Charity Golf Day at The Warwickshire


Jul 25, 2014
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[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]You're invited to join us at the inaugural Bethany's Wish Golf Day taking place on 19th September 2014 at The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club.[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]Bethany's Wish is a charity who support children and families affected by childhood cancer. The charity was set up in memory of Bethany Polanco who was 8 years old when she lost her fight to Wilms Tumour, a rare childhood cancer of the kidney, in October 2012. Formed from donations during Bethany's four year battle, Bethany's Wish has grown to become the only charity in the UK dedicated to Wilms Tumour, but also supports all children in Coventry & Warwickshire who are diagnosed with any childhood cancer through the giving of B's Bravery Bear Packs, family day's out, support groups and funding research to ultimately find a cure for this disease.[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]Date: Friday 19th September 2014[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]Location: The Warwickshire, Leek Wootton, CV35 7QT[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]Cost: £49 per person / £195 per team[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]Your entry fee includes:[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]- 18 Holes[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]- Bacon Sandwiches on Arrival[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]- Nearest the Pin,Longest Drive Competitions and other competitions.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]- Chef's Special on course completion[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]- Prize Presentations[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]"What will astonish the first time visitor to the Warwickshire is the remarkable [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]variety of golf[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]. Designer, American Karl Litten, chose a distinctive and different character to include: [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]inland links[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular], [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]woodland[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular], [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]Americana[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular] and [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]parkland[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]. Its all here at the [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]Warwickshire Golf & Country Club[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular], in one immensely attractive sweep of golfing country. The courses offer the perfect [/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-MediumP4]challenge for golfers of all abilities[/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular], having hosted many professional tournaments including a European Seniors Tour and the Midland PGA Final."[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.Helvetica Neue Interface][FONT=.HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular]For more information, and to book your place, please email Amanda at and you can find out more about the charity itself by visiting the website[/FONT][/FONT]
Thanks for the reply, as an update were also running a hole in one competition with a cash prize of £10000 for anyone that gets a hole in one on the 8th hole :D
Outside chance I could do it Nick, only issue is its the day after my birthday and I may not be at my best!!!! If you get 3 and are 1 short let me know and Ill see if I can move current plans
ive only played the kings course at the warwickshire which is the one were having our charity event on, great course i thought and was informed it was the better of the 2 but ive not played the earls course so i cant comment for that one
According to folk on here the Earls is the better course. I played it at the weekend and have since enquired about membership. The guys I was playing with however reckon the Kings is the better course.