Contact Lens Wearers - help!


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Last time I saw my optician she said I'd soon need reading glasses. Some thing to look forward to I guess. I had a look at some frames, just out of interest. The only ones I liked were £250. I seem to have a finely developed sense or picking out expensive gear. Top hat ideas, cloth cap money.


Tour Winner
Sep 1, 2011
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Just back from the hospital seeing the eye doc and have sustained a deep corneal abrasion - flipping heck it hurts. I suspect the culprit may be the air compressor thingies for cleaning shoes after a round as ours have no protective sleeves or anything and I quite often get the angle wrong and spray myself.

So back in a week for assessment and meantime no contact lenses. Never mind the gunk I'm having to put in my eye I'm wondering how it will be to play in glasses as I never ever have??

I did sneak a couple of baskets on the range between the hospital and the chemist and it seemed fine albeit having to adjust my specs from time to time.

Anyone play regularly in either or and notice any difference?

Used to play in specs, could never get comfortable in contacts, have laser surgery about 8 years ago, brilliant, best thing ever.

Hope your eye recovers quickly, suggest you slip specs on when cleaning with compressed air if only to protect your eyes.


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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Puzzled by the folk that have problems putting lenses in/taking them out.

Luckily it's never been an issue,mind you my optician spent a good 20 minutes with me when I first got lenses to teach me how to perfect putting them in and out...........easy peasy,I recently had to put in a replacement on the course in a howling gale and managed it with no fuss.

I found it's down to the optician showing you first time I tried disposables I couldn't get them in but after another trial with another firm found it easy peasey,
The lens don't correct my astigmatism 100% but still prefer them to the specs find the frame annoys especially when putting.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Used to play in specs, could never get comfortable in contacts, have laser surgery about 8 years ago, brilliant, best thing ever.

Hope your eye recovers quickly, suggest you slip specs on when cleaning with compressed air if only to protect your eyes.

Agreed and am going to get a pair of safety glasses and put them in my bag. May look a bit of a charlie but don't want this again.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm the original Mr Magoo and if I didn't pay to have the lenses tones down to the thinnest setting I'd be wearing milk bottle lenses. Had glasses all my life and eyes too bad for contacts and I hate fiddling with my eyes anyway. Not a problem except in the rain and I use a visor pulled down low and keep some dry glasses wipe and a hanky in a plastic bag to wipe them if necessary. Usually get by.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 6, 2009
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You have my sympathy. I managed to cut my eye about 1.5 years ago (like a paper cut). It was an awful experience. It was very painful and took about 2 months to heal. My glasses are rubbish, if I look at a straight wall they make it curve at the edges. I much prefer wearing contact lenses, especially for golf.


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Puzzled by the folk that have problems putting lenses in/taking them out.

Luckily it's never been an issue,mind you my optician spent a good 20 minutes with me when I first got lenses to teach me how to perfect putting them in and out...........easy peasy,I recently had to put in a replacement on the course in a howling gale and managed it with no fuss.

I agree. Back in my footy days a number of times I had to change lenses on the sidelines and it's no problem at all.

I hate wearing glasses for golf. Had to do it once last summer and absolutely hated it. Always, always wear contact lenses.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 10, 2011
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I used to have all sorts of problems with my lenses when playing golf, bits of sand, dirt and flys getting in them and on and off eye infections. So last year I took the plunge and got them lasered, best thing I've ever done, forget about all the contact lenses and prescription Oakleys, get em lasered :D


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2011
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amanda - i had very much the same thing about 10 years ago after an infection or something in a contact lens gave me a corneal ulcer which hurt like i couldn't believe... i have tried to play in glasses from time to time, but couldn't get used to it. fortunately the infection seemed to be a one off and my faith in contacts was slowly restored. using disposables probably gave me more confidence that there were no unsavouries lurking in them and now i don't give it a second thought....

give it a while to settle down and then get back on the old contact lens horse so to speak... it's probably just a freak bit of bad luck...


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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amanda - i had very much the same thing about 10 years ago after an infection or something in a contact lens gave me a corneal ulcer which hurt like i couldn't believe... i have tried to play in glasses from time to time, but couldn't get used to it. fortunately the infection seemed to be a one off and my faith in contacts was slowly restored. using disposables probably gave me more confidence that there were no unsavouries lurking in them and now i don't give it a second thought....

give it a while to settle down and then get back on the old contact lens horse so to speak... it's probably just a freak bit of bad luck...

Thanks. It hurts like stink for sure but hopefully caught it in time before it turns into an ulcer and no infection in there so sticking the gunky cream in by the book to make sure it stays that way.

I had considered laser treatment but as I'm fast approaching requiring glasses for reading etc it didn't seem worthwhile. Contact lenses it is for me and perhaps reading glasses on top when required - belt and braces and all that!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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i have never hit a ball in anger with my glasses on. i feel they would annoy me too much. my da never had a problem with them! i mdont even like sunglasses on my face when im swinging!