Billy Connolly retires from stand-up


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Jun 5, 2013
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I suppose it was inevitable with his advancing years and current health issues, but I was very sad to learn that Billy Connolly has announced his retirement from live performing.

One of my first naughty pastimes as a child was listening to his records when my mum and dad were out and I've spent pretty much my whole life watching and laughing to the point of hurting myself at times at his amazing talent.

IMO, one of the greatest live performers of all time, a comic genius, my all time favourite comedian and he will be sadly missed.

Very sad news. Seen him numerous times a comic legend in my book. The ability to take a simple tale, go around the houses for twenty minutes and come back to deliver a killer funny ending will never be surpassed in my book. Sad to see him struggling these days but if ever a performer deserves a chance to kick back and relax its him.
Never been a fan myself, can’t be doing with all the shouting he does.
I did go and see him in Scotland many, many years ago, the other half was rolling around in fits of laughter, I walked out and waited for her in a local pub.
Managed to watch him at Blackpool a few years back. It was the biggest "tick" on my comedy bucket list. Even though I'd heard the jokes many times before I've never laughed as much at gig.

Wonderful performer who paved the way for many of today's comedians.
A sad day, but probably the right decision with his health problems

Saw Billy back in his prime and I've never laughed so much, had a sore throat for 3-4 days after

Went to see him again 4-5 years ago, sadly a shadow of his former self

IMO he built his act on being a high energy angry young man, which is impossible to carry on for ever. Still a comedy legend for me

The only comic I see as being similar now is Rod Gilbert, not in the same league but still a great comic
A sad day, but probably the right decision with his health problems

Saw Billy back in his prime and I've never laughed so much, had a sore throat for 3-4 days after

Went to see him again 4-5 years ago, sadly a shadow of his former self

IMO he built his act on being a high energy angry young man, which is impossible to carry on for ever. Still a comedy legend for me

The only comic I see as being similar now is Rod Gilbert, not in the same league but still a great comic
I loved his early stuff, coming from the west coast of Scotland I could relate to his stories. I think he went downhill when he moved to the States and became more 'american' in style, as in the louder he shouted and the more swear words the funnier he was. Not a fan of that type of comedy at all.
Interesting that I am not alone here. I saw him in the late 90's and it was a real let down. I went in with such high hopes but barely laughed. I've never felt so deflated seeing someone live. I loved his earlier stuff, "saddle up and ride your pony" will still have me in tears.

I'm surprised an actual announcement has been made. I don't think anyone would expect him to tour any more anyway.

Interesting point about his live show. A mate of mine is in the music industry and someone on one of his tours also went with Billy Connelly on a tour, behind the scenes stuff. He said each show was unique. He would have key threads but the tangents he went on were all over the place. He had huge amounts of material stored in his head and he just went where we wanted to. Even though he was flat when I saw him I still recognise him as an enormous presence in live comedy.
Saw him in Ballater a few times, used to ride around on a yellow 3 wheel motorbike in the summer when stayed at the big house in nearby Strathdon.

My favourite tv show of him is the 'ITV An audience with' from the 80s. Was really on top form describing those Sunday paper ads like the 2 feet slipper and wearing the incontinence pants at the disco -

Agree his comedy stuff from the 90s onwards was so-so.
Remember being quite young when I first saw him on Parkinson....and laughing so much it hurt!

I'd never heard anyone who didnt like him till on here... but that's fine as comedy is personal. Always thought he was hillarious, enjoyed his programmes like the road trip on the trike round America too
Good to see him in better health more recently.

He did a documentary around Glasgow a few years ago about art and murals where various people painted images of him. He actually looked in fairly bad shape during that.

However I think has probably gotten some better or correct medication more recently and seemed to speak and present himself far better. Very good to see.
I suppose it was inevitable with his advancing years and current health issues, but I was very sad to learn that Billy Connolly has announced his retirement from live performing.

One of my first naughty pastimes as a child was listening to his records when my mum and dad were out and I've spent pretty much my whole life watching and laughing to the point of hurting myself at times at his amazing talent.

IMO, one of the greatest live performers of all time, a comic genius, my all time favourite comedian and he will be sadly missed.

I laughed out loud reading this Gerry - my parents told me and my younger brother that we were not allowed to buy the Solo Concert LP when it came out in 1974, when Connolly and the LP were getting rave reviews - but The Crucifixion was just sooo controversial at the time - who could forget Pastor Jack Glass and his church members protesting.

So we'd go to a mate's house and hear it and we thought it brilliant. But no - not to be seen or heard in our house :)

But my brother - 14yr old 'rebel' (hahaha) that he was - went and bought it without telling our folks. And we played it when they were out - and we laughed our socks off.

And eventually my parents found out!!!! And then one day actually listened. They didn't like the swearing and I think they were a bit unsure of The Crucifixion - but they laughed.

In time my parents both became great fans of Connolly the person (from his Parky appearances mainly - I remember the first and us all watching and laughing a lot) and they became very proud of Connolly the Glaswegian. The guy who held up the mirror to Glaswegians and we saw ourselves and we laughed and laughed.

Aside - takes me back to my Fidelity UA4 Stereo days. How many of us here had one of them I wonder - my families first stereo system - a basic budget stereo but what a step up from my parents old 1950s Bush mono record player and I needed something better to play my first 'rock' LP on - Genesis Selling England by the Pound as it happens.
Was one of the best in his heyday, more recent stuff was not quite at that level but with the occasional bit of gold. All good things come to an end, his health is more important obviously.
...and though a Labour-supporting anti-independence guy and strongly opposed to it in the referendum - I read that as a result of Brexit he has changed his views and is ready to back independence...see what age and infirmity does for you :)
I remember the response to the fart in a spacesuit line on the Parky show and the no wonder they carry him around in a chair punchline to the two Glaswegians in Rome story.
Sadly diminished by an awful disease.
The first time I ever heard him was back in 1975.

The women were having a meeting in the lounge so I retired to the room next door. I put on the headphones to listen to some music but the hi fi was still set to the radio and he was telling jokes. I was laughing so loudly my wife came bursting in to the room because she thought I was having a fit.

I liked his acting just as much.