Ailsa Appeal - URGENT UPDATE


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May 3, 2008
Scotland via Ireland
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Some of you may remember last Christmas I started growing my hair and beard and shaved it off in March to help raise money and awareness for a little girl, who was enrolled in the nursery where I worked, who needs another bone marrow transplant.

Ailsa Croll is a 4 year old girl from Dundonald, Ayrshire, who has been been diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia.

Until April 2012, Ailsa was a normal, healthy girl until she was diagnosed with a blood disease called Aplastic Anemia. Few people know about this disease despite the fact that it is as common as some types of Leukaemia and just as devastating.

At the moment, Ailsa is being stabilised by blood transfusions at Yorkhill Hospital, Glasgow, but she now urgently requires another bone marrow transplant. Her future depends on her finding the right bone marrow match.

She did have a transplant but unfortunately it was unsuccessful and she is urgently needing a new donor. Previously you need to be between 18-35 to donate.

This has now changed - Delete Blood Cancer accepts people up to the age of 55. It is a very simple process to join this register and YOU could save someone's LIFE. What could be more worthwhile?

I urge you all to have a read and consider joining today. Please also share with your friends and family. Kids like Ailsa depend on you to give them a chance to lead a healthy, normal life again.

You can also still register on the

Please pass on these links to as may people as you can. Many thanks.



Aug 5, 2011
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just tried to register as I'm in the 'new' age group..........I'll pass this on where I can. Have you got in on twitter? I'll put it on twitter also.
Worth asking Sir Nick Faldo, Luke Donald etc to retweet as they mostly do for special appeals like this.

Well done for posting, lets see if we can make a difference

*edit* its on my twitter feed now..
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