Ball Flight Law Question (..... Sorry)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Question for the folk on here conversant with the new, read as correct, ball flight laws.

My usual shot shape is a draw. Ball starts off right of target and curves back to the left.

The amount right of target the ball starts sometimes varies from a little to considerable.

The ones that start straight(...Er) usually miss fractionally left where the ones that start more right generally curve back to target of miss fractionally right. My, now usual, miss is around 10-15 yards right.

My question is based more on the ones that don't curve back, so basically start right and stay there. These are becoming more and more frequent

From my very limited understanding of the ball flight laws this means my face is square to the path. If I want the ball to curve back, the face needs to be fractionally closed to the path(?).

Is the easiest way to do this adjust the grip by making it stronger or move the path more from the inside to square?

My grip currently quite neutral (2 knuckles of left hand visible at address), so would moving this to 2.1/2 or 3 knuckles give enough adjustment to the face against the path?

As I say above, my miss is to the right is now becoming more of my stock shot :mad: . I'm guessing my grip has moved slightly week(?)

Will adjusting my grip to a slightly stronger position give me a better chance of giving the curve back to target.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
If you swing too much from the inside (in an effort to draw the ball) it's possible that you simply cannot get the clubface into the right position whilst still getting the ball airborn. My opinion would be to swing as straight as you can and allow your natural path and clubface position to do their thing. If you normally swing from the inside then you should be ok... if you start hooking then you will need to WEAKEN your grip perhaps..... let the swing and the ballflight be your judge but don't try to manipulate stuff, you want your swing to be at it's easiest and optimum.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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If you swing too much from the inside (in an effort to draw the ball) it's possible that you simply cannot get the clubface into the right position whilst still getting the ball airborn. My opinion would be to swing as straight as you can and allow your natural path and clubface position to do their thing. If you normally swing from the inside then you should be ok... if you start hooking then you will need to WEAKEN your grip perhaps..... let the swing and the ballflight be your judge but don't try to manipulate stuff, you want your swing to be at it's easiest and optimum.

Thanks for that James :)

Nice to see you posting again :thup:

I kind of see what you mean. If I'm consistently getting the push, but not the return draw, then I see the reasoning in what you say and doing something to affect the club face.

I suppose I was wondering the easiest way grip or path.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It might be a case of needing the ball 1" more forward in your stance allowing the clubface to have a millisecond to square up more. People wanting to hit a draw end up doing things to make the draw happen (ball further back, more from the inside, strong grip etc) and eventually it becomes too hard to even hit the draw. You might need more of a 'reset' so to speak and remove all the built in little adjustments you make and allow your swing to be more fluid and less of lots of little fixes all patched together. Hope this helps.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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It might be a case of needing the ball 1" more forward in your stance allowing the clubface to have a millisecond to square up more. People wanting to hit a draw end up doing things to make the draw happen (ball further back, more from the inside, strong grip etc) and eventually it becomes too hard to even hit the draw. You might need more of a 'reset' so to speak and remove all the built in little adjustments you make and allow your swing to be more fluid and less of lots of little fixes all patched together. Hope this helps.

I was way ahead of you with that. Club in question is a 7 iron.

Ball position is centre stance, never back of centre.

When I get the ball too far back, weirdly I tend to hit the ball fat.

Strike is excellent, getting the push but not the draw.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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couple of things to keep in mind - the ball starting direction is down to the direction the club face angle is pointing along with the swing direction at impact (swing direction being the downswing path of the clubhead from around hip height to impact)

ball curvature in flight (so ball's spin axis tilt) down to the difference between the face angle and the clubhead's swing direction at impact.
assuming a centered strike

given a pretty neutral grip position - my take - would council against a stronger grip as that is a deal more likely to lead to a bunch of unwanted issues, more shot outcome variance

first off would check over set-up alignments paying close attention to shoulder alignment & ball position, plus posture at set-up then posture during delivery - then work first off in practice to a swing effort of 60% to get back to the desired strike quality with consistent ball flight to target
once that's achieved 9 from 10 - up to 70% - then to 80% and stop

if you put the ball a ways to far back in stance instinctively you gotta swing more from the inside, more from the inside more shallow AoA plus instinct leaves more weight on the trailside - so more chance of fats

may find with a 7i you get some better outcomes with the ball half to a whole ball forwards of center
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Nov 16, 2011
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Your coach is definitely the person to consult on this!

While there are many and varied ways to manufacture what you want, as James posted, you can get yourself in a real mess by introducing 1 or more corrections that isn't the proper 'fix'!

You have spent a great deal of time and money getting yourself properly sorted. Don't throw all that good effort away by introducing tweaks that may/may not achieve the result and are quite likely to make you regress! A simple vid to your coach pointing out the push/block swings should get a return reply with a 'proper' answer that is right for you!

In the meantime, you could simply adjust your aim! :whistle:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Your coach is definitely the person to consult on this!

While there are many and varied ways to manufacture what you want, as James posted, you can get yourself in a real mess by introducing 1 or more corrections that isn't the proper 'fix'!

You have spent a great deal of time and money getting yourself properly sorted. Don't throw all that good effort away by introducing tweaks that may/may not achieve the result and are quite likely to make you regress! A simple vid to your coach pointing out the push/block swings should get a return reply with a 'proper' answer that is right for you!

In the meantime, you could simply adjust your aim! :whistle:

Absolutely agree.

It was more a proposed move based on the current flight of the ball.

Deleted Member 1156

Just be careful what you change, as technology improves and slo mo cameras etc get better things change.

I believe there is a new set of ball flight laws due out sometime next year although it could be a while before they filter down to the amateur game :thup:


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Just be careful what you change, as technology improves and slo mo cameras etc get better things change.

I believe there is a new set of ball flight laws due out sometime next year although it could be a while before they filter down to the amateur game :thup:

Will TM be bringing out 2 new sets of ball flight laws a year?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thank you all for you input on this topic.

A quick visit to my pro on the way home answered the question.

It turns out I do need to strengthen my grip, but only as the grip itself has moved a little too weak.

Thanks again all :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Thank you all for you input on this topic.

A quick visit to my pro on the way home answered the question.

It turns out I do need to strengthen my grip, but only as the grip itself has moved a little too weak.

Thanks again all :thup:

From your previous videos your grip was never 2 knuckles. Pretty sure that was pointed out to you not so long ago. pay attention Gareth. ;)