Advice needed on suitable knee support for damaged ACL/PCL


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I am currently playing around once a week but I suffer badly with a damaged knee from my previous hobby. I have No ACL and no PCL from breaking my knee, my meniscus (cartlidge) is shot to bits and due to this suffer slight slackness (if this is even a word) with the lateral ligaments in the knee. Generally its a very unstable and damaged joint, and at certain times i can suffer bad pain with it.

I used to wear a full set of knee braces when racing motorcycles, and I do have planned the ACL/PCL reconstruction which will be later this year or early next year.

My question is what sort of braces/supports are people with this sort of injury using?

I’m seeing a lot available from patella straps, soft supports, hinged supports to full on knee braces identical to what I used to have, but done want to go overkill on support so the knee becomes dependent on it.

I still current own my donjoy armour fixed hinged knee brace but im not sure if this is suitable for golf.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Jun 24, 2009
Ayrshire, Scotland
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Surely if your knees are as bad as that you're getting some physiotherapy ?
Your physiotherapist will give you better advice than folks on the forum.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Oddsoks welcome to the forum,but for your first post this is madness we are golfers not flaming doctors see your specialist unless the pain in your knee has spread to your brain then you will need a neurosurgeon.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Hi guys,

maybe i wasnt that clear in my initial post, the consultant has basically said its screwed, ive got 8 months to build the muscle groups up around the joint(as this sppeds recovery time) doing things like cycling, squats etc, nothing physio cant really help as its just about building more muscles.

I was basically interested to see if anyone has opinions of products that were on the marker that would suit golf. I dont want to wear a brace that is going to effect the swing etc.


Tour Rookie
Jul 27, 2008
Hertfordshire (Welwyn Garden)
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I'm currently recovering from an ACL reconstructive operation. I tried to build up the muscles in and around my knee before having the ACL op, but it didn't work for me. My leg was strong, but it wasn't enough to stop my knee buckling.

If you're considering taking part in any sport in the future, including golf. I would consult a surgeon about the possibility of a reconstruction, it was my understanding that my sporting life would be very limited without the op.

However, if you're hopeful that builiding up muscles will be sufficent, then best of luck to you. I hope it all goes well. I personally would use something like this, but that is by no means a professional recommendation!



Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Hi Sneds

thank you for your constructive reply, its nice to see that i am not alone in this type on injury while playing golf. My take on it is that for alot of people golf is a second hobby, and an acl wreck can be done from many sports and day to day duties so i was hoping that id get a reply from either someone who has experienced the same and knows the pain, or someone who had reviewed some products on the market and could give feedback.

The main fristration for me is that at the moment my game is close to my best and its getting frustrating that good cards are blowing out on the 14ht/15th of most rounds when my leg gets tiered.

I was hoping that reconstruction could be delayed due to muscle building, but like you have found this pretty much useless and unbenficial. as i posted about i have a full knee brace (rigid style) which im going to try at the range on thursday, if not a soft cell style brace(like your image) will be purcahsed on saturday as our next society is sunday.

Looks like another scar is on the cards..... oh goody!

thanks again.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Not sure I can suggest anything other than a neoprene support but I had this problem when I started golf (13 years) as I had snapped my ACL some years before.

I have had the knee reconstruction about 10 years now and have to say it's brilliant and I would not be walking now without the operation.

I found that wearing a knee support and working with a swing that didnt twist the knee too much was all I could do.

One thing I would like to stress - don't ignore the medical advice after the op, I played too soon after and, although I got away with it, I realised afterwards how stupid that was.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Hi chris,

how long was you out before you was back on the greens, ive phoned my GP now after having another dodgey round last night and asked for a re-referrall.

When i had keyhole last year i opted for the muscle build option first witht eh recon as a backup, ive now decided that recon is my way to go, ive just got to work out when its the right time with work and obvioulsy main time golf weather. ;)


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Hi Oddsocks

I went in on New Years day when I had the op and I played my first golf at Easter - I had my left knee done and I am right handed which is the more serious for my golf as it's the knee that I twist through at the end of my swing. I was told that the reconstruction gets weaker after its put in and then strengthens over the weeks of excercise - I played about 4 rounds that Easter week and got a hole in one as well ! I realise that I was stupid but I did complete the 52 weeks of physio that I agreed with my surgeon that I would do.

Incidentely, I had a new hip in late October last year and played 9 holes at 2 weeks 1 day but it was on the right hip so at least I didn't risk too much!

Someone I know had an ACL graft just before Xmas and came back a bit soon and had hamstring pulls - it takes ages to get full bend on the knee and the hamstring is vulnerable at this stage.

Anything I can help with please ask away.



Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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hi chris, this is a great help and thanks for the info. im basically now back in a full brace with the ICE method as i think my knee is a bit strained from monday, im gonna play sunday using a buggy, but until them in in a full brace.

Ive spoke to my gp and he is thinking that the acl repair is more essential than i hoped after reading the consultants notes, just hope sundays weather is good as from sunday im gonna have to take 3 weeks out resting the knee hoping is is just strained, after this back to the gym and try and rebuild more muscle groups in and around the knee. im guessing if my consultant can get me in around august time, thats golf for this year screwed.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Personally Oddsocks I would get in and have it done asap.

My knee bones were "dished out" where they were so unstable after playing about 10 years of tennis on it after snapping the ACL at footie. The repair is brilliant and if I just get the other hip done I will have precious little to moan about other than old age!

I wouldnt worry too much about the rest of the season as I think that you will be undergoing several months of physio and it doesnt matter how much exercise you do now , most of it will be lost after the op and you will be doing an exercise routine 3 to 5 times per day for many months after. The thing is though - its bl**dy brilliant!!

Get it done, get well and get back to golf is my opinion my friend


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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thats pretty much the route im going to go chris, IM hoping only being 30 with give me a slightly quicker rehab time to that of a 40/50/60 year old. but like you the body is pretty battered. Both hips have slipped hipithersis (SP) which were pinned when i was a kid, so i know thats going to be the next joint, regret the motocross badly as at 30 its left me in a major state.


Jul 11, 2009
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thats pretty much the route im going to go chris, IM hoping only being 30 with give me a slightly quicker rehab time to that of a 40/50/60 year old. but like you the body is pretty battered. Both hips have slipped hipithersis (SP) which were pinned when i was a kid, so i know thats going to be the next joint, regret the motocross badly as at 30 its left me in a major state.

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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kellfire, that could well be it, something to do with the joint on the top of the femor needing pinning, i had it on both sides....

I seem to recal the word biolateral being used somewhere in its description... althought it was 15/14 years agao.


Jul 11, 2009
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kellfire, that could well be it, something to do with the joint on the top of the femor needing pinning, i had it on both sides....

I seem to recal the word biolateral being used somewhere in its description... althought it was 15/14 years agao.

Bilateral just means you had it on both sides.