Cold weather effect?


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I've been struggling a lot recently with shanks, fats and thins, and despite a lesson hadn't really been able to resolve it - it was identified I was coming back to far inside and my shoulder alignment was open - so this has been corrected but coupled with a conscious effort not to dip my left shoulder and to get back to a better impact position (without trying to get my hands so far ahead of the ball!) I shot an 81 (including 2 triple bogeys, but off the shorter winter tees on 5 holes) at the weekend.

Ball flight was good (high, normal for me) but distances were off. For example, par 5 18[SUP]th[/SUP], laid up with my 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] so was left with 112 yards from fairway to middle of green, or 124yards to flag at back of upward sloping green. My 9i, normal 130 club, landed on the green but only about 108 yards.

Given how poorly I have been playing recently, I can’t really compare other winter month rounds - it’s probably since October since I’ve hit the ball as well. Long-windedly I’m asking, has the swing changes made this difference in distance or would this be a normal expected loss given the conditions (2[SUP]0[/SUP]C, 8-10mph wind)?
the cold does effect the ball, well i find it does, but I'm further north than Moscow, latitude wise.

a Pro v1 loses something like a yard for every deg below its optimum temp, which i think is about 30 ish deg, also wind will make a diff straight into, i would say 10mph would be about 1 club length .
Hmm not too sure if the cold weather would account for 22 yards off a 9 iron. Not sure about yourself but at the moment all my shots from a 5 iron to my wedges spin back quite a substantial difference. You might be carrying the ball as far but instead of rolling out it might be spinning backwards. Im having to hit an extra club in at the moment since the greens are extremely receptive (soggy for the lack of a better word).
I think the sort of yardage loss you are talking about is perfectly normal for this time of year. I hit my 9 iron about 130-135 in summer but could easily hit it 110-115 in current conditions.
the cold does effect the ball, well i find it does, but I'm further north than Moscow, latitude wise.

a Pro v1 loses something like a yard for every deg below its optimum temp, which i think is about 30 ish deg, also wind will make a diff straight into, i would say 10mph would be about 1 club length .

Hmm not too sure if the cold weather would account for 22 yards off a 9 iron. Not sure about yourself but at the moment all my shots from a 5 iron to my wedges spin back quite a substantial difference. You might be carrying the ball as far but instead of rolling out it might be spinning backwards. Im having to hit an extra club in at the moment since the greens are extremely receptive (soggy for the lack of a better word).

I think the sort of yardage loss you are talking about is perfectly normal for this time of year. I hit my 9 iron about 130-135 in summer but could easily hit it 110-115 in current conditions.

This is quite comforting! Because of the height, that particular one popped backwards out of its crater only about 6inches but it was into the wind which was more noticeable greenside, but really with the recent weather it barely constituted a breeze! If I keep getting my strikes okay it might be best to over-club for the next while. There was a loss throughout the bag regardless of wind direction, I might look at ball position as this probably crept forward when I was struggling.
I've been struggling a lot recently with shanks, fats and thins, and despite a lesson hadn't really been able to resolve it - it was identified I was coming back to far inside and my shoulder alignment was open - so this has been corrected but coupled with a conscious effort not to dip my left shoulder and to get back to a better impact position (without trying to get my hands so far ahead of the ball!) I shot an 81 (including 2 triple bogeys, but off the shorter winter tees on 5 holes) at the weekend.

Ball flight was good (high, normal for me) but distances were off. For example, par 5 18[SUP]th[/SUP], laid up with my 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] so was left with 112 yards from fairway to middle of green, or 124yards to flag at back of upward sloping green. My 9i, normal 130 club, landed on the green but only about 108 yards.

Given how poorly I have been playing recently, I can’t really compare other winter month rounds - it’s probably since October since I’ve hit the ball as well. Long-windedly I’m asking, has the swing changes made this difference in distance or would this be a normal expected loss given the conditions (2[SUP]0[/SUP]C, 8-10mph wind)?

At this time of year I'd be concentrating on making a good strike, ball then turf and ensuring you follow what you were shown in the lessons and avoid the mis-hits. Hard to be subjective in cold wet weather concerning distance. other than taking one more club than you think
I've been struggling a lot recently with shanks, fats and thins, and despite a lesson hadn't really been able to resolve it - it was identified I was coming back to far inside and my shoulder alignment was open - so this has been corrected but coupled with a conscious effort not to dip my left shoulder and to get back to a better impact position (without trying to get my hands so far ahead of the ball!) I shot an 81 (including 2 triple bogeys, but off the shorter winter tees on 5 holes) at the weekend.

Ball flight was good (high, normal for me) but distances were off. For example, par 5 18[SUP]th[/SUP], laid up with my 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] so was left with 112 yards from fairway to middle of green, or 124yards to flag at back of upward sloping green. My 9i, normal 130 club, landed on the green but only about 108 yards.

Given how poorly I have been playing recently, I can’t really compare other winter month rounds - it’s probably since October since I’ve hit the ball as well. Long-windedly I’m asking, has the swing changes made this difference in distance or would this be a normal expected loss given the conditions (2[SUP]0[/SUP]C, 8-10mph wind)?

Be like me, and blame the weather for everything. It helps me not to get too depressed.
I'm in a similar situation. I have the feeling that I hit it better than ever before, but distance is really down. I think it is a combination of shorter ballflight due to the cold, less roll (even though I am pretty sure my carry distance suffers greatly as well) and me just wearing a ridiculous amount of layers and moving with as much grace as the marshmellow man after his fifth pint. Cold muscles don't help much either. Everything will be fine again in spring. At least that's what I am telling myself.
I hit a 3/4 7 iron 150 yesterday which is no real loss of distance for me over summer yardage, but I did lose 4 yards of a 9 iron shot......... largely because it pitched and span backwards 4 yards :P

In general though, the cold will affect the characteristics of the ball and the flight, precipitation in the air also affects the flight. I don't really worry about yardage in winter months, sometimes it seems as if there is no affect at all, other times can be 20 yards shorter than summer. I just enjoy being out and playing.
I'm in a similar situation. I have the feeling that I hit it better than ever before, but distance is really down. I think it is a combination of shorter ballflight due to the cold, less roll (even though I am pretty sure my carry distance suffers greatly as well) and me just wearing a ridiculous amount of layers and moving with as much grace as the marshmellow man after his fifth pint. Cold muscles don't help much either. Everything will be fine again in spring. At least that's what I am telling myself.

Layers! That might be it - I was well wrapped up!