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rulie's latest activity

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    rulie reacted to bobmac's post in the thread Relief from GUR with Like Like.
    Or play where it lies
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    rulie reacted to 3 jabber's post in the thread Relief from GUR with Like Like.
    Many thanks 👍
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    rulie replied to the thread Relief from GUR.
    The only option for free relief from GUR is to find the nearest point of complete relief (no nearer the hole than the original spot of...
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    rulie replied to the thread Relief for safety.
    Stroke and distance is always an option. And, under 16.1c(2), you can use back-on-the-line relief outside the bunker for one penalty...
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    rulie replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    That would make you a bandit/sandbagger. The posts that talk about HI going up 3 shots in a week surprise me as there is the soft cap...
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    rulie reacted to Steve Wilkes's post in the thread Ball overhanging hole question with Like Like.
    If 10 seconds has elapsed after reaching the ball, an overhanging ball is deemed to be at rest even if it is still slowly moving. So...
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    rulie replied to the thread Hole In One?.
    Yes, the hole was over when the ball was holed. A holed ball is no longer in play - when you are searching, you're looking for your...
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    rulie reacted to Doon frae Troon's post in the thread Measuring Distance Walked with Like Like.
    My skills at measuring distance do not seem to be failing with old age and not playing for over 7 years. My wife walks at least a mile a...
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    rulie replied to the thread Golf Random Irritations.
    It's like the media these days - if there's no victim, there's no story.
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    rulie replied to the thread Laser or GPS?.
    No, I use a laser periodically. I've played my home course enough times to know most of the yardages without measuring them Our course...
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    rulie replied to the thread Laser or GPS?.
    But apparently good enough to be able to hit the next shot the exact distance of the measurement, so that estimation isn't sufficient?
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    rulie replied to the thread Laser or GPS?.
    FWIW, sprinkler heads are generally 22-23 yards apart. What amazes me is those that play the same course every time out and still need a...
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    rulie replied to the thread Divot versus aim.
    The "v" formed by the thumb and index finger should point towards the area between your right shoulder and chin - both hands. As others...
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    rulie replied to the thread Laser or GPS?.
    Speedometers have been around much longer than gps or lasers for golf. How on earth did players manage before 1990 (or whatever date...
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    rulie replied to the thread Divot versus aim.
    Put a cardboard shoe box just outside the ball, in the direction of play, with half of the box behind the ball's location. Hit the...