Recent content by JazzyJust

  1. JazzyJust

    Belly Putter to Normal Length Putter

    Swapped to a 34" Odyssey Metal X No.8 with a Super Stroke Lite 55 Grip and spent a good 45 minutes on the putting green before playing in a winter league match. I noticed the difference after I stopped looking straight at the hole as soon as I hit the ball and kept my head still, and the...
  2. JazzyJust

    Putter Refinishing or Refurbishing in the South East

    Does anyone know if there is anyone in South East, preferably in Kent or close to the Kent borders that does putter refinishing or refurbishing?
  3. JazzyJust

    2014 Forum matchplay "King of Kings" competition...

    1. Justone (Gatwick) 2. Liverbirdie (Liverpool) 3. Lincoln Quaker (Lincoln?) 4. Khamelion (Newcastle) 5. Robobum (Swindon) 6. Pbrown7582 (Yorkshire) 7. Qwerty (Chorley,Lancs) 8. Bluewolf (Wigan,Lancs) 9. Virtuocity (Lanarkshire) 10. Jimbob.Someroo (West London/Middlesex) 11. Coolhand (SW...
  4. JazzyJust

    Could this be done?

    I'd be up for a Kent Region if it's handicapped.
  5. JazzyJust

    Belly Putter to Normal Length Putter

    I probably doesn't help, also I don't always grip it in the same place
  6. JazzyJust

    Belly Putter to Normal Length Putter

    Honest answer not enough since I got back into golf.
  7. JazzyJust

    Belly Putter to Normal Length Putter

    Thanks. I've just looked on the AG website and searched for Pro-Core but it couldn't find anything. How does Pro-Core work?
  8. JazzyJust

    Belly Putter to Normal Length Putter

    I struggle with distance control at the moment with my belly putter and costing me shots, so I thought going back to a standard one would help.
  9. JazzyJust

    Belly Putter to Normal Length Putter

    I'm looking at getting a 34" putter with a Super Stroke Slim Grip on it to see if it makes any improvements with my putting. Has anyone gone from a belly putter to a normal length putter. If you have what improvements have you seen since doing it?
  10. JazzyJust

    what clubs have you bought this year?

    I've bought basically every club in my bag apart from my putter in the last 3 months.
  11. JazzyJust

    Adidas Adizero Sport TRXN Golf Shoes

    No worries, just looking forward to get them
  12. JazzyJust

    Adidas Adizero Sport TRXN Golf Shoes

    I ended up buying a pair of Puma Spark Sport 2's just waiting on delivery now.
  13. JazzyJust

    Apps For the I Phone

    I've just installed Tour Caddie on mine for GPS, one of my playing partners on Sunday used it and swore by it.
  14. JazzyJust

    Sand Wedge Loft

    Going by what Vice says it's 44° but I don't know how to measure the degree. I didn't get the Amp Cell SW. Might look at the 59°
  15. JazzyJust

    Sand Wedge Loft

    I used to have Hotblade Gap and Lob Wedge, but just swapped to a 53 degree Cobra Trusty Rusty for last weekends Medal and I have a Cobra Cell Pitching Wedge.