Recent content by zlinuk

  1. Z

    Maths Question

    Sorry, misread original post.
  2. Z

    Woman goes mental for chicken nuggets

    I'm lovin it
  3. Z

    Mice infestation...

    We had a mouse problem in our first house, we started off putting poison down which worked a treat, but they would just keel over and die in random places and the first thing you would know about it was the smell as they started to decompose. On one occasion we tracked one down that had died...
  4. Z

    Do I Think.........?

    I think you're over stating their credentials to be honest.
  5. Z

    Signed for an incorrect score....

    All very interesting, thanks.
  6. Z

    Signed for an incorrect score....

    I played in the monthly medal last Sunday and had a total howler, in due course I was awarded a .1 increase. During the round I hit the ball into my bag and incurred a 2 stroke penalty (or so I thought), now reading through FTF's "hit my umbrella" thread it seem that the penalty should have...
  7. Z

    Titleist 714 Irons Out Today!!

    I have the demo 6i's for the AP1, AP2 and CB in the boot of the car, I had a quick session on the range last night and will give them a thorough testing tomorrow.
  8. Z

    Wireless music buying advice ?

    +1 for Sonos, it's not what you might call cheap, but the quality is very good.
  9. Z

    My dissertation on happiness economics

    I'm like a little ray of sunshine me, survey completed.
  10. Z

    2013 Handicap challenge.....

    Now up to 18.3, moving steadily in the wrong direction.
  11. Z

    Laser rangefinders

    I've just got a V3 Tour and I love it. I was using a g6 approach previously, but couldn't gel with it.
  12. Z

    OSX Mavericks Anyone??? (Mac Users)

    Mail is working ok for me (so far).
  13. Z

    Possibly the most important poll of the year

    Brown every time, or Worcestershire.
  14. Z

    OSX Mavericks Anyone??? (Mac Users)

    I've installed it on my laptop, no issues at all. All of my MS apps (including remote desktop) are working fine. I've held off on the desktop just in case as that is a more work centric machine.
  15. Z

    How often do you play?

    5 maybe 6 times a week in the summer, 1 - 2 times a week this time of the year.