Advice wanted for getting lessons


Club Champion
Apr 14, 2012
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So, despite me considering myself not a complete beginner it has dawned on me that, essentially, I am. My swing is all over the shop and a mish-mash of random bits of advice passed on from friends and family that doesn't really work for me. I was supposed to have a lesson last week but it was called off.

Long story short I want to get some lessons and "start over" as far as my golf journey is concerned. As pathetic as it sounds I'm a bit nervous about going and getting lessons but its the only way I'm ever going to improve my game. Anyway my question is as follows; I'm going to be going to Aberdeen links range to get my lessons but I'm not sure which "level" of coach is best for a beginner. The list of the professionals is at the list below.

was thinking that one of the PGA Trainee's would be the better option for starting out? Has anyone had lessons in Aberdeen before? Has anyone thats a beginner here ever been for lessons before? Everything I read is mainly people that have played for a while improving their game rather than complete beginners seeking a starting point. Again, I'm sure it sounds stupid, but I'm just a bit apprehensive about going for lessons without at least trying to get competent by myself first.

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.


Tour Rookie
Nov 13, 2011
st austell, cornwall
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I taught my self like you have done. After 18months or so I got lessons!!! Boy what a big mistake I made... I wish I got them so much sooner! It's took a few lessons and a few bad rounds but starting to notice a difference now. What ever your pro says don't doubt him he is saying it for a reason.
I was like you a bit apprehensive to the point of I shanked the first couple balls but soon settled down.
One of my mates wants to start golf and I advised him to have lessons straight away.
As for the Aberdeen thing sorry cant help you there


Club Champion
Apr 14, 2012
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Thanks Connor. I'm going to hopefully sort something for next week. Hopefully see an improvement in my game soon.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 7, 2011
South east wales
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I played for almost a year before i had my first lesson at the start of this month. Got some great advice from the pro and the day after i went out and shot 7 strokes better than my best at my home course :D so from my experience, lessons work even if you have been playing for a while