probably 2 weeks before we know for certain, how it all stands.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Why not go and look at the study, you are a man of science.

Groundhog day rant at the end.

Finished your rant ?

I wasn't actually referring to you, but you seem to recognise yourself. And you are the one who is getting personal. If that is how you want to play it ...

Send me a reference. I will review it if it is published in a reputable journal, seeing as how I am a man of science and all.

Alternatively, just put on the flipping mask and act like a responsible person who is willing to show respect for others.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Urgh, I have a massive dilema.

Supposed to be going to Milan tomorrow for work until Friday.

Daughter #1 at home ill. Chest infection symptoms, negative PCR but doctor says, if symptoms still about on Wed to get another PCR.
Daughter #2 was on a school residential trip last week, 8 kids and 2 teachers now postive.
New Arrival rules mean I need a negative PCR before I can come out of isolation. I cant find anyone doing quick turnaround results, I have an expensive personal commitment on Friday night.

I really don't want to go.


Sep 11, 2011
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Urgh, I have a massive dilema.

Supposed to be going to Milan tomorrow for work until Friday.

Daughter #1 at home ill. Chest infection symptoms, negative PCR but doctor says, if symptoms still about on Wed to get another PCR.
Daughter #2 was on a school residential trip last week, 8 kids and 2 teachers now postive.
New Arrival rules mean I need a negative PCR before I can come out of isolation. I cant find anyone doing quick turnaround results, I have an expensive personal commitment on Friday night.

I really don't want to go.

Ask the company to send someone else because of the reasons you’ve given.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Colleague is coming back from Tenerife tomorrow. Had ordered his lateral flow to do when home.

Can he make an appointment to use an NHS test centre for a PCR on the way home? Then he'll have the results for our big work event on Thursday. Or is it a case of ordering a test when back, waiting for it to arrive, then send it off and wait for results?


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Urgh, I have a massive dilema.

Supposed to be going to Milan tomorrow for work until Friday.

Daughter #1 at home ill. Chest infection symptoms, negative PCR but doctor says, if symptoms still about on Wed to get another PCR.
Daughter #2 was on a school residential trip last week, 8 kids and 2 teachers now postive.
New Arrival rules mean I need a negative PCR before I can come out of isolation. I cant find anyone doing quick turnaround results, I have an expensive personal commitment on Friday night.

I really don't want to go.

You are a contact of someone from a high-rise group (school) with symptoms. You shouldn't travel, not just because of your Fri night commitment (nice restaurant?) but because you could inadvertently be getting into the export business.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Colleague is coming back from Tenerife tomorrow. Had ordered his lateral flow to do when home.

Can he make an appointment to use an NHS test centre for a PCR on the way home? Then he'll have the results for our big work event on Thursday. Or is it a case of ordering a test when back, waiting for it to arrive, then send it off and wait for results?

PCRs for travel are supposed to be private and paid for, but if he was a contact or had symptoms, that would over-ride, in my opinion.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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You are a contact of someone from a high-rise group (school) with symptoms. You shouldn't travel, not just because of your Fri night commitment (nice restaurant?) but because you could inadvertently be getting into the export business.

And I am a high-risk person myself! I was a shielder with an immune system disease. I am convinced I am not going


Apr 10, 2018
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I've been looking at FFP3 masks as we intend to fly in the New Year. Some of them have Exhilation valves, my assumption is that the exhaled air goes out of that more easily than the mask material. Does that not somewhat defeat the object? I thought that we wore masks to protect others as much as to protect ourselves? If i'm to wear one for a while I'd like a comfortable one but not if it renders it useless. I guess these are OK in an environment where everyone has one (hospital wards for example) but perhaps not so on a plane?


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Colleague is coming back from Tenerife tomorrow. Had ordered his lateral flow to do when home.

Can he make an appointment to use an NHS test centre for a PCR on the way home? Then he'll have the results for our big work event on Thursday. Or is it a case of ordering a test when back, waiting for it to arrive, then send it off and wait for results?

If he lands tuesday he will be fine, he needs to book a PCR for Tuesday. (A private one) you will need a reference either from or for your passenger locator form, so you cant (I think) just turn up at your local testing facility as this wouldn't link back to your travels if that makes sense,,,

Deleted member 21258

I wasn't actually referring to you, but you seem to recognise yourself. And you are the one who is getting personal. If that is how you want to play it ...

Send me a reference. I will review it if it is published in a reputable journal, seeing as how I am a man of science and all.

Alternatively, just put on the flipping mask and act like a responsible person who is willing to show respect for others.

Finished assuming and ranting yet ?(y)


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Got my booster and flu jab on Saturday. They made a big deal of the fact it was a different type to the original vax. We had The Oxford AZ for the main one and Pfizer for the booster, made to wait in the docs for 15 mins after to make sure there were no side effects

Deleted member 21258

I've been looking at FFP3 masks as we intend to fly in the New Year. Some of them have Exhilation valves, my assumption is that the exhaled air goes out of that more easily than the mask material. Does that not somewhat defeat the object? I thought that we wore masks to protect others as much as to protect ourselves? If i'm to wear one for a while I'd like a comfortable one but not if it renders it useless. I guess these are OK in an environment where everyone has one (hospital wards for example) but perhaps not so on a plane?

I would never buy a no valve one for me.

Personally I want a mask to filter what I breath in and what I breath out, so what someone else then breaths.

I buy these(they are okay for non super fit masks) :-

Handanhy FFP3 Face Masks - Box of 20 (


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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One of the articles they were discussing on the radio :

They mention the banglaesh study but I can't find a recent link but it contradicts the above

This hole grey area should have been shut down by mandating the use of masks over the winter period but I'm guessing goverment didn't want to implement it.
Hearing there's an update at 3pm so we'll see they have to say.

Not a good look in the press when the vaccine minister attends the teaching awards and not a mask in sight.