Controversy on the course

here we diverge, if the boot was on the foot and I had grounded my club inadvertently, then realised, I would have conceeded the hole before anybody got to the issue of a 'decision'!

matchplay is a funny beast, if the player realises they have committed a breach they should call it - if they don't realise, and their opponent either doesn't realise, or chooses to ignore it, then that's the end of the matter.

Aye Duncan - but if you were playing a slightly doddery old 80+ yr old senior like me and I stumbled a bit in a hazard and had to use my club to stop myself pitching into the cold and murky depths of the water-filled ditch below - would you call a penalty on me? :)
Personally it would be a hollow victory so I wouldn't call it, if I felt they gained an advantage by doing so I would.

I would happily accept their reason and am within the rules to do so.
Personally I prefer to err on the side of trusting my opponent and also being fair. I'd hate to win the match in such a circumstance and would feel dreadful.

Basically your team mate is calling her opponent a blatant liar - ouch.
Aye Duncan - but if you were playing a slightly doddery old 80+ yr old senior like me and I stumbled a bit in a hazard and had to use my club to stop myself pitching into the cold and murky depths of the water-filled ditch below - would you call a penalty on me? :)

only if you dropped the DMD I had lent you into the hazard whilst doing it! :)

as I posted earlier, I take the spirit of 13-4 as outlined in exception 1 "1. Provided nothing is done that constitutes testing the condition of the hazard or improves the lie of the ball, there is no penalty if the player (a) touches the ground or loose impediments in any hazard or water in a water hazard as a result of or to prevent falling, in removing an obstruction, in measuring or in marking the position of, retrieving, lifting, placing or replacing a ball under any Rule or (b) places his clubs in a hazard." although I will also admit that I can take strength in matchplay from players who, because they don't know the rules, commit such technical breaches :thup:
I wonder if there was anything else that happened prior to this incident. It does seem a little unsatisfactory but if your player thought she was in the right to call it then in a competitive match I guess you can't choose to ignore any rule
Without having been there, it's difficult to know exactly what I'd have done but...

I think I'd be reluctant to claim a hole, a tie and a match on the strength of someone's club touching the ground in a hazard. It sounds as though your teammate was absolutely within her rights to do so, so I'm not quibbling with the rights and wrongs of it. I just think I'd have let it slide and, hopefully, taken advantage of the opposition being in a hazard to win the hole anyway.
If a player was testing her stance next to the ball and grounded the club whilst doing so, surely her opponent would be acting reasonably in calling a penalty. This is the impression I got of what happened.
If a player was testing her stance next to the ball and grounded the club whilst doing so, surely her opponent would be acting reasonably in calling a penalty. This is the impression I got of what happened.

She claims she used the club to avoid over-balancing and it doesn't seem she gained anything from it??

Just sounds a bit too "win at all costs" to me but each to their own.
Some people take the rules and wreck the game with them, unless she was flattening the ground in a very unsporting manor should this have even come up? Obviously another so called fun, competitive game ruined by someone who believe they are contending for a major.

I would be embarrassed to win like that.

Sad people!!!