Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Just wondered if anyone's activities have been impacted.

I must admit that at the moment we're trying to get to the truth behind the headlines. Its a virus that's obviously easily transmitted and can be deadly for some groups. As yet we've not changed our behaviour other than less handshaking. Our Club has also sent out advice and installed hand cleansers but that's about it.

This time last year 2,182 had been admitted into ICU care and about 200 had died despite vaccination; in the 1st week of Feb there were 270 admitted to ICUs. Before Xmas, December 9 and December 15 there were 586 patients hospitalised by flu in England. 174 patients admitted to intensive care with flu, bringing the total in 2019 to 2,092.

It will be interesting to see that statistics for the current quarter and the difference caused by the Coronavirus strains.

What are you doing/planning to do different?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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My work puts me more at risk than the average person I guess as I'm travelling the country and mixing with hundreds of different people each week.
Saying that though, unless my employer says otherwise, I don't think it will affect me one bit.


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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there was some numpty in my firm who came back from Italy and felt unwell so decided to come into the office.

Although it's our other City office there is every chance she's been in contact with people who have to been to my office.

we are still open but there was a deep clean done the weekend.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Suspect it will have a decent impact on me as I attend a fair few conferences globally that are being cancelled. On the other hand I mostly work from home when I am not travelling, so that aspect won't impact me as I'll just keep on doing that. Also suspect a few gigs I have coming up may be impacted which will be a bit of a bummer, but worse things happen at sea.


Club Champion
Apr 13, 2016
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So far it hasnt affected me (touch wood) at all. As i have a kidney condition i'm a little more at risk than some otherd but not enought to really be concerned about.
I think people, while right to be concerned and careful, are going OTT especially with panic buying and stockpiling. I also think the media need to tone down on their reporting a little, too much scaremongering going on and conflicting info.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I am thinking that my holiday I have booked in Croatia in May might not happen. This would be annoying, as I am looking forwards to it.


Club Champion
Apr 13, 2016
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I have a question. If i am advised to self isolate, can i self isolate but on a golf course? :p.
Out in fresh air and not in close proximity to many people ;)


Nov 16, 2011
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Just wondered if anyone's activities have been impacted.

I must admit that at the moment we're trying to get to the truth behind the headlines. Its a virus that's obviously easily transmitted and can be deadly for some groups. ... Our Club has also sent out advice and installed hand cleansers but that's about it...
I don't believe it's 'deadly', in itself, to anybody. But for those already 'poorly' with other afflictions, the overall effort required can prove too much for their system. My Mum hated the concept of having to boost her defences by yearly flu jabs etc, but her sister - even more susceptible to asthma attacks than Mum - died, from the combined effects, within hours of contracting a particular virilent strain of flu one year.

And, btw, it's a completely different virus to 'flu - which is why it'll take a while to create a vaccine for it.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Not sure yet. One of our main customers is based in Northern Italy and we're not sure how we are going to get the orders shipped into the factories currently.
Also having to keep an eye on Southern Spain as my eldest is due to fly out for a month or so after his GCSE's (lucky blighter).
Personally. I'm not overly concerned at the moment.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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It hasn’t affected me yet. But as I work in people’s houses and I know people may well “self isolate”, that doesn’t include stopping the contractors coming round to fix problems that can wait but for which they themselves can’t I won’t be surprised if I get it.
We are already seeing delays in some spares coming.


Club Champion
Apr 13, 2016
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I don't believe it's 'deadly', in itself, to anybody. But for those already 'poorly' with other afflictions, the overall effort required can prove too much for their system. My Mum hated the concept of having to boost her defences by yearly flu jabs etc, but her sister - even more susceptible to asthma attacks than Mum - died, from the combined effects, within hours of contracting a particular virilent strain of flu one year.

And, btw, it's a completely different virus to 'flu - which is why it'll take a while to create a vaccine for it.

Saying on the news that they have been asking, and got, 24 volunteers to be given coronavirus (and £3500 each) to help find a vaccine. They think they'll have one by the winter. £3500 for 2 weeks work somehow doesn't seem too enticing.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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My wife has heard that the team of Nurse Specialists that she retired from 18months ago will be deployed to wards if needed - through excessive workload on, or sickness of, the ward nurses. This would be a real problem for women with Breast Cancer at my wife's hospital as they wouldn't be able to contact their nurse for support and advice.

My wife has said she'll return to the team to hold the fort and provide a basic support service. But she was expecting by now to have had some request come through - either from the hospital or wider NHS - asking of her availability and where she could help out - and maybe to offer some basic training (a day/half day) on what might be expected of her if she offered to go to a ward.

But she hasn't had anything.

Why are we not getting ahead of the curve on this 'call back' that the government is talking about. The load on the NHS could explode in only a week or two and there is no contact with recently retired or left the Service

And further, in her current role, the breast cancer charity she works for would be heavily leant upon to provide 'replacement' support to women and families if NHS nurse specialists have been deployed from their specialist roles (as they will be). But again she is not aware of anything going to the charity from the NHS or the government - certainly the team she is in haven't been asked if they can increase their hours (my wife could) in the event of things getting heavy on the NHS. But my wife can't do both. She can increase cancer charity support hours OR go back to her previous team.

Things may well be happening - but if the NHS is going to have to cope with a massively increased demand on nursing staff then we surely have to get a bit ahead of the curve - even if it could be money wasted preparing for something that might not happen (there is precedence after all).

BTW - this was raised by my wife as she is wondering about what the government are actually doing about getting nurses to return to work - and she is concerned that though they are talking about it - they don't actually seem to be doing anything.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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So far it has not impacted but if factories start closing for a period, carriers stop moving around, both here and Europe, then the impact will be huge. We mfr, we supply other manufacturers. Working from home is not an option, either for us or for them

The thing is, at the moment we are largely talking about 'what if'. Until things actually start to happen we wont know how it will impact.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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Everyone at work expecting to get it at some point.
Dealing with intl truck drivers (majority with questionable hygiene at the best of times) 24/7 is a recipe for disaster. The official advice we’ve had from The health agency is we should instruct every driver to complete their delivery and then call 111 before they self isolate for 14 days.

Now, these drivers can barely cross the road and collect the correct parking ticket despite written instruction in our office in a dozen languages. Add to that Our company doesn’t pay sick. The majority of us have decided to form a mini union. Stating clearly that if the don’t wish to cover sick pay, then the second one person falls ill, we will all self isolate. Hoping common sense will prevail and they‘ll cover legitimate illness. Because only 12 from 60 do Our role. So they’d be buggered if we’re off.


Nov 16, 2011
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My wife has heard that the team of Nurse Specialists that she retired from 18months ago will be deployed to wards if needed - through excessive workload on, or sickness of, the ward nurses. This would be a real problem for women with Breast Cancer at my wife's hospital as they wouldn't be able to contact their nurse for support and advice.

Things may well be happening - but if the NHS is going to have to cope with a massively increased demand on nursing staff then we surely have to get a bit ahead of the curve - even if it could be money wasted preparing for something that might not happen (there is precedence after all).

BTW - this was raised by my wife as she is wondering about what the government are actually doing about getting nurses to return to work - and she is concerned that though they are talking about it - they don't actually seem to be doing anything.
Ah, the joys of beauracracy; and the NHS is a gargantuan one! And the trickle down of decisions/funding following the trickle up of proposals/plans following the trickle down of requests for answers! An all in an already over-overloaded organisation in the first place!


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Hasn't directly affect us at all as of yet, though my sons Skiing trip to Italy with the school in Easter holidays is still up in the air and school can't confirm if they're going or not, or if they will reimburse the money via insurance if it is cancelled.

Father in law works for an oil company who have a big project being built in Northern Italy that is due for completion mid April and meant to sail out by end of April. Speaking to him last night they still don't know if completion is on target or behind as effectively all comms have been stopped as workers are off, but if its not completed its going to apparently cost the company millions in outgoing & incoming revenues and could cost people their jobs as other projects later in the year rely on this one completing ontime.

Mrs cousins been quarantined after coming back frim Venice. It's quite interesting as ultimately I say it hasn't impacted us at all but is having some big knock effects elsewhere in the extended family.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Ah, the joys of beauracracy; and the NHS is a gargantuan one! And the trickle down of decisions/funding following the trickle up of proposals/plans following the trickle down of requests for answers! An all in an already over-overloaded organisation in the first place!
Indeed - but if a keystone of the governments plan for the NHS coping is to get those such as my wife back into the system they need to be contacting her NOW. She is almost uniquely perfectly placed to provide 'business continuity' for her old team and keep the service running at a minimum level - and as of today she would do it - but if she is asked by her current employer to increase her hours than that option could disappear.

And we have been wondering if things were to explode as they might what the government might have to decide around commuters - especially into London. In the morning 100s of 000s crammed into commuter trains coming in from a 100miles radius - then crammed into the Underground. And in the evening heading back out of the capital with whatever they might have picked up.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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We've delayed book a holiday as Mrs Imurg may have all leave cancelled if enough NHS staff get it or have to isolate for 2 weeks.
Whole units could be closed or have a skeleton staff if it gets bad enough...